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history of florence-第44章

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legate of Bologna; in opposition to his engagement respecting the

Panaro。 These things disturbed the minds of the citizens; and made

them; apprehensive of new troubles; consider the means to be adopted

for their defense。

The dissatisfaction of the Florentines coming to the knowledge of

Filippo; he; either to justify himself; or to become acquainted with

their prevailing feelings; or to lull them to repose; sent ambassadors

to the city; to intimate that he was greatly surprised at the

suspicions they entertained; and offered to revoke whatever he had

done that could be thought a ground of jealousy。 This embassy produced

no other effect than that of dividing the citizens; one party; that in

greatest reputation; judged it best to arm; and prepare to frustrate

the enemy's designs; and if he were to remain quiet; it would not be

necessary to go to war with him; but an endeavor might be made to

preserve peace。 Many others; whether envious of those in power; or

fearing a rupture with the duke; considered it unadvisable so lightly

to entertain suspicions of an ally; and thought his proceedings need

not have excited so much distrust; that appointing the ten and hiring

forces was in itself a manifest declaration of war; which; if

undertaken against so great a prince; would bring certain ruin upon

the city without the hope of any advantage; for possession could never

be retained of the conquests that might be made; because Romagna lay

between; and the vicinity of the church ought to prevent any attempt

against Romagna itself。 However the views of those who were in favor

of war prevailed; the Council of Ten were appointed; forces were

hired; and new taxes levied; which; as they were more burdensome upon

the lower than the upper ranks; filled the city with complaints; and

all condemned the ambition and avarice of the great; declaring that;

to gratify themselves and oppress the people; they would go to war

without any justifiable motive。

They had not yet come to an open rupture with the duke; but everything

tended to excite suspicion; for Filippo had; at the request of the

legate of Bologna (who was in fear of Antonio Bentivogli; an emigrant

of Bologna at Castel Bolognese); sent forces to that city; which;

being close upon the Florentine territory; filled the citizens with

apprehension; but what gave every one greater alarm; and offered

sufficient occasion for the declaration of war; was the expedition

made by the duke against Furli。 Giorgio Ordelaffi was lord of Furli;

who dying; left Tibaldo; his son; under the guardianship of Filippo。

The boy's mother; suspicious of his guardian; sent him to Lodovico

Alidossi; her father; who was lord of Imola; but she was compelled by

the people of Furli to obey the will of her deceased husband; to

withdraw him from the natural guardian; and place him in the hands of

the duke。 Upon this Filippo; the better to conceal his purpose; caused

the Marquis of Ferrara to send Guido Torello as his agent; with

forces; to seize the government of Furli; and thus the territory fell

into the duke's hands。 When this was known at Florence; together with

the arrival of forces at Bologna; the arguments in favor of war were

greatly strengthened; but there were still many opposed to it; and

among the rest Giovanni de' Medici; who publicly endeavored to show;

that even if the ill designs of the duke were perfectly manifest; it

would still be better to wait and let him commence the attack; than to

assail him; for in the former case they would be justified in the view

of the princes of Italy as well as in their own; but if they were to

strike the first blow at the duke; public opinion would be as

favorable to him as to themselves; and besides; they could not so

confidently demand assistance as assailants; as they might do if

assailed; and that men always defend themselves more vigorously when

they attack others。 The advocates of war considered it improper to

await the enemy in their houses; and better to go and seek him; that

fortune is always more favorable to assailants than to such as merely

act on the defensive; and that it is less injurious; even when

attended with greater immediate expense; to make war at another's door

than at our own。 These views prevailed; and it was resolved that the

ten should provide all the means in their power for rescuing Furli

from the hands of the duke。

Filippo; finding the Florentines resolved to occupy the places he had

undertaken to defend; postponed all personal considerations; and sent

Agnolo della Pergola with a strong force against Imola; that Ludovico;

having to provide for the defense of his own possessions; might be

unable to protect the interests of his grandson。 Agnolo approached

Imola while the forces of the Florentines were at Modigliana; and an

intense frost having rendered the ditches of the city passable; he

crossed them during the night; captured the place; and sent Lodovico a

prisoner to Milan。 The Florentines finding Imola in the hands of the

enemy; and the war publicly known; sent their forces to Furli and

besieged it on all sides。 That the duke's people might not relieve it;

they hired Count Alberigo; who from Zagonara; his own domain; overran

the country daily; up to the gates of Imola。 Agnolo della Pergola;

finding the strong position which the Florentines had taken prevented

him from relieving Furli; determined to attempt the capture of

Zagonara; thinking they would not allow that place to be lost; and

that in the endeavor to relieve it they would be compelled to give up

their design against Furli; and come to an engagement under great

disadvantage。 Thus the duke's people compelled Alberigo to sue for

terms; which he obtained on condition of giving up Zagonara; if the

Florentines did not relieve him within fifteen days。 This misfortune

being known in the Florentine camp and in the city; and all being

anxious that the enemy should not obtain the expected advantage; they

enabled him to secure a greater; for having abandoned the siege of

Furli to go to the relief of Zagonara; on encountering the enemy they

were soon routed; not so much by the bravery of their adversaries as

by the severity of the season; for; having marched many hours through

deep mud and heavy rain; they found the enemy quite fresh; and were

therefore easily vanquished。 Nevertheless; in this great defeat;

famous throughout all Italy; no death occurred except those of

Lodovico degli Obizi and two of his people; who having fallen from

their horses were drowned in the morass。


  The Florentines murmur against those who had been advocates of the

  warRinaldo degli Albizzi encourages the citizensMeasures for

  the prosecution of the warAttempt of the higher classes to

  deprive the plebeians of their share in the governmentRinaldo

  degli Albizzi addresses an assembly of citizens and advises the

  restoration of the /Grandi/Niccolo da Uzzano wishes to have

  Giovanni de' Medici on their sideGiovanni disapproves of the

  advice of Rinaldo degli Albizzi。

The defeat at Zagonara spread consternation throughout Florence; but

none felt it so severely as the nobility; who had been in favor of the

war; for they perceived their enemies to be inspirited and themselves

disarmed; without friends; and opposed by the people; who at the

corners of streets insulted them with sarcastic expressions;

complaining of the heavy taxes; and the unnecessary war; and saying;

〃Oh! they appointed the ten to frighten the enemy。 Have they relieved

Furli; and rescued her from the hands of the duke? No! but their

designs have been discovered; and what had they in view? not the

defense of liberty; for they do not love her; but to aggrandize their

own power; which God has very justly abated。 This is not the only

enterprise by many a one with which they have oppressed the city; for

the war against King Ladislaus was of a similar kind。 To whom will

they flee for assistance now? to Pope Martin; whom they ridiculed

before the face of Braccio; or to Queen Giovanna; whom they abandoned;

and compelled to throw herself under the protection of the king of

Aragon?〃 To these reproaches was added all that might be expected from

an enraged multitude。

Seeing the discontent so prevalent; the Signory resolved to assemble a

few citizens; and with soft words endeavor to soothe the popular

irritation。 On this occasion; Rinaldo degli Albizzi; the eldest son of

Maso; who; by his own talents and the respect he derived from the

memory of his father; aspired to the first offices in the government;

spoke at great length; showing that it is not right to judge of

actions merely by their effects; for it often happens that what has

been very maturely considered is attended with unfavorable results:

that if we are to applaud evil counsels because they are sometimes

followed by fortunate events; we should only encourage men in error

which w
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