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the jacket (the star-rover)-第51章

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that passed。  There were many notches。  I sharpened the knife on a

flat piece of rock; and no barber was ever more careful of his

favourite razor than was I of that knife。  Nor did ever a miser

prize his treasure as did I prize the knife。  It was as precious as

my life。  In truth; it was my life。

By many repetitions; I managed to bring back out of the jacket the

legend that was carved on the oar。  At first I could bring but

little。  Later; it grew easier; a matter of piecing portions

together。  And at last I had the thing complete。  Here it is:

This is to acquaint the person into whose hands this Oar may fall;

that Daniel Foss; a native of Elkton; in Maryland; one of the United

States of America; and who sailed from the port of Philadelphia; in

1809; on board the brig Negociator; bound to the Friendly Islands;

was cast upon this desolate island the February following; where he

erected a hut and lived a number of years; subsisting on sealshe

being the last who survived of the crew of said brig; which ran foul

of an island of ice; and foundered on the 25th Nov。 1809。

There it was; quite clear。  By this means I learned a lot about

myself。  One vexed point; however; I never did succeed in clearing

up。  Was this island situated in the far South Pacific or the far

South Atlantic?  I do not know enough of sailing…ship tracks to be

certain whether the brig Negociator would sail for the Friendly

Islands via Cape Horn or via the Cape of Good Hope。  To confess my

own ignorance; not until after I was transferred to Folsom did I

learn in which ocean were the Friendly Islands。  The Japanese

murderer; whom I have mentioned before; had been a sailmaker on

board the Arthur Sewall ships; and he told me that the probable

sailing course would be by way of the Cape of Good Hope。  If this

were so; then the dates of sailing from Philadelphia and of being

wrecked would easily determine which ocean。  Unfortunately; the

sailing date is merely 1809。  The wreck might as likely have

occurred in one ocean as the other。

Only once did I; in my trances; get a hint of the period preceding

the time spent on the island。  This begins at the moment of the

brig's collision with the iceberg; and I shall narrate it; if for no

other reason; at least to give an account of my curiously cool and

deliberate conduct。  This conduct at this time; as you shall see;

was what enabled me in the end to survive alone of all the ship's


I was awakened; in my bunk in the forecastle; by a terrific crash。

In fact; as was true of the other six sleeping men of the watch

below; awaking and leaping from bunk to floor were simultaneous。  We

knew what had happened。  The others waited for nothing; rushing only

partly clad upon deck。  But I knew what to expect; and I did wait。

I knew that if we escaped at all; it would be by the longboat。  No

man could swim in so freezing a sea。  And no man; thinly clad; could

live long in the open boat。  Also; I knew just about how long it

would take to launch the boat。

So; by the light of the wildly swinging slush…lamp; to the tumult on

deck and to cries of 〃She's sinking!〃 I proceeded to ransack my sea…

chest for suitable garments。  Also; since they would never use them

again; I ransacked the sea chests of my shipmates。  Working quickly

but collectedly; I took nothing but the warmest and stoutest of

clothes。  I put on the four best woollen shirts the forecastle

boasted; three pairs of pants; and three pairs of thick woollen

socks。  So large were my feet thus incased that I could not put on

my own good boots。  Instead; I thrust on Nicholas Wilton's new

boots; which were larger and even stouter than mine。  Also; I put on

Jeremy Nalor's pea jacket over my own; and; outside of both; put on

Seth Richard's thick canvas coat which I remembered he had fresh…

oiled only a short while previous。

Two pairs of heavy mittens; John Robert's muffler which his mother

had knitted for him; and Joseph Dawes' beaver cap atop my own; both

bearing ear…and neck…flaps; completed my outfitting。  The shouts

that the brig was sinking redoubled; but I took a minute longer to

fill my pockets with all the plug tobacco I could lay hands on。

Then I climbed out on deck; and not a moment too soon。

The moon; bursting through a crack of cloud; showed a bleak and

savage picture。  Everywhere was wrecked gear; and everywhere was

ice。  The sails; ropes; and spars of the mainmast; which was still

standing; were fringed with icicles; and there came over me a

feeling almost of relief in that never again should I have to pull

and haul on the stiff tackles and hammer ice so that the frozen

ropes could run through the frozen shivs。  The wind; blowing half a

gale; cut with the sharpness that is a sign of the proximity of

icebergs; and the big seas were bitter cold to look upon in the


The longboat was lowering away to larboard; and I saw men;

struggling on the ice…sheeted deck with barrels of provisions;

abandon the food in their haste to get away。  In vain Captain

Nicholl strove with them。  A sea; breaching across from windward;

settled the matter and sent them leaping over the rail in heaps。  I

gained the captain's shoulder; and; holding on to him; I shouted in

his ear that if he would board the boat and prevent the men from

casting off; I would attend to the provisioning。

Little time was given me; however。  Scarcely had I managed; helped

by the second mate; Aaron Northrup; to lower away half…a…dozen

barrels and kegs; when all cried from the boat that they were

casting off。  Good reason they had。  Down upon us from windward was

drifting a towering ice…mountain; while to leeward; close aboard;

was another ice…mountain upon which we were driving。

Quicker in his leap was Aaron Northrup。  I delayed a moment; even as

the boat was shoving away; in order to select a spot amidships where

the men were thickest; so that their bodies might break my fall。  I

was not minded to embark with a broken member on so hazardous a

voyage in the longboat。  That the men might have room at the oars; I

worked my way quickly aft into the sternsheets。  Certainly; I had

other and sufficient reasons。  It would be more comfortable in the

sternsheets than in the narrow bow。  And further; it would be well

to be near the afterguard in whatever troubles that were sure to

arise under such circumstances in the days to come。

In the sternsheets were the mate; Walter Drake; the surgeon; Arnold

Bentham; Aaron Northrup; and Captain Nicholl; who was steering。  The

surgeon was bending over Northrup; who lay in the bottom groaning。

Not so fortunate had he been in his ill…considered leap; for he had

broken his right leg at the hip joint。

There was little time for him then; however; for we were labouring

in a heavy sea directly between the two ice islands that were

rushing together。  Nicholas Wilton; at the stroke oar; was cramped

for room; so I better stowed the barrels; and; kneeling and facing

him; was able to add my weight to the oar。  For'ard; I could see

John Roberts straining at the bow oar。  Pulling on his shoulders

from behind; Arthur Haskins and the boy; Benny Hardwater; added

their weight to his。  In fact; so eager were all hands to help that

more than one was thus in the way and cluttered the movements of the


It was close work; but we went clear by a matter of a hundred yards;

so that I was able to turn my head and see the untimely end of the

Negociator。  She was caught squarely in the pinch and she was

squeezed between the ice as a sugar plum might be squeezed between

thumb and forefinger of a boy。  In the shouting of the wind and the

roar of water we heard nothing; although the crack of the brig's

stout ribs and deckbeams must have been enough to waken a hamlet on

a peaceful night。

Silently; easily; the brig's sides squeezed together; the deck

bulged up; and the crushed remnant dropped down and was gone; while

where she had been was occupied by the grinding conflict of the ice…

islands。  I felt regret at the destruction of this haven against the

elements; but at the same time was well pleased at thought of my

snugness inside my four shirts and three coats。

Yet it proved a bitter night; even for me。  I was the warmest clad

in the boat。  What the others must have suffered I did not care to

dwell upon over much。  For fear that we might meet up with more ice

in the darkness; we bailed and held the boat bow…on to the seas。

And continually; now with one mitten; now with the other; I rubbed

my nose that it might not freeze。  Also; with memories lively in me

of the home circle in Elkton; I prayed to God。

In the morning we took stock。  To commence with; all but two or

three had suffered frost…bite。  Aaron Northrup; unable to move

because of his broken hip; was very bad。  It was the surgeon's

opinion that both of Northrup's feet were hopelessly froz
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