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 and not make a mark on its hideless back。
 He heard Pie calling behind him now: 〃Where the hell are you?〃
 The mystif was following him into the shadows; he saw。
 〃Don't e any further;〃 he told it。
 〃Why not?〃
 〃I may need a marker to find my way back。〃
 〃Just turn around。〃
 〃Not till I find her;〃 Gentle said; forging on with his arms outstretched。
 The floor was slick beneath him; and he had to proceed with extreme caution。 But without the woman to guide them through the mountain; this maze might prove as fatal as the snows they'd escaped。 He had to find her。
 〃Can you still hear me?〃 he called back to Pie。
 The voice that told him yes was as faint as a long…distance call on a failing line。
 〃Keep talking;〃 he yelled。
 〃What do you want me to say?〃
 〃Anything。 Sing a song。〃
 〃I'm tone deaf。〃
 〃Talk about food; then。〃
 〃All right;〃 said Pie; 〃I already told you about the ugi…chee and the bellyful of eggs…〃
 〃It's the foulest thing I ever heard;〃 Gentle replied。
 〃You'll like it once you taste it。〃
 〃As the actress said to the bishop。〃
 He heard Pie's muted laughter e his way。 Then the mystif said; 〃You hated me almost as much as you hated fish; remember? And I converted you。〃
 〃I never hated you。〃
 〃In New York you did。〃
 〃Not even then。 I was just confused。 I'd never slept with a mystif before。〃
 〃How did you like it?〃
 〃It's better than fish but not as good as chocolate。〃
 〃What did you say?〃
 〃I said…〃
 〃Gentle? I can hardly hear you。〃
 〃I'm still here!〃 he replied; shouting now。 〃I'd like to do it again sometime; Pie。〃
 〃Do what?〃
 〃Sleep with you。〃
 〃I'll have to think about it。〃
 〃What do you want; a proposal of marriage?〃
 〃That might do it。〃
 〃All right!〃 Gentle called back。 〃So marry me!〃
 There was silence behind him。 He stopped and turned。 Pie's form was a blurred shadow against the distant light of the sanctum。
 〃Did you hear me?〃 he yelled。
 〃I'm thinking it over。〃
 Gentle laughed; despite the darkness and the unease it had wrung from him。 〃You can't take forever; Pie;〃 he hollered。 〃I need an answer in…〃 He stopped as his outstretched fingers made contact with something frozen and solid。 〃Oh; shit〃
 〃What's wrong?〃
 〃It's a fucking dead end!〃 he said; stepping right up to the surface he'd encountered and running his palms over the ice。 〃Just a blank wall。〃
 But that wasn't the whole story。 The suspicion he'd had that this was nebulous territory was stronger than ever。 There was something on the other side of this wall; if he could only reach it。
 〃Make your way back;〃 he heard Pie entreating。
 〃Not yet;〃 he said to himself; knowing the words wouldn't reach the mystif。 He raised his hand to his mouth and snatched an expelled breath;
 〃Did you hear me; Gentle?〃 Pie called。
 Without replying he slammed the pneuma against the wall; a technique his palm was now expert in。 The sound of the blow was swallowed by the murk; but the force he unleashed shook a freezing hail down from the roof。 He didn't wait for the reverberations to settle but delivered a second blow; and a third; each impact opening further the wounds in his hand; adding blood to the violence of his blows。 Perhaps it fueled them。 If his breath and spittle did such service; what power might his blood contain; or his semen?
 As he stopped to draw a fresh lungful; he heard the mystif yelling; and turned to see it moving towards him across a gulf of frantic shadow。 It wasn't just the wall and the roof above that was shaken by his assault: the very air was in a furor; shaking Pie's silhouette into fragments。 As his eyes fought to fix the image; a vast spear of ice divided the space between them; hitting the ground and shattering。 He had time to raise his arms over his face before the shards struck him; but their impact threw him back against the wall。
 〃You'll bring the whole place down!〃 he heard Pie yell as new spears fell。
 〃It's too late to change our minds!〃 Gentle replied。 〃Move; Pie!''
 Light…footed; even on this lethal ground; the mystif dodged through the ice towards Gentle's voice。 Before it was even at his side; he turned to attack the wall afresh; knowing that if it didn't capitulate very soon they'd be buried where they stood。 Snatching another breath from his lips he delivered it against the wall; and this time the shadows failed to swallow the sound。 It rang out like a thunderous bell。 The shock wave would have pitched him to the floor had the mystif s arms not been there to catch him。 〃This is a passing place!〃 it yelled
 〃What does that mean?〃
 〃Two breaths this time;〃 was its reply。 〃Mine as well as yours; in one hand。 Do you understand me?〃
 He couldn't see the mystif; but he felt it raise his hand to
 its mouth。
 〃On a count of three;〃 Pie said。 〃One。〃
 Gentle drew a breathful of furious air。
 He drew again; deeper still。
 And he expelled it; mingled with Pie's; into his hand。 Human flesh wasn't designed to govern such force。 Had Pie not been beside him to brace his shoulder and wrist; the power would have erupted from his palm and taken his hand with it。 But they flung themselves forward in unison; and he opened his hand the instant before it struck the wall。 The roar from above redoubled; but it was drowned out moments later by the havoc they'd wrought ahead of them。 Had there been room to retreat they'd have done so; but the roof was pitching down a fusillade of stalactites; and all they could do was shield their bare heads and stand their ground as the wall stoned them for their crime; knocking them to their knees as it split and fell。 The motion went on for what seemed like minutes; the ground shuddering so violently they were thrown down yet again; this time to their faces。 Then; by degrees; the convulsions slowed。 The hail of stone and ice became a drizzle; and stopped; and a miraculous gust brought warm wind to their faces。
 They looked up。 The air was murky; but light was catching glints off the daggers they lay on; and its source was somewhere…up ahead。 The mystif was first to its feet; hauling Gentle up beside it。
 〃A passing place;〃 it said again。
 It put its arm around Gentle's shoulders; and together they stumbled towards the warmth that had roused them。 Though the gloom was still deep; they could make out the vague presence of the wall。 For all the scale of the upheaval; the fissure they'd made was scarcely more than a man's height。 On the other side it was foggy; but each step took them closer to the light。 As they went; their feet sinking into a soft sand that was the color of the fog; they heard the ice bells again and looked back; expecting to see the women following。 But the fog already obscured the fissure and the sanctum beyond; and when the bells stopped; as they did moments later; they lost all sense of its direction。
 〃We've e out into the Third Dominion;〃 Pie said。
 〃No more mountains? No more snow?〃
 〃Not unless you want to find〃 your way back to thank them。〃
 Gentle peered ahead into the fog。 〃Is this the only way out of the Fourth?〃
 〃Lord; no;〃 said Pie。 〃If we'd gone the scenic route we'd have had the choice of a hundred places to cross。 But this must have been their secret way; before the ice sealed it up。〃
 The light showed Gentle the mystif s face now; and it bore a wide smile。
 〃You did fine work;〃 Pie said。 〃I thought you'd gone crazy。〃
 〃I think I did; a little;〃 Gentle replied。 〃I must have a destructive streak。 Hapexamendios would be proud of me。〃 He halted to give his body a moment's rest。 〃I hope there's more than fog in the Third。〃
 〃Oh; believe me; there is。 It's the Dominion I've longed to see more than any other; while I've been in the Fifth。 It's full of light and fertility。 We'll rest; and we'll feed; and we'll get strong again。 Maybe go to L'Himby and see my friend Scopique。 We deserve to indulge ourselves for a few days before we head for the Second and join the Lenten Way。〃
 〃Will that take us to Yzordderrex?〃
 〃Indeed it will;〃 Pie said; coaxing Gentle into motion again。 〃The Lenten Way's the longest road in the Tmajica; It must be the length of the Americas; and more。〃
 〃A map!〃 said Gentle。 〃I must start making that map。〃
 The fog was beginning to thin; and with the growing light came plants: the first greenery they'd seen since the foothills of the Jokalaylau。 They picked up their pace as the vegetation became lusher and scented; calling them on to the sun。
 〃Remember; Gentle;〃 Pie said; when they'd gone a little way; 〃I accepted。〃
 〃Accepted what?〃 Gentle asked。
 The fog was wispy now; they could see a warm new world awaiting them。
 〃You proposed; my friend; don't you remember?〃
 〃I didn't hear you accept。〃
 〃But I did;〃 the mystif replied; as the verdant landscape was unveiled before them。 〃If we do nothing else in this Dominion; we should at the very least get married!〃
 England saw an early spring that year; with the days being balmy at the end of February and; by the middle of March; warm enough to have coaxed April and May flowers forth。 The pundits were opining that if no further frosts came along to kill the blooms and chill the chicks in their nests; there would be a surge of new l
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