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hard cash-第16章

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There is a fascinating age; when an intelligent girl is said to fluctuate between childhood and womanhood。 Let me add that these seeming fluctuations depend much on the company she is in: the budding virgin is princess of chameleons; and; to confine ourselves to her two most piquant contrasts; by her mother's side she is always more or less childlike; but; let a nice young fellow engage her apart; and; hey presto! she shall be every inch a woman: perhaps at no period of her life are the purely mental characteristics of her sex so supreme in her; thus her type; the rosebud; excels in essence of rosehood the rose itself。

My reader has seen Julia Dodd play both parts; but it is her child's face she has now been turning for several pages; so it may be prudent to remind him she has shone on Alfred Hardie in but one light; a young but Juno…like woman。 Had she shown 〃my puppy〃 her childish qualities; he would have despised herhe had left that department himself so recently。 But Nature guarded the budding fair from such a disaster。

We left Alfred Hardie standing in the moonlight gazing at her lodging。 This was sudden; but; let slow coaches deny it as loudly as they like; fast coaches exist; and Love is a Passion; which; like Hate; Envy; Avarice; &c。; has risen to a great height in a single day。 Not that Alfred's was 〃Love at first sight;〃 for he had seen her beauty in the full blaze of day with no deeper feeling than admiration; but in the moonlight he came under more sovereign spells than a fair face: her virtues and her voice。 The narrative of their meeting has indicated the first; and as to the latter; Julia was not one of those whose beauty goes out with the candle; her voice was that rich; mellow; moving organ; which belongs to no rank nor station; is born; not made; and; flow it from the lips of dairymaid or countess; touches every heart; gentle or simple; that is truly male。 And this divine contralto; full; yet penetrating; Dame Nature had inspired her to lower when she was moved or excited; instead of raising it; and then she was enchanting。 All unconsciously she cast this crowning spell on Alfred; and he adored her。 In a word; he caught a child…woman away from its mother; his fluttering captive turned; put on composure; and bewitched him。

She left him; and the moonlight night seemed to blacken。 But within his young breast all was light; new light。 He leaned opposite her window in an Elysian reverie; and let the hours go by。 He seemed to have vegetated till then; and lo! true life had dawned。 He thought he should love to die for her; and; when he was calmer; he felt he was to live for her; and welcomed his destiny with rapture。 He passed the rest of the Oxford term in a soft ecstasy; called often on Edward; and took a sudden and prodigious interest in him; and counted the days glide by and the happy time draw near; when he should be four months in the same town with his enchantress。 This one did not trouble the doctors; he glowed with a steady fire; no heats and chills; and sad misgivings; for one thing; he was not a woman; a being tied to that stake; Suspense; and compelled to wait and wait for others' actions。 To him; life's path seemed paved with roses; and himself to march in eternal sunshine; buoyed by perfumed wings。

He came to Barkington to try for the lovely prize。 Then first he had to come down from love's sky; and realise how hard it is here below to court a young ladywho is guarded by a motherwithout an introduction in the usual form。 The obvious course was to call on Edward。 Having parted from him so lately; he forced himself to wait a few days; and then set out for Albion Villa。

As he went along; he arranged the coming dialogue for all the parties。 Edward was to introduce him; Mrs。 Dodd to recognise his friendship for her son; he was to say he was the gainer by it; Julia; silent at first; was to hazard a timid observation; and he to answer gracefully; and draw her out and find how he stood in her opinion。 The sprightly affair should end by his inviting Edward to dinner。 That should lead to their uninviting him in turn; and then he should have a word with Julia; and find out what houses she visited; and get introduced to their proprietors。 Arrived at this point; his mind went over hedge and ditch faster than my poor pen can follow; as the crow flies; so flew he; and had reached the church…porch under a rain of nosegays with Juliain imaginationby then he arrived at Albion Villa in the body。 Yet he knocked timidly; his heart beat almost as hard as his hand。

Sarah; the black…eyed housemaid; 〃answered the door。〃

〃Mr。 Edward Dodd?〃

〃Not at home; sir。 Left last week。〃

〃For long?〃

〃I don't rightly know; sir。 But he won't be back this week; I don't think。〃

〃Perhaps;〃 stammered Alfred; 〃the ladiesMrs。 Doddmight be able to tell me。〃

〃Oh yes; sir。 But my mistress; she's in London just now。〃

Alfred's eyes flashed。 〃Could I learn from Miss Dodd?〃

〃La; sir; she is in London along with her ma; why; 'tis for her they are gone; to insult the great doctors。〃

He started。 〃She is not ill? Nothing serious?〃

〃Well; sir; we do hope not。 She is pinning a bit; as young ladies will。〃

Alfred was anything but consoled by this off…hand account; he became alarmed; and looked wretched。 Seeming him so perturbed; Sarah; who was blunt but good…natured; added; 〃But cook she says hard work would cure our Miss of all _she_ ails。 But who shall I say was asking? For my work is a bit behind…hand。〃

Alfred took the hint reluctantly; and drew out his card…case; saying; 〃For Mr。 Edward Dodd。〃 She gave her clean but wettish hand a hasty wipe with her apron; and took the card。 He retired; she stood on the step and watched him out of sight; said 〃Oho!〃 and took his card to the kitchen for preliminary inspection and discussion。

Alfred Hardie was resolute; but sensitive。 He had come on the wings of Love and Hope; he went away heavily; a housemaid's tongue had shod his elastic feet with lead in a moment; of all misfortunes; sickness was what he had not anticipated; for she looked immortal。 Perhaps it was that fair and treacherous disease; consumption。 Well; if it was; he would love her all the more; would wed her as soon as he was of age; and carry her to some soft Southern clime; and keep each noxious air at bay; and prolong her life; perhaps save it。

And now he began to chafe at the social cobwebs that kept him from her。 But; just as his impatience was about to launch him into imprudence; he was saved by a genuine descendant of Adam。 James Maxley kept Mr。 Hardie's little pleasaunce trim as trim could be; by yearly contract。 This entailed short but frequent visits; and Alfred often talked with him; for the man was really a bit of a character; had a shrewd rustic wit; and a ready tongue; was rather too fond of law; and much too fond of money; but scrupulously honest: head as long as Cudworth's; but broader; and could not read a line。 One day he told Alfred that he must knock off now; and take a look in at Albion Villee。 The captain was due: and on no account would he; Maxley; allow that there ragged box round the captains quarter…deck: 〃That is how he do name their little mossel of a lawn: and there he walks for a wager; athirt and across; across and athirt; five steps and then about; and I'd a'most bet ye a halfpenny he thinks hisself on the salt sea ocean; bless his silly old heart。〃

All this time Alfred; after the first start of joyful surprise; was secretly thanking his stars for sending him an instrument。 To learn whether she had returned; he asked Maxley whether the ladies had sent for him。 〃Not they;〃 said Maxley; rather contemptuously; 〃what do women…folk care about a border; without 'tis a lace one to their nightcaps; for none but the father of all vanity to see。 Not as I have ought to say again the pair; they keep their turf tidyishand pay ready moneyand a few flowers in their pots; but the rest may shift for itself。 Ye see; Master Alfred;〃 explained Maxley; wagging his head wisely; 〃nobody's pride can be everywhere。 Now theirs is in…a…doors; their with…drawing…room it's like the Queen's palace; my missus tells me; she is wrapped up in 'em; ye know。 But the captain for my money。〃

The sage shouldered his tools and departed。 But he left a good hint behind him。 Alfred hovered about the back…door the next day till he caught Mrs。 Maxley; she supplied the house with eggs and vegetables。 〃Could she tell him whether his friend Edward Dodd was likely to come home soon?〃 She thought not; he was gone away to study。 〃He haven't much head…piece; you know; not like what Miss Julia have。 Mrs。 and Miss are to be home to…day; they wrote to cook this morning。 I shall be there to…morrow; sartain; and I'll ask in the kitchen when Master Edward is a…coming back。〃 She prattled on。 The ladies of Albion Villa were good kind ladies; the very maid…servants loved them; Miss was more for religion than her mother; and went to St。 Anne's Church Thursday evenings; and Sundays morning and evening; and visited some poor women in the parish with food and clothes; Mrs。 Dodd could not sleep a wink when the wind blew hard at night; but never complained; only came down pale to breakfast。 Miss Julia's ailment was nothing to speak of; b
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