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 〃Not crazy;'' Irina whispered; her eyes half closed。 ''I think it's perfectly normal behavior for a man in love。〃
 〃But that's just it;〃 Mars said。 〃For a man like me; being in love is the most dangerous state of all。〃
 〃You will bee my weak spot。〃
 Irina was aware of Valeri telling her that it was just as well he had emerged from his marriage childless because in this terrible world a child could be used against him。 How similar these two men were; she thought; but how utterly different when one scratched the surface of their carefully prepared facades。 Both were men who wore masks; and masks within masks when they faced the outside world。 It gave Irina a fantastic thrill to have penetrated beyond those masks to see the true inner workings of two of Russia's most influential men。 And now one; if not born; was in love with her。 She was abruptly suffused with the scope of her own power; aware as if for the first time how in control she was; how more in control she would be once she unearthed the secrets that surely these men must harbor。 She was not naive; even Mars was not a saint。 Their power could not have been acquired without a degree of moral corruption。
 The old Irina would have quailed from such a notion; but everything was different now。 The power had changed her。 She could see quite clearly that the rules for her…as well as for Valeri and Mars…were different than they were for everyone else。
 Irina looked into Mars's eyes and; in that moment; she knew that she would never tell him about how Valeri had sent her to spy on him。 This was a measure of her power over both men; and she would never give it up。
 〃Irina; I will tell you a secret;〃 Mars said; 〃something you must promise never to tell anyone。〃
 〃I promise。〃
 〃I can well imagine how Valeri Denysovich; for one; would chop me up for fish bait if he ever found out I harbor a secret affinity for the nationalist group。 White Star。〃
 Irina watched him through the steam and her slitted eyes。 This was the last thing she had expected him to say; and; under the circumstances; it pletely disarmed her。
 Mars said; 〃You see; Irina; Valeri Denysovich pretends at promise with the Baltics with his much publicized treaty。 But he gives them only token freedoms。 Then; with the other hand; he es down like a mailed fist against the Ukrainians; his own people。 Imagine。〃 He stroked her hair。 〃You see; despite all the monumental changes taking place in the outside world; nationalism is still a dirty word inside the Kremlin…a treasonable offense。 In fact; there are some who believe that the president encouraged the pro…democracy spin in Eastern Europe to divert the increasing pressure the West was putting on us for holding on to the Baltics。〃
 Mars took her hand in his。 〃I want you to understand this clearly: White Star; if it's legitimate…if it's not being run by fanatics and terrorists…must be recognized。 We must look to the Poland model。 Solidarity could not be denied。 Its rise to power was; in the end; the will of the people。 Our strength… though our own government has yet to realize it…is in our people。 The Soviet peoples。 The longer we suppress their individual freedoms; the more we keep them at arm's length。 We imprison them; rather than embracing them。 White Star could change all that; given half a chance。 I think it's worth the risk to give them that chance。〃
 Irina looked into Mars's dark eyes。 〃It happens that I agree with you。〃
 Mars smiled。 ''I knew you would。'' He wiped water droplets from her cheek。 〃Now I'm certain you'll agree to help me find White Star and talk to their leaders。''
 〃Me? How on earth could I possibly help?〃
 〃Well; it occurred to me that while you were on one of your trips to America; you might have stumbled across a White Star supporter or two。 It seems apparent to me that elements inside America would be only too eager to give what they could: money; arms; what…have…you; to White Star's cause。〃
〃That may be true;〃 Irina said; 〃but I never met any。〃 
 〃Hmm。 Well; it was just a thought;〃 Mars said。 He smiled; and wriggled closer to her。 〃I'll just have to muddle along on my own; then。〃
 〃Why?〃 Irina reached under the water for him。 〃When we can muddle along together;〃 she said。
 Irina awoke with a start。 It was very dark in the room。 She could hear Mars's even breathing as he slept beside her。 She lay for a time watching a pattern of pale light spiderweb the ceiling。 Then she rose without a sound and padded over to the window。
 She thought deeply for some time; her mind turning over the possibilities her power opened to her。 She took her time; forcing back the desire to race ahead。 At last she came to the conclusion that she would; indeed; help Mars in his quest to find White Star。 The dissident nationalist organization seemed to loom with greater importance。 Both Mars and Valeri were interested in finding White Star; each for his own reasons。 But Mars wanted to help White Star; while Valeri was most concerned with the smuggled hafnium。
 And now she could feel White Star exerting its own magnetic pull on her。 It was fate that Mars had opened himself up to her tonight; a sign。 I need to help him; Irina decided。 The way each man has reacted to White Star has given me a regained sense of right and wrong。 And perhaps in helping the peoples of White Star gain their freedom; I will find the purpose in life that has been missing ever since I returned from Cambridge。
 She nodded to herself; beginning at last to see a way out of her terrible dilemma。 She would continue to spy on Mars for Valeri; but now it would be a facade。 Her facade。 She would pass on to Valeri only what she wanted to; only enough to keep him from getting suspicious。 In the meantime; she would work on Valeri like an archaeologist at a dig。 She would find out all he knew about White Star。 But first she needed some kind of insurance。
 She did not delude herself。 Turning on Valeri Denysovich Bondasenko would be dangerous; if she were not very careful; it could have dire consequences for her。 She thought of her dream of the Siberian winter and shuddered; because she knew that Valeri could send her there with no more than a wave of his hand。 No one would dare raise his voice in protest。 There could be no help for her; no reprieve; even from Mars。
 She was smart enough to know that there was a personal element in this decision。 To deceive Valeri as he was deceiving her would; in some measure; make up for the hurt he had caused her by seeing another woman。 Again; part of her wondered why she should feel so hurt by Valeri; and why she felt it necessary to exact a measure of revenge。 After all; it wasn't as if she did care for him; was it?
 Insurance。 Irina knew she would need it。 Some kind of leverage; should Valeri ever find out what she was doing。 Power was the only currency Valeri traded in; and Irina knew she needed to make a deposit before she set out against him。
 She would have to follow him。 Valeri had claimed that he had no secrets; Irina was convinced this must be a lie。 Everyone had a secret or two that he or she did not want made public。 Why should Valeri be an exception?
 He had to have a weakness; some crack; no matter how tiny; in the armor of his power。 But what could it be? Irina stared out the window into the blackness of the Moscow night。 The air was thick and heavy; almost as cloying as the atmosphere in the lobby of the old Moscow Arts Theater。
 And Irina; in sudden inspiration; knew just where to start。 Her name was Natasha Mayakova。
 Honno said; 〃What if Giin is already dead?〃
 〃Then we'll hold a funeral;〃 Big Ezoe said。
 Looking into her face; he laughed。 ''You know; being in love does something to you。〃
 ''I 'm not in love with Giin; if that's your implication;'' Honno said。 〃Have you forgotten Eikichi? 〃
 Big Ezoe said; 〃You're the one married to Eikichi Kansei; yet you aren't in love with him。''
 〃Don't be an idiot;〃 she snapped。 〃Anyway; why are we talking about me when Giin and Sakata…san's ledgers are missing?〃
 〃Because my men are doing everything possible to find both。 We have some time now。 Just the two of us。〃
 〃Your tone is most offensive;〃 Honno said。 〃Do all Yakuza deal in innuendo?〃     
 〃Our stock in trade; Mrs。 Kansei。〃 He grinned。 〃Sit down。 If you keep pacing like that; you're apt to get a heart attack。''
 Honno stopped in her tracks。 She was about to say something acid; realized how useless her sarcasm would be on him; sat down instead。
 They were in Big Ezoe's office。 There was a great deal of activity outside in the warehouselike space。 Honno hoped at least some of it was related to the search for Giin and the ledgers。 She knew there were bodyguards around; but suspected that she would never quite manage to spot them all。
 Honno had already spent two evenings out of the house; and; before Eikichi got suspicious; she knew she had to take some steps to ensure that she had uninterrupted time with Big Ezoe。 Accordingly; she took a few days off her job at Michita Industries。 She had to arrange for two women at Michita to cover her work while she was gone。
 Eikichi often worked so late that rather regularly he went out afterward with some of his fellow prosecutors to eat; drink; and un
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