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history of florence-第45章

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followed by fortunate events; we should only encourage men in error

which would bring great mischief upon the republic; because evil

counsel is not always attended with happy consequences。 In the same

way; it would be wrong to blame a wise resolution; because if its

being attended with an unfavorable issue; for by so doing; we should

destroy the inclination of citizens to offer advice and speak the

truth。 He then showed the propriety of undertaking the war; and that

if it had not been commenced by the Florentines in Romagna the duke

would have assailed them in Tuscany。 But since it had pleased God;

that the Florentine people should be overcome; their loss would be

still greater if they allowed themselves to be dejected; but if they

set a bold front against adversity; and made good use of the means

within their power; they would not be sensible of their loss or the

duke of his victory。 He assured them they ought not to be alarmed by

impending expenses and consequent taxation; because the latter might

be reduced; and the future expense would not be so great as the former

had been; for less preparation is necessary for those engaged in self…

defense than for those who design to attack others。 He advised them to

imitate the conduct of their forefathers; who; by courageous conduct

in adverse circumstances; had defended themselves against all their


Thus encouraged; the citizens engaged Count Oddo the son of Braccio;

and united with him; for directing the operations of the war; Niccolo

Piccinino; a pupil of his father's; and one of the most celebrated of

all who had served under him。 To these they added other leaders; and

remounted some of those who had lost their horses in the late defeat。

They also appointed twenty citizens to levy new taxes; who finding the

great quite subdued by the recent loss; took courage and drained them

without mercy。

These burdens were very grievous to the nobility; who at first; in

order to conciliate; did not complain of their own particular

hardships; but censured the tax generally as unjust; and advised that

something should be done in the way of relief; but their advice was

rejected in the Councils。 Therefore; to render the law as offensive as

possible; and to make all sensible of its injustice; they contrived

that the taxes should be levied with the utmost rigor; and made it

lawful to kill any that might resist the officers employed to collect

them。 Hence followed many lamentable collisions; attended with the

blood and death of citizens。 It began to be the impression of all;

that arms would be resorted to; and all prudent persons apprehended

some approaching evil; for the higher ranks; accustomed to be treated

with respect; could not endure to be used like dogs; and the rest were

desirous that the taxation should be equalized。 In consequence of this

state of things; many of the first citizens met together; and it was

resolved that it had become necessary for their safety; that some

attempt should be made to recover the government; since their want of

vigilance had encouraged men to censure public actions; and allowed

those to interfere in affairs who had hitherto been merely the leaders

of the rabble。 Having repeatedly discussed the subject; they resolved

to meet again at an appointed hour; when upwards of seventy citizens

assembled in the church of St。 Stephen; with the permission of Lorenzo

Ridolfi and Francesco Gianfigliazzi; both members of the Signory。

Giovanni de' Medici was not among them either because being under

suspicion he was not invited or that entertaining different views he

was unwilling to interfere。

Rinaldo degli Albizzi addressed the assembly; describing the condition

of the city; and showing how by their own negligence it had again

fallen under the power of the plebeians; from whom it had been wrested

by their fathers in 1381。 He reminded them of the iniquity of the

government which was in power from 1378 to 1381; and that all who were

then present had to lament; some a father; others a grandfather; put

to death by its tyranny。 He assured them they were now in the same

danger; and that the city was sinking under the same disorders。 The

multitude had already imposed a tax of its own authority; and would

soon; if not restrained by greater force or better regulations;

appoint the magistrates; who; in this case; would occupy their places;

and overturn the government which for forty…two years had ruled the

city with so much glory; the citizens would then be subject to the

will of the multitude; and live disorderly and dangerous; or be under

the command of some individual who might make himself prince。 For

these reasons he was of opinion; that whoever loved his country and

his honor must arouse himself; and call to mind the virtue of Bardo

Mancini; who; by the ruin of the Alberti; rescued the city from the

dangers then impending; and that the cause of the audacity now assumed

by the multitude was the extensive Squittini or Pollings; which; by

their negligence; were allowed to be made; for thus the palace had

become filled with low men。 He therefore concluded; that the only

means of remedying the evil was to restore the government to the

nobility; and diminish the authority of the minor trades by reducing

the companies from fourteen to seven; which would give the plebeians

less authority in the Councils; both by the reduction in their number

and by increasing the authority of the great; who; on account of

former enmities; would be disinclined to favor them。 He added; that it

is a good thing to know how to avail themselves of men according to

the times; and that as their fathers had used the plebeians to reduce

the influence of the great; that now; the great having been humbled;

and the plebeians become insolent; it was well to restrain the

insolence of the latter by the assistance of the former。 To effect

this they might proceed either openly or otherwise; for some of them

belonging to the Council of Ten; forces might be led into the city

without exciting observation。

Rinaldo was much applauded; and his advice was approved of by the

whole assembly。 Niccolo da Uzzano who; among others; replied to it;

said; 〃All that Rinaldo had advanced was correct; and the remedies he

proposed good and certain; if they could be adopted without an

absolute division of the city; and this he had no doubt would be

effected if they could induce Giovanni de' Medici to join them; for

with him on their side; the multitude being deprived of their chief

and stay; would be unable to oppose them; but that if he did not

concur with them they could do nothing without arms; and that with

them they would incur the risk of being vanquished; or of not being

able to reap the fruit of victory。〃 He then modestly reminded them of

what he had said upon a former occasion; and of their reluctance to

remedy the evil when it might easily have been done; that now the same

remedy could not be attempted without incurring the danger of greater

evils; and therefore there was nothing left for them to do but to gain

him over to their side; if practicable。 Rinaldo was then commissioned

to wait upon Giovanni and try if he could induce him to join them。

He undertook this commission; and in the most prevailing words he

could make use of endeavored to induce him to coincide with their

views; and begged that he would not by favoring an audacious mob;

enable them to complete the ruin both of the government and the city。

To this Giovanni replied; that he considered it the duty of a good and

wise citizen to avoid altering the institutions to which a city is

accustomed; there being nothing so injurious to the people as such a

change; for many are necessarily offended; and where there are several

discontented; some unpropitious event may be constantly apprehended。

He said it appeared to him that their resolution would have two

exceedingly pernicious effects; the one conferring honors on those

who; having never possessed them; esteemed them the less; and

therefore had the less occasion to grieve for their absence; the other

taking them from those who being accustomed to their possession would

never be at rest till they were restored to them。 It would thus be

evident that the injury done to one party; was greater than the

benefit they had conferred upon the other; so that whoever was the

author of the proposition; he would gain few friends and make many

enemies; and that the latter would be more resolutely bent on injuring

him than the former would be zealous for his defense; for mankind are

naturally more disposed to revenge than to gratitude; as if the latter

could only be exercised with some inconvenience to themselves; while

the former brings alike gratification and profit。 Then; directing his

discourse more particularly to Rinaldo; he said; 〃And you; if you

could call to mind past events; and knew how craftily affairs are

conducted in t
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