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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第67章

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   Gromph bowed and said; 〃For the moment; Matron Mother。 I'll let you know as soon as I receive another report。〃
   Dismissing him; Triel strode away。
   Sighing his relief; Gromph shook his head。 If Triel knew he was still blind; she was letting it pass。 If Lolth had been granting her spells; Triel herself and any number of other priestesses could have restored his eyesight in a heartbeat。 The fact that none of them could do it was just another reminder of the powers they no longer manded。 Leaving him his pretense of sight would only help Triel maintain her own pretense of power。
   As he made his way out of the temple; Gromph wondered what Quenthel would find in the Demonweb Pits and why she had been returned to Menzoberranzan all those years before; only to lead an expedition to her own afterlife。 Perhaps his sister had indeed been tapped by the Spider Queen for some higher purpose。 If so; upon her return to the City of Spiders the balance of power could shift in her favor…certainly would if she was successful in her quest。 He would have to keep an eye on Quenthel。 So to speak。
   Aliisza crouched on the ledge overlooking the lake and stared down at the ship below。 It was of demonic manufacture…that much was clear from the bone and living tissue that had gone into its construction。 On the deck stood four drow and a draegloth…Pharaun and his panions。
   The wizard and the priestess Quenthel were arguing…just as they had been when Aliisza had first encountered them near Ammarindar。 Behind them; the draegloth taunted an uridezu demon that appeared to be bound in place to the deck。 The uridezu strained forward; teeth gnashing; as the draegloth held a rat out by the tail…then bit its head off。 The other two drow…the mercenary and the pretty little female that irritated Aliisza so…seemed to be keeping out of the argument; waiting patiently for it to end。
   Aliisza's eyes lingered on Pharaun who was dressed elegantly; as always; and with that lovely long white hair。 She was glad to have found him again; but her timing seemed to have been off。 From the snatches of argument that drifted up to Aliisza's perch on the cliff it seemed the group of drow would soon be departing…though there was apparently some question about how many of them would make the journey。 Someone…or something…had to be fed first。 。 。 Ah。 That was it。
   〃That's a ship of chaos;〃 Aliisza said; proud of herself; then thought; Now that is a detail Kaanyr will want to know。
   〃Where do you plan to sail it to; my dear Pharaun?〃 Aliisza mused。 〃The Abyss?〃 She laughed and tossed her curly black hair。
   〃Surely you'd rather stay here and spend some time with me than visit that nasty goddess of yours。 I; at least; am alive 。。 。 and responsive to your prayers。〃
   Chuckling; she decided to delay her report to Kaanyr Vhok…who was all too busy with that dreary siege of his; anyway。 Instead she'd stay in the Lake of Shadows and have some fun。
   Pleasure; she mused; should e before business。
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