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 But now she had one piece of the puzzle。 Rega had been working for Cruz。 Then why did the Yakuza kill him? What had one of them said? His use was at an end。
 〃When the Orolas killed Rega;〃 Cruz said; 〃the war began in earnest。 And war is profitable only for the armament suppliers。〃
 〃Cruz;〃 Tori said; 〃the Orolas did not kill Rega。〃 He scowled at her。 〃What could you know of it?〃 〃I ran into Rega's killers in Buenos Aires。 In fact; they almost killed me; as well。 They were Japanese gangsters。〃
 〃Japanese?〃 Cruz laughed in her face; then his scowl got deeper。 〃Are you trying to make a fool of me?〃
 〃I'm sure she isn't;〃 Sonia said; keeping his hand around her amulet。 〃Think。 Rega had a rich source; a buyer flooding us with money。 That's why you sent him…a lieutenant; not a mule…to Buenos Aires。 She's telling the truth; corazon。 Don't you see how it makes sense?〃
 〃But the Japanese?〃 Cruz said。 〃Why would they want so much coke?〃
 〃That's what we've e here to find out;〃 Tori said。 
 〃You see; соrazoп;〃 Sonia said excitedly to Cruz; 〃they are good luck for you。''
 Russell said; 〃The question now is to find out why the Japanese killed Rega。 He was their connection。〃
 Cruz considered this。 〃Only two answers are possible;〃 he said。 〃One; they don't need supply anymore; two; they found a better connection。〃
 〃They still need the cocaine;〃 Russell said。 〃We're certain of that。〃
 〃Could the Orolas be giving the Japanese a better deal?〃 Tori asked。
 〃All that product?〃 Cruz shook his head。 〃I'd know about it right away。 If they have a new connection; it's not the Cali cartel。〃
〃Then who?〃 Russell asked。
 Cruz shrugged。 〃It may be nothing; you know how rumors are; especially here。 But 。 。 。 over the last several months there has been talk of a major new cocaine factory establishing itself in the llanos of Meta Province; east of here; just past the Manacacias River。 It's very wild there; difficult to track even rumors。 Like I said; we had all dismissed the stories。〃
 〃Whose territory is that?〃 Russell asked。 Cruz shrugged。 〃Not Orola's; not mine。 The Colombian army is in and out of there all the time。 So is the DAS。〃 He meant the Colombian Department of Administrative Security; charged with keeping the cartels and the shipments from the Bolivian cocaleros under control。 〃They do a shit job; but they can be dangerous nonetheless。〃
 〃No…man's…land;〃 Estilo said。
 〃Llano negro。 〃Black jungle。 Cruz nodded。 〃A land of only shadows。 One of the stories; more persistent than most; says that the army and the DAS patrol this area not to find this factory; but to protect it。〃 He shrugged again。 〃But these rumors have a way of growing out of all proportion。 There is no way to tell the truth from the fiction。〃
 But; of course; there was one way。 Tori; Russell; Estilo; and Sonia all looked at one another。 Without saying a word; they had municated everything they needed to know。 It was to this llano negro they would have to go to find the beginning of the bizarre Yakuza cocaine trail。
 Less than twenty…four hours later the three of them were lifting off from Machine…Gun City in one of Cruz's Bell JetRanger III helicopters。
 Just before they left; Sonia took Tori aside without anyone seeing and said; 〃Remember your promise to me。 You must help me destroy Cruz。〃
 〃I won't forget;〃 Tori said。 〃When we get back。〃
 〃When you get back。〃 Sonia nodded。
 Sonia said something else; but the wind was already in Tori's ears。 Was it her imagination or did Sonia have a doubtful look on her face?
 They were all dressed in tropical paramilitary camouflage suits。 Among the armament each carried was a machete; a Marine KA…BAR knife; a 。45 handgun; and an Uzi machine pistol with three extra loads。
 It was dark inside the helicopter; and the heavy vibrations penetrated to their bones。 Russell was up front; quizzing Cruz's pilot; who was set to pick them up twenty…four hours after he set them down。 If they didn't make the first rendezvous; he'd return the same time the day after。 Estilo was stretched out; asleep; on the bench on the opposite side of the cabin。 Tori put her head back against cold steel and closed her eyes。
 ''Don't look so worried; Senor Slade;'' Estilo said some hours later。 〃We Argentines have a saying; 'When Satan tries to walk on ice; he falls on his face。 Ice is not his milieu。' 〃
 Who is he kidding? Tori thought; as the JetRanger set them down in a minuscule clearing in the llanos of Meta Province。 She had a clear sense of foreboding。
 Llano negro。 The black jungle; where only shadows dwelled; where maybe the good guys rode shotgun for the bad guys。 She thought; This territory isn't controlled by Cruz; or by the Orolas。 So who does it belong to?

 Mars called Irina at work and asked her to go to No。 1 Gastronome on Gorky Street during her lunch hour to pick up some provisions for his parents; which he planned to take to them on the following Saturday。 He was in meetings all day; could not go himself; and he was afraid if he waited until tomorrow; the fresh sturgeon would all be gone。
 Irina readily agreed。 She loved Gorky Street; with its rush of sumptuously dressed tourists; its myriad shops and huge hotels; but she loved No。 1 Gastronome most of all。 She felt like a child in a storybook; allowed to wander through a wonderland of magical displays。 Food stuffs from all over the Soviet Union; as well as from foreign lands; were stacked on shelves and behind glass cases。 There were always lines here; but Irina never minded standing in them; because it gave her more time to soak up the atmosphere。
 As Mars had asked; she purchased fresh smoked sturgeon; several tins of caviar; and on impulse; a half…pound of smoked salmon all the way from Nova Scotia。 It was an extravagant purchase; but she thought the exotic salmon would make Mars happy。
 Afterward she strolled down Gorky Street in the wan sunshine; happy merely to be out of her dim; cramped office and in the fresh air。 Of course; one had to discount the traffic fumes; but like all city dwellers; Irina was barely aware of the clouds of exhaust。
 She was perhaps fifty yards from the Druzhba bookstore when she saw Valeri emerge from the entrance。 She raised her arm; about to call out to him; but he had already turned away。 Irina hurried after him; excited to extend her lunch hour; anything to keep her from returning to her stultifying job。
 She followed him up Gorky Street; past No。 1 Gastronome; through the Soviet Square; with its monument to Prince Dol…goruky; Moscow's founder。 A few streets on he turned left; disappeared into a small building with a green facade; the old Moscow Arts Theater; where; years ago; Stanislavsky had taught the Method to Soviet actors; and thereby changed the face of modern theater forever。
 Chekhov's Three Sisters was playing; and photos of the actors were posted just above the schedule of times。 Irina went inside。 The interior was cool; musty; filled with hushed voices; but she saw no one; the lobby deserted。
 She pushed through the door into the theater proper。 On stage; a series of spotlights shone down on actors rehearsing a scene。 Irina looked around; saw Valeri sitting near the back of the semidark theater。 She took two steps toward him; then froze。
 There was a stunning woman with him。 She had blond hair; blue eyes; and a nose Irina would have killed for。 Irina recognized her as one of the stars of the current production; Natasha Mayakova。
 Irina could not move; hearing in her mind Valeri saying to her; The joke is that it is you; Irina; who has seduced me。 Do you think that you are the latest in a long line of conquests for me? No。 But what was she thinking? Of course; this must be a business meeting; or a visit with a friend。 But in the back of her mind a perverse voice kept saying no; no; no。 He's lied to you。 It is something else; not business; not friendship。 It is an assignation。
 They were sitting very close; their heads together。 She could hear Valeri saying; 〃Time is difficult to e by; but not for you; koshka;〃 and Natasha Mayakova's answering silvery laughter。
 He called her koshka。 Darling。 Irina wanted to turn away; to run; but she could not。 She felt like someone watching an accident; unable to avert her gaze; caught by a perverse fascination; observing their intimacy; an outsider。 And all the while; Valeri's lie felt like a slap across her face。
 It was not until she was back in her office; surrounded by the drudgery of her work; that she realized how angry she was with Valeri。 But why should I expect anything different from him? she thought。 He lives a life unlike mine。 His coinage is intimidation; coercion; and deceit。
 But this bit of psychological illumination failed to make her feel any better; in fact it unaccountably depressed her all the more。 She tried to throw herself into her work for the rest of the afternoon; but it was useless。 She was finished for the day。
 〃Nova Scotia salmon!〃 Mars exclaimed。 〃What a treat!〃 He impulsively gave her a kiss。 ''I should save this for my folks; but it looks so scrumptious; why don't you and I pull apart some black bread and dig in。〃 They were in the kitchen of Mars's apartment。 The lights were on; although
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