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ld but blue; two; that it burned without fuel; the flames hovering six inches above the bottom of the bowl。 But oh; it was warm。 The cobs of ice in Gentle's beard melted and dropped off; the snowflakes became beads on Pie's smooth brow and cheek。 The warmth brought a whoop of pure pleasure to Gentle's lips; and he opened his aching arms to Pie 'oh' pah。
 〃We're not going to die!〃 he said。 〃Didn't I tell you? We're not going to die!〃
 The mystif hugged him in return; its lips first pressed to Gentle's neck; then to his face。
 〃All right; I was wrong;〃 it said。 〃There! I admit it!〃
 〃So we go on and find the women; yes?〃
 〃Yes!〃 it said。
 A sound was waiting for them when the echoes of their enthusiasm died。 A tinkling; as of ice bells。
 〃They're calling us;〃 Gentle said。
 The doeki had found a little paradise by the fire and was not about to move; for all Pie's attempts to tug it to its feet。
 〃Leave it awhile;〃 Gentle said; before the mystif began a fresh round of profanities。 〃It's given good service。 Let it rest。 We can e back and fetch it later。〃
 The passage they now followed not only curved but di… vided many times; the routes all lit by fire bowls。 They chose between them by listening for the sound of the bells; which didn't seem to be getting any closer。 Each choice; of course; made the likelihood of finding their way back to the doeki more uncertain。
 〃This place is a maze;〃 Pie said; with a touch of the old unease creeping back into its voice。 〃I think we should stop and assess exactly what we're doing。〃
 〃Finding the Goddesses。〃
 〃And losing our transport while we do it。 We're neither of us in any state to go much farther on foot。〃
 〃I don't feel so bad。 Except for my hands。〃 He raised them in front of his face; palm up。 They were puffy and bruised; the lacerations livid。 〃I suppose I look like that all over。 Did you hear the bells? They're just around the corner; I swear!〃
 〃They've been just around the corner for the last three quarters of an hour。 They're not getting any closer; Gentle。 It's some kind of trick。 We should go back for the animal before it's slaughtered。〃
 〃I don't think they'd shed blood in here;〃 Gentle replied。 The bells came again。 〃Listen to that。 They are closer。〃 He went to the next corner; sliding on the ice。 〃Pie。 e look。〃
 Pie joined him at the corner。 Ahead of them the passageway narrowed to a doorway。
 〃What did I tell you?〃 Gentle said; and headed on to the door and through it。
 The sanctum on the other side wasn't vast…the size of a modest church; no more…but it had been hewn with such cunning it gave the impression of magnificence。 It had sustained great damage; however。 Despite its myriad pillars; chased by the finest craft; and its vaults of ice…sleek stone; its walls were pitted; its floor gouged。 Nor did it take great wit to see that the objects that had been buried in the glacier had once been part of its furniture。 The altar lay in hammered ruins at its center; and among the wreckage were fragments of blue stone; matching that of the statue the girl had carried。 Now; more certainly than ever; they were standing in a place that carried the marks of Hapexa…mendios' passing。
 〃In His footsteps;〃 Gentle murmured。
 〃Oh; yes;〃 Pie murmured。 〃He was here。〃
 〃And so were the women;〃 Gentle said。 〃But I don't think they ate men's balls。 I think their ceremonies were more loving than that。〃 He went down on his haunches; running his fingers over the carved fragments。 〃I wonder what they did? I'd like to have seen the rites。〃
 〃They'd have ripped you limb from limb。〃
 〃Because their devotions weren't for men's eyes。〃
 〃You could have got in; though; couldn't you?〃 Gentle said。 〃You would have been a perfect spy。 You could have seen it。〃
 〃It's not the seeing;〃 Pie said softly; 〃it's the feeling。〃
 Gentle stood up; gazing at the mystif with new prehension。 〃I think I envy you; Pie;〃 he said。 〃You know what it feels like to be both; don't you? I never thought of that before。 Will you tell me how it feels; one of these days?〃
 〃You'd be better off finding out for yourself;〃 Pie said。
 〃And how do I do that?〃
 〃This isn't the time…〃
 〃Tell me。〃
 〃Well; mystifs have their rites; just like men and women。 Don't worry; I won't make you spy on me。 You'll be invited; if that's what you want。〃
 The remotest twinge of fear touched Gentle as he listened to this。 He'd bee almost blase about the many wonders they'd witnessed as they traveled; but the creature that had been at his side these many days remained; he realized; undiscovered。 He had never seen it naked since that first encounter in New York; nor kissed it the way a lover might kiss; nor allowed himself to feel sexual towards it。 Perhaps it was because he'd been thinking of the women here; and their secret rites; but now; like it or not; he was looking at Pie 'oh' pah and was aroused。
 Pain diverted him from these thoughts; and he looked down at his hands to see that in his unease he'd made fists of them and reopened the cuts in his palms。 Blood dropped onto the ice underfoot; shockingly red。 With the sight of it came a memory he'd consigned to the back of his head。
 〃What's wrong?〃 Pie said。
 But Gentle didn't have the breath to reply。 He could hear the frozen river cracking beneath him; and the howl of the Unbeheld's agents wheeling overhead。 He could feel his hand slamming; slamming; slamming against the glacier and the thorns of ice flying up into his face。
 The mystif had e to his side。 〃Gentle;〃 it said; anxious now。 〃Speak to me; will you? What's wrong?〃
 It put its arms around Gentle's shoulders; and at its touch Gentle drew breath。
 〃The women 。 。 。〃 he said。
 〃What about them?〃
 〃It was me who freed them。'1
 〃Pneuma。 How else?〃
 〃You undid the Unbeheld's handiwork?〃 the mystif said; its voice barely audible。 〃For our sake I hope the women were the only witnesses。〃
 〃There were agents; just as you said there'd be。 They almost killed me。 But I hurt them back。〃
 〃This is bad news。〃
 〃Why? If I'm going to bleed; let Him bleed a little too。〃
 〃Hapexamendios doesn't bleed。〃
 〃Everything bleeds; Pie。 Even God。 Maybe especially God。 Or else why did He hide Himself away?〃
 As he spoke the tinkling bells sounded again; closer than ever; and glancing over Gentle's shoulder Pie said; 〃She must have been waiting for that little heresy。〃
 Gentle turned to see the beckoning woman standing halfway in shadow at the end of the sanctum。 The ice that still clung to her body hadn't melted; suggesting that; like the walls; the flesh it was encrusted upon was still below zero。 There were cobs of ice in her hair; and when she moved her head a little; as she did now; they struck each other and tinkled like tiny bells。
 〃I brought you out of the ice;〃 Gentle said; stepping past Pie to approach her。
 The woman said nothing。
 〃Do you understand me?〃 Gentle went on; 〃Will you lead us out of here? We want to find a way through the mountain。〃
 The woman took a step backwards; retreating into the shadows。
 〃Don't be afraid of me;〃 Gentle said。 〃Pie! Help me out here。〃
 〃Maybe she doesn't understand English。〃
 〃She understands you well enough。〃
 〃Just talk to her; will you?〃 Gentle said。
 Ever obedient; Pie began to speak in a tongue Gentle hadn't heard before; its musicality reassuring even if the words were unintelligible。 But neither music nor sense seemed to impress the woman。 She continued to retreat into the darkness; Gentle pursuing cautiously; fearful of startling her but more fearful still of losing her entirely。 His additions to Pie's persuasions had dwindled to the basest bargaining。
 〃One favor deserves another;〃 he said。
 Pie was right; she did indeed understand。 Even though she stood in shadow; he could see that a little smile was playing on her sealed lips。 Damn her; he thought; why wouldn't she answer him? The bells still rang in her hair; however; and he kept following them even when the shadows became so heavy she was virtually lost among them。 He glanced back towards the mystif; who had by now given up any attempt to municate with the woman and instead addressed Gentle。
 〃Don't go any further;〃 it said。
 Though he was no more than fifty yards from where the mystif stood; its voice sounded unnaturally remote; as though another law besides that of distance and light held sway in the space between them。
 〃I'm still here。 Can you see me?〃 he called back; and; gratified to hear the mystif reply that it could; he returned his gaze to the shadows。
 The woman had disappeared however。 Cursing; he plunged on towards the place where she'd last stood; his sense that this was equivocal terrain intensifying。 The darkness had a nervous quality; like a bad liar attempting to shoo him off with shrugs。 He wouldn't go。 The more it trembled; the more eager he became to see what it was hiding。 Sightless though he was; he wasn't blind to the risk he was taking。 Minutes before he'd told Pie that everything was vulnerable。 But nobody; not even the Unbeheld; could make darkness bleed。 If it closed on him he could claw at it forever and not make a mark on its hideless back。
 He heard Pie calling behind him now: 〃Where the hell a
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