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hard cash-第17章

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Miss Julia's ailment was nothing to speak of; but they were in care along of being so wrapped up in her; and no wonder; for if ever there was a duck!〃

Acting on this intelligence; Alfred went early the next Sunday to St。 Anne's Church; and sat down in the side gallery at its east end。 While the congregation flowed quietly in; the organist played the _Agnus Dei_ of Mozart。 Those pious tender tones stole over his hot young heart; and whispered; 〃Peace; be still!〃 He sighed wearily; and it passed through his mind that it might have been better for him; and especially for his studies; if he had never seen her。 Suddenly the aisle seemed to lighten up; she was gliding along it; beautiful as May; and modesty itself in dress and carriage。 She went into a pew and kneeled a minute; then seated herself and looked out the lessons for the day。 Alfred gazed at her face: devoured it。 But her eyes never roved。 She seemed to have put off feminine curiosity; and the world; at the church door。 Indeed he wished she was not quite so heavenly discreet; her lashes were delicious; but he longed to see her eyes once more; to catch a glance from them; and; by it; decipher his fate。

But no; she was there to worship; and did not discern her earthly lover; whose longing looks were glued to her; and his body rose and sank with the true worshippers; but with no more spirituality than a piston or a Jack…in…the…box。

In the last hymn before the sermon; a well…meaning worshipper in the gallery delivered a leading note; a high one; with great zeal; but small precision; being about a semitone flat; at this outrage on her too…sensitive ear; Julia Dodd turned her head swiftly to discover the offender; and failed; but her two sapphire eyes met Alfred's point…blank。

She was crimson in a moment; and lowered them on her book again; as if to look that way was to sin。 It was but a flash: but sometimes a flash fires a mine。

The lovely blush deepened and spread before it melted away; and Alfred's late cooling heart warmed itself at that sweet glowing cheek。 She never looked his way again; not once: which was a sad disappointment; but she blushed again and again before the service ended; only not so deeply。 Now there was nothing in the sermon to make her blush: I might add; there was nothing to redden her cheek with religious excitement。 There was a little candid sournessoil and vinegar against sects and Low Churchmen; but thin generality predominated。 Total: 〃Acetate of morphia;〃 for dry souls to sip。

So Alfred took all the credit of causing those sweet irrelevant blushes; and gloated: the young wretch could not help glorying in his power to tint that fair statue of devotion with earthly thoughts。

But stay! that dear blush; was it pleasure or pain? What if the sight of him was intolerable?

He would know how he stood with her; and on the spot。 He was one of the first to leave the church; he made for the churchyard gate; and walked slowly backwards and forwards by it; with throbbing heart till she came out。

She was prepared for him now; and bowed slightly to him with the most perfect composure; and no legible sentiment; except a certain marked politeness many of our young ladies think wasted upon young gentlemen; and are mistaken。

Alfred took off his hat in a tremor; and his eyes implored and inquired; but met with no further response; and she walked swiftly home; though without apparent effort。 He looked longingly after her; but discretion forbade。

He now crawled by Albion Villa twice every day; wet or dry; and had the good fortune to see her twice at the drawing…room window。 He was constant at St。 Anne's Church; and one Thursday crept into the aisle to be nearer to her; and he saw her steal one swift look at the gallery; and look grave; but soon she detected him; and though she looked no more towards him; she seemed demurely complacent。 Alfred had learned to note these subtleties now; for Love is a microscope。 What he did not know was; that his timid ardour was pursuing a masterly course; that to find herself furtively followed everywhere; and hovered about for a look; is apt to soothe womanly pride and stir womanly pity; and to keep the female heart in a flutter of curiosity and emotions; two porters that open the heart's great gate to love。

Now the evening before his visit to the Dodds; Dr。 Sampson dined with the Hardies; and happened to mention the 〃Dodds〃 among his old patients: 〃The Dodds of' Albion Villa?〃 inquired Miss Hardie; to her brother's no little surprise。 〃Albyn fiddlestick!〃 said the polished doctor。 〃No! they live by the water…side; used to; but now they have left the town; I hear。 He is a sea…captain and a fine lad; and Mrs。 Dodd is just the best…bred woman I ever prescribed for; except Mrs。 Sampson。〃

〃It _is_ the Dodds of Albion Villa;〃 said Miss Hardie。 〃They have two children: a son; his name is Edward; and a daughter; Julia; she is rather good…looking; a Gentleman's Beauty。〃

Alfred stared at his sister。 Was she blind? with her 〃rather good…looking。〃

Sampson was quite pleased at the information。 〃N' listen me! I saved that girl's life when she was a year old。〃

〃Then she is ill now; doctor;〃 said Alfred hastily。 〃Do go and see her! Hum! The fact is; her brother is a great favourite of mine。〃 He then told him how to find Albion Villa。 〃Jenny; dear;〃 said he; when Sampson was gone; 〃you never told me you knew her。〃

〃Knew who; dear?〃

〃Whom? Why Dodd's sister。〃

〃Oh; she is a new acquaintance; and not one to interest you。 We only meet in the Lord; I do not visit Albion Villa; her mother is an amiable worldling。〃

〃Unpardonable combination!〃 said Alfred with a slight sneer。 〃So you and Miss Dodd meet only at church!〃

〃At church? Hardly。 She goes to St。 Anne's: sits under a preacher who starves his flock with moral discourses; and holds out the sacraments of the Church as the means of grace。〃

Alfred shook his head good…humouredly。 〃Now; Jenny; that is a challenge; and you know we both got into a fury the last time we were betrayed into that miserable waste of time and temper; Theological discussion。 No; no:

     Let sects delight to bark and bite      For 'tis their nature to;      Let gown and surplice growl and fight;      For Satan makes them so。

But let you and I cut High Church and Low Church; and be brother and sister。 Do tell me in English where you meet Julia Dodd; that's a dear; for young ladies 'meeting in the Lord' conveys no positive idea to my mind。〃

Jane Hardie sighed at this confession。 〃We meet in the cottages of the poor and the sick; whom He loved and pitied when on earth; and we; His unworthy servants; try to soothe their distress; and lead them to Him who can heal the soul as well as the body; and wipe away all the tears of all His people。〃

〃Then it does you infinite credit; Jane;〃 said Alfred; warmly。 〃Now; that is the voice of true religion; and not the whine of this sect; nor the snarl of that。 And so she joins you in this good work? I am not surprised。〃

〃We meet in it now and then; dear; but she can hardly be said to have joined me: I have a district; you know; but poor Mrs。 Dodd will not allow Julia to enlist in the service。 She visits independently; and by fits and starts; and I am afraid she thinks more of comforting their perishable bodies than of feeding their souls。 It was but the other day she confessed to me her backwardness to speak in the way of instruction to women as old as her mother。 She finds it so much easier to let them run on about their earthly troubles: and of course it is much _easier。_ Ah! the world holds her still in some of its subtle meshes。〃

The speaker uttered this sadly; but presently; brightening up; said; with considerable _bonhomie;_ and almost a sprightly air: 〃But she is a dear girl; and the Lord will yet light her candle。〃

Alfred pulled a face as of one that drinketh verjuice unawares; but let it pass: hypercriticism was not his cue just then。 〃Well; Jenny;〃 said he; 〃I have a favour to ask you。 Introduce me to your friend; Miss Dodd。 Will you?〃

Miss Hardie coloured faintly。 〃 I would rather not; dear Alfred: the introduction could not be for her eternal good。 Julia's soul is in a very ticklish state; she wavers as yet between this world and the other world; and it won't do; it won't do; there is no middle path。 You would very likely turn the scale; and then I should have fought against her everlasting welfaremy friend's。〃

〃What; am I an infidel?〃 inquired Alfred angrily。 Jane looked distressed。 〃Oh no; Alfred; but you are a worldling。〃

Alfred; smothering a strong sense of irritation; besought her to hear reason; these big words were out of place here。 〃It is Dodd's sister; and he will introduce me at a word; worldling as I am。〃

〃Then why urge me to do it; against my conscience?〃 asked the young lady; as sharply as if she had been a woman of the world。 〃 You cannot be in _love_ with her; as you do not know her。〃

Alfred did not reply to this unlucky thrust; but made a last effort to soften her。 〃Can you call yourself my sister; and refuse me this trifling service; which her brother; who loves her and esteems her ten times more sincerely than you do; would not think of refusing me if he was at home?〃

〃Why should he
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