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ht。 He'd seen how crazy I'd been that night and turned my own hate against me。 And there was little Monica could have done about it。
 What a bination; Amos and me。 But at least; he'd seen the light by himself。 No one had to hit him over the head with it。 And he'd tried to make up for it。 But I … I never even turned my head to seek the truth。 I'd been content to go along blaming the world for my own stupidity。 And I was the one who'd been at war with my father because I thought he didn't love me。 That was the biggest joke of all。
 Now I could even face the truth in that。 It never had been his love that I'd doubted。 It had been my own。 For deep inside of me; I'd always known that I could never love him as much as he loved me。 I looked up at Nevada。 He was still leaning against the wall; but he wasn't smiling now。 〃You saw it; too?〃
 〃Sure。〃 He nodded。 〃Everybody saw it … but you。〃
 I closed my eyes。 Now I could see it。 It was like that morning in the hospital when I looked into the mirror and saw my father's face。 That was what I'd seen in Jo…Ann when I thought she looked so familiar this afternoon。 Her father's face。 My own。
 〃What shall I do; Nevada?〃 I groaned。
 〃What do yuh want to do; son?〃
 〃I want them back。〃
 〃Sure that's what you want?〃
 I nodded。
 〃Then get 'em back;〃 he said。 He looked at his watch。 〃There's still fifteen minutes before the train pulls out。〃
 〃But how? We'd never get there in time!〃
 He gestured to the desk。 〃There's the phone。〃
 I looked at him wildly; then hobbled to the phone。 I called the stationmaster's office at Reno and had them page her。 While I was waiting for her to e on; I looked at Nevada。 Suddenly; I was frightened; and when I'd been little; I'd always turned to Nevada when I was frightened。 〃What if she won't e back?〃
 〃She'll e back;〃 he said confidently。 He smiled。 〃She's still in love with you。 That's something else everybody knew but you。〃
 Then she was on the phone; her voice worried and anxious。 〃Jonas; are you all right? Is there anything wrong?〃
 For a moment; I couldn't speak; then I found my voice。 〃Monica;〃 I said。 〃Don't go!〃
 〃But I have to; Jonas。 I have to be on the job by the end of the week。〃
 〃Screw the job; I need you!〃
 The line was silent; and for a moment; I thought she'd hung up。 〃Monica; are you there?〃
 I heard her breathe in the receiver。 〃I'm still here; Jonas。〃
 〃I've been wrong all the time。 I didn't know about Jo…Ann。 Believe me。〃 Again the silence。
 〃Please; Monica!〃
 Now she was crying。 I could hear her whispered voice in my ear。 〃Oh; Jonas; I've never stopped loving you。〃
 I looked up at Nevada。 He smiled and went out; closing the door behind him。
 I heard her sniffle; then her voice suddenly cleared and filled with the warm sound of love。 〃When Jo…Ann was a little girl she always wanted a baby brother。〃
 〃Hurry home;〃 I said; 〃I'll do my best。〃
 She laughed and there was a click as the line went dead in my hands。 I didn't put the phone down because I felt that as long as I held it; she was close to me。 I looked down at the photograph of my father on the desk。
 〃Well; old man;〃 I said; asking his approval for the first time in my life; 〃did I do right?〃


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