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rowning insect to fly out? Jack didn't know 。 。 。 but he knew that he was out of Oatley; away from Fair Weather Clubs and old men who wept over their stolen shopping carts; away from the smell of beer and the smell of puke 。 。 。 most important of all; he was away from Smokey Updike and the Oatley Tap。
  He thought he might travel in the Territories for a while; after all。
  And so thinking; fell asleep。
  He had walked two; perhaps three miles along the Western Road the following morning; enjoying the sunshine and the good; earthy smell of fields almost ready for the harvests of summer's end; when a cart pulled over and a whiskery farmer in what looked like a toga with rough breeches under it pulled up and shouted:
  'Are you for market…town; boy?' 
  Jack gaped at him; half in a panic; realizing that the man was not speaking English…never mind 'prithee' or 'Dost thou go cross…gartered; varlet;' it wasn't English at all。
  There was a woman in a voluminous dress sitting beside the whiskery farmer; she held a boy of perhaps three on her lap。 She smiled pleasantly enough at Jack and rolled her eyes at her husband。 'He's a simpleton; Henry。'
  They're not speaking English 。 。 。 but whatever it is they're speaking; I understand it。 I'm actually thinking in that language 。 。 。 and that's not all…I'm seeing in it; or with it; or whatever it is I mean。
  Jack realized he had been doing it the last time he had been in the Territories; too…only then he had been too confused to realize it; things had moved too fast; and everything had seemed strange。
  The farmer leaned forward。 He smiled; showing teeth which were absolutely horrid。 'Are you a simpleton; laddie?' he asked; not unkindly。
  'No;' he said; smiling back as best he could; aware that he had not said no but some Territories word which meant no…when he had flipped; he had changed his speech and his way of thinking (his way of imaging; anyway…he did not have that word in his vocabulary; but understood what he meant just the same); just as he had changed his clothes。 'I'm not simple。 It's just that my mother told me to be careful of people I might meet along the road。' Now the farmer's wife smiled。
  'Your mother was right;' she said。 'Are you for the market?'
  'Yes;' Jack said。 'That is; I'm headed up the road…west。'
  'Climb up in the back; then;' Henry the farmer said。 'Daylight's wasting。 I want to sell what I have if I can and be home again before sunset。 Corn's poor but it's the last of the season。 Lucky to have corn in ninemonth at all。 Someone may buy it。'
  'Thank you;' Jack said; climbing into the back of the low wagon。 Here; dozens of corn ears were bound with rough hanks of rope and stacked like cordwood。 If the corn was poor; then Jack could not imagine what would constitute good corn over here…they were the biggest ears he had ever seen in his life。 There were also small stacks of squashes and gourds and things that looked like pumpkins…but they were reddish instead of orange。 Jack didn't know what they were; but he suspected they would taste wonderful。 His stomach rumbled busily。 Since going on the road; he had discovered what hunger was…not as a passing acquaintance; something you felt dimly after school and which could be assuaged with a few cookies and a glass of milk souped up with Nestlé's Quik; but as an intimate friend; one that sometimes moved away to a distance but who rarely left entirely。
  He was sitting with his back to the front of the wagon; his sandal…clad feet dangling down; almost touching the hard…packed dirt of the Western Road。 There was a lot of traffic this morning; most of it bound for the market; Jack assumed。 Every now and then Henry bawled a greeting to someone he knew。
  Jack was still wondering how those apple…colored pumpkins might taste…and just where his next meal was going to e from; anyway…when small hands twined in his hair and gave a brisk tug…brisk enough to make his eyes water。
  He turned and saw the three…year…old standing there in his bare feet; a big grin on his face and a few strands of Jack's hair in each of his hands。
  'Jason!' his mother cried…but it was; in its way; an indulgent cry (Did you see the way he pulled that hair? My; isn't he strong!)…'Jason; that's not nice!'
  Jason grinned; unabashed。 It was a big; dopey; sunshiney grin; as sweet in its way as the smell of the haystack in which Jack had spent the night。 He couldn't help returning it 。 。 。 and while there had been no politics of calculation in his returning grin; he saw he had made a friend of Henry's wife。
  'Sit;' Jason said; swaying back and forth with the unconscious movement of a veteran sailor。 He was still grinning at Jack。
  'I'm not getting you; Jason。'
  'I'm not…'
  And then Jason; who was husky for a three…year…old; plopped into Jack's lap; still grinning。
  Sit…yap; oh yeah; I get it; Jack thought; feeling the dull ache from his testicles spreading up into the pit of his stomach。
  'Jason bad!' his mother called back in that same indulgent; but…isn't…he…cute voice 。 。 。 and Jason; who knew who ruled the roost; grinned his dopey; sweetly charming grin。
  Jack realized that Jason was wet。 Very; extremely; indubitably wet。
  Wele back to the Territories; Jack…O。
  And sitting there with the child in his arms and warm wetness slowly soaking through his clothes; Jack began to laugh; his face turned up to the blue; blue sky。
  A few minutes later Henry's wife worked her way to where Jack was sitting with the child on his lap and took Jason back。
  'Oooh; wet; bad baby;' she said in her indulgent voice。 Doesn't my Jason wet big! Jack thought; and laughed again。 That made Jason laugh; and Mrs。 Henry laughed with them。
  As she changed Jason; she asked Jack a number of questions…ones he had heard often enough in his own world。 But here he would have to be careful。 He was a stranger; and there might be hidden trapdoors。 He heard his father telling Morgan; 。 。 。 a real Stranger; if you see what I mean。
  Jack sensed that the woman's husband was listening closely。 He answered her questions with a careful variation of the Story…not the one he told when he was applying for a job but the one he told when someone who had picked him up thumbing got curious。
  He said he had e from the village of All…Hands'…Jason's mother had a vague recollection of hearing of the place; but that was all。 Had he really e so far? she wanted to know。 Jack told her that he had。 And where was he going? He told her (and the silently listening Henry) that he was bound for the village of California。 That one she had not heard of; even vaguely; in such stories as the occasional peddler told。 Jack was not exactly very surprised 。 。 。 but he was grateful that neither of them exclaimed 'California? Whoever heard of a village named California? Who are you trying to shuck and jive; boy?' In the Territories there had to be lots of places…whole areas as well as villages…of which people who lived in their own little areas had never heard。 No power poles。 No electricity。 No movies。 No cable TV to tell them how wonderful things were in Malibu or Sarasota。 No Territories version of Ma Bell; advertising that a three…minute call to the Outposts after five p。m。 cost only 5。83; plus tax; rates may be higher on God…Pounders' Eve and some other holidays。 They live in a mystery; he thought。 When you live in a mystery; you don't question a village simply because you never heard of it。 California doesn't sound any wilder than a place named All…Hands'。
  Nor did they question。 He told them that his father had died the year before; and that his mother was quite ill (he thought of adding that the Queen's repossession men had e in the middle of the night and taken away their donkey; grinned; and decided that maybe he ought to leave that part out)。 His mother had given him what money she could (except the word that came out in the strange language wasn't really money…it was something like sticks) and had sent him off to the village of California; to stay with his Aunt Helen。
  'These are hard times;' Mrs。 Henry said; holding Jason; now changed; more closely to her。
  'All…Hands' is near the summer palace; isn't it; boy?' It was the first time Henry had spoken since inviting Jack aboard。
  'Yes;' Jack said。 'That is; fairly near。 I mean…'
  'You never said what your father died of。'
  Now he had turned his head。 His gaze was narrow and assessing; the former kindness gone; it had been blown out of his eyes like candle…flames in a wind。 Yes; there were trap…doors here。
  'Was he ill?' Mrs。 Henry asked。 'So much illness these days…pox; plague…hard times 。 。 。 ' 
  For a wild moment Jack thought of saying; No; he wasn't ill; Mrs。 Henry。 He took a lot of volts; my dad。 You see he went off one Saturday to do some work; and he left Mrs。 Jerry and all the little Jerrys…including me…back at home。 This was when we all lived in a hole in the baseboard and nobody lived anywhere else; you see。 And do you know what? He stuck his screwdriver into a bunch of wires and Mrs。 Feeny; she works over at Richard Sloat's house; she heard Uncle Morga
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