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with his mother; often sitting patiently by and reading a book or doing his homework assignments while she did TV overdubs or looped unclear dialogue; and he knew that sort of baffle was meant to keep the speaker from 'popping' the mike。 He thought it a strange thing to see in the chapel of a religious boarding home for wayward boys。 Two video cameras stood at either side of the lectern; one to catch Sunlight Gardener's right profile; the other to catch his left。 Neither was turned on this evening。 There were heavy purple drapes on the walls。 On the right; they were unbroken。 Set into the left wall; however; was a glass rectangle。 Jack could see Casey crouched over an extremely professional…looking sound…board; reel…to…reel tape recorder close to his right hand。 As Jack watched; Casey grabbed a pair of cans from the board and slipped them over his ears。
  Jack looked up and saw hardwood beams rising in a series of six modest arches。 Between them was drilled white position board 。 。 。 soundproofing。 The place looked like a chapel; but it was a very efficient bination TV…and…radio studio。 Jack suddenly thought of Jimmy Swaggart; Rex Hum…bard; Jack Van Impe。
  Folks; just lay yo hand on yo television set; and you gone be HEALED!!!
  He suddenly felt like screaming with laughter。
  A small door to the left of the podium opened; and Sunlight Gardener stepped out。 He was dressed in white from head to toe; and Jack saw expressions varying from exaltation to outright adoration on the faces of many of the boys; but Jack again had to restrain himself from a wild laughing…spree。 The vision in white approaching the lectern reminded him of a series of mercials he had seen as a very young child。
  He thought Sunlight Gardener looked like the Man from Glad。
  Wolf turned toward him and whispered hoarsely; 'What's the matter; Jack? You smell like something's really funny。' 
  Jack snorted so hard into the hand cupped over his mouth that he blew colorless snot all over his fingers。
  Sunlight Gardener; his face glowing with ruddy good health; turned the pages of the great Bible on the lectern; apparently lost in deepest meditation。 Jack saw the glowering scorched…earth landscape of Heck Bast's face; the narrow; suspicious face of Sonny Singer。 He sobered up in a hurry。
  In the glass booth; Casey was sitting up; watching Gardener alertly。 And as Gardener raised his handsome face from his Bible and fastened his cloudy; dreaming; and utterly insane eyes upon his congregation; Casey flipped a switch。 The reels of the big tape recorder began to turn。
  'Fret not thyself because of evildoers;'
  said Sunlight Gardener。 His voice was low; musical; thoughtful。
  'Neither be thou envious against
  the workers of iniquity。
  For they shall soon be cut down like the grass; 
  and wither as the green herb。
  Trust in the Lord; and do good; 
  so shalt thou dwell in the Territories…'
  (Jack Sawyer felt his heart take a nasty; leaping turn in his chest)
  '…and verily thou shalt be fed。 
  Delight thyself also in the Lord; 
  and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart。 
  mit thy way unto the Lord;
  trust also in him; 
  and he shall bring it to pass 。 。 。 。 
  Cease from anger; and forsake wrath; 
  fret not thyself in any wise to do evil。
  For evildoers shall be cut off: 
  but those that wait upon the Lord; 
  they shall inherit his Territory。'
  Sunlight Gardener closed the Book。
  'May God;' he said; 'add His Blessing to the reading of His Holy Word。' 
  He looked down at his hands for a long; long time。 In Casey's glass booth; the wheels of the tape recorder turned。 Then he looked up again; and in his mind Jack suddenly heard this man scream: Not the Kingsland? You don't mean to tell me you've overturned a full wagonload of Kingsland Ale; you stupid goat's penis? You don't mean to tell me that; do yoooooouuuuuuu?
  Sunlight Gardener studied his young male congregation closely and earnestly。 Their faces looked back at him…round faces; lean faces; bruised faces; faces flaring with acne; faces that were sly; and faces that were open and youthful and lovely。
  'What does it mean; boys? Do you understand Psalm Thirty…seven? Do you understand this lovely; lovely song?' 
  No; their faces said…sly and open; clear and sweet; pitted and poxed。 Not too much; only got as far as the fifth grade; been on the road; been on the bum; been in trouble 。 。 。 tell me 。 。 。 tell me
  Suddenly; shockingly; Gardener shrieked into the mike; 'It means DON'T SWEAT IT!' 
  Wolf recoiled; moaning a little。
  'Now you know what that means; don't you? You boys have heard that one; haven't you?'
  'Yeah!' someone shouted from behind Jack。
  'OH…YEAH!' Sunlight Gardener echoed; beaming。 'DON'T SWEAT IT! NEGATIVE PERSPIRATION! They are good words; aren't they; boys? Those are some kind of gooooood words; OH…YEAH!'
  'Yeah! 。 。 。 YEAH!'
  'This Psalm says you don't have to WORRY about the evildoers! NO SWEAT! OH…YEAH! It says you don't have to WORRY about the workers of sin and iniquity! NEGATIVE PERSPIRATION! This Psalm here says that if you WALK the Lord and TALK the Lord; EVERYTHING'S GONNA BE SO COOL! Do you understand that; boys? Do you have an understanding ear for that?'
  'Hallelujah!' Heck Bast cried; grinning divinely。
  'Amen!' a boy with a great lazy eye behind his magnifying spectacles returned。
  Sunlight Gardener took the mike with practiced ease; and Jack was again reminded of a Las Vegas lounge performer。 Gardener began to walk back and forth with nervous; mincing rapidity。 He sometimes did a jigging little half…step in his clean white leather shoes; now he was Dizzy Gillespie; now Jerry Lee Lewis; now Stan Kenton; now Gene Vincent; he was in a fever of jive Godhead testimony。
  'Naw; you don't have to fear! Ah; naw! You don't have to fear that kid who wants to show you dirty…book pictures! You don't have to fear that boy who says just one toke on just one joint won't hurt you and you'll be a sissy if you don't take it! Ah; naw! 'CAUSE WHEN YOU GOT THE LORD YOU GONNA WALK WITH THE LORD; AM I RIGHT?'
  'YEAH!!!' They screamed it out; many of them rocking back and forth in a frenzy now。
  They rocked back and forth; Jack and Wolf were rocked with them; helplessly。 Jack saw that some of the boys were actually weeping。
  'Now tell me this;' Gardener said; looking toward them warmly and confidentially。 'Is there any place for the evildoer here in the Sunlight Home? Huh? What do you think?'
  'No sir!' cried out the thin boy with the buck teeth。
  'That's right;' Sunlight Gardener said; approaching the podium again。 He gave the mike a quick; professional flick to clear the cord out from under his feet and then he slipped it back into the clamp again。 'That's the ticket。 No room here for tattletale liars and workers of iniquity; say hallelujah。'
  'Hallelujah;' the boys replied。
  'Amen;' Sunlight Gardener agreed。 'The Lord says…in the Book of Isaiah he says it…that if you lean on the Lord; you're gonna mount up…oh…yeah!…with wings as eagles; and your strength shall be the strength of ten and I say to you; boys; THAT THE SUNLIGHT HOME IS A NEST FOR EAGLES; CAN YOU SAY OH…YEAH!'
  There was another caesura。 Sunlight Gardener gripped the sides of the podium; head down as if in prayer; gorgeous white hair hanging in disciplined waves。 When he spoke again; his voice was low and brooding。 He did not look up。 The boys listened breathlessly。
  'But we have enemies;' Sunlight Gardener said at last。 This was little more than a whisper; but the mike picked it up and transmitted it perfectly。
  The boys sighed…a rustle of wind through autumn leaves。 
  Heck Bast was looking around truculently; eyes rolling; pimples glowing such a deep red that he looked like a boy in the grip of a tropical illness。 Show me an enemy; Heck Bast's face said。 Yeah; you go on; show me an enemy and just see what happens to him!
  Gardener looked up。 Now his mad eyes appeared filled with tears。
  'Yes; we have enemies;' he repeated。 'Twice now the State of Indiana has tried to shut me down。 Do you know what? The radical humanists can barely stand to think of me down here at the Sunlight Home; teaching my boys to love Jesus and their country。 It makes em mad; and do you want to know something; boys? Do you want to know a deep old dark secret?' 
  They leaned forward; eyes on Sunlight Gardener。
  'We don't just make em mad;' Gardener said in a hoarse conspirator's whisper。 'We make em scaaaaaared。'
  In a flash; Sunlight Gardener grabbed the mike again; and he was off! Up and down! back and forth! sometimes he jigged a two…step neat as a minstrel in a 1910 cakewalk! He bopped the word to them; pumping one arm first at the boys; then up toward heaven; where Go
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