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Ariel Solares。 Ariel is a norteamericano who spends a majority of his time here。 his most fervent desire is to bee a  porteno; no; Ariel?〃
 〃My friend exaggerates; as usual;〃 Ariel Solares said。 〃Actually; I wish to understand the porteno。 I e to Buenos Aires to soak up the air of the mythical yesterday。〃 He took a deep breath; let it out。 〃Can you not smell it; perfuming the air like a rose?〃 He shrugged。 〃My own past…my whole life up until now…could not be more prosaic; so I visit Buenos Aires to let this city touch me; perhaps in some way to change me。''
 〃Nonsense;〃 Estilo said。 〃You e here to do business。〃 But Tori could see that he was impressed with what Ariel had said。 Estilo; like all portenos; was drawn to myth and all its fascinating ramifications。 For him; ancient gods dwelled in the rain forests and in the Pampa; and; because they had been written about; spirits inhabited his city; sitting like gargoyles upon the cornices of the modern buildings。 This was the power of myth。
 〃You speak of Buenos Aires as if it were Lourdes;〃 Tori said; suddenly wanting to draw Ariel out。 〃As if it had mystical healing powers。〃 It did for her; why not for him?
 Ariel Solares cocked his head。 〃Well; I never thought of it in just that way; but perhaps there is some truth in what you say。 But 'healing;' I don't know whether that is quite the correct word。 I am not sick; merely bored。〃
 〃But; my friend; surely boredom is a form of sickness;〃 Estilo said; his gaze swinging from Ariel to Tori。 〃A person…all people…need a purpose。 Without one; life bees meaningless; and further sickness…of a deeper; more serious nature…will surely follow。〃
 Now Tori knew that Estilo was speaking directly to her; and she averted her eyes。 The tango music; drifting along the avenue; had turned bitter; introspective; a harbinger of the last burst of violence and fury that was; inevitably; to e。
 〃I'm quite all right;〃 Tori said softly; not looking at either man; but rather into the heart of the dark tango。
 〃Of course you are; my darling;〃 Estilo said; patting her hand affectionately。 He had big hands; blunt and strong。 〃I did not mean to infer otherwise〃…although Tori knew that was precisely what he had meant to do。 〃I merely assumed your boredom needed alleviating。 In that event; I would be delighted if you joined me tonight at my home。〃 his mustache arched as he smiled。' 'A very private party。 If you aren't a friend of mine; you aren't ing。〃 He paused a moment; then said; 〃Ariel will be there。〃
 Tori turned her head; looked again at the younger man; his skin burnished by the sun and the wind。 She could imagine him riding the infinite pampas or; bending slightly; his hair swept back by the wind and the speed of his mount; swinging a polo mallet at Palermo Fields。 But there was something different about him; he was not a typical porteno; or even trying to be; and these things intrigued her。
 〃All right;〃 Tori said。
 〃Wonderful!〃 Estilo beamed at her as he rose。 〃Until tonight; then!〃
 For a moment Ariel sat facing her; his coffee…colored eyes staring into hers。 Then he took her hand; kissed it lightly; and was swept away by Estilo。
 After the men were gone; Tori sat and sipped a brandy。 It was; to her mind; a melancholy drink; invoking intimations of broken promises; lost dreams; the ashes of desire。
 When at last she rose; the tango had finished its haunting tale; and only the unlovely noises of the restless city remained。
 Estilo's home was an apartment that took up the entire top floor of an anonymous…looking high rise in the Recoleta。 It was just a few blocks from the cemetery; the ne plus ultra address in all of Buenos Aires; which perhaps told you as much about the portenos as you needed to know: the dead possessed a presence that made them in some subtle; mystical sense less dead than the dead of other cultures。
 The vast apartment which snaked from east to west was furnished in Italian high fashion; which was to say with equal amounts of chic and money。 Each piece of furniture exhibited low; sleek lines and the distinctively patterned fabrics of Ungaro and Missoni。
 The place had been designed by Estilo's current thistress; Adona; a stunning black…haired Argentine woman from the alta sociedad… the cream of porteno society…who; in some ways; reminded Tori of herself。 She had wanted more from her relationship with Estilo; and had insisted that he take her into me jungles of South America; where many of his dangerous business dealings took place。 Adona was as good at dispelling distrust as she was at disarming Estilo's enemies。
 She was an unusual hostess in this snobbish city; for she genuinely loved people; and attended to their individual wants。 She and Tori embraced warmly; in the manner of sisters too long kept apart。
 She drew Tori aside。 In the kitchen uniformed servers were loading chased…silver platters; enormous chafing dishes; with food。 Adona ignored these people。
 〃You look tired。 Tori。〃
 〃Perhaps I am; a little。 But if so; it's only the fatigue of inaction。〃
 ' 'Yes。'' Adona nodded。' 'I know you well。 You need passion。 Like with Estilo and me; there is a passion。 But your passion is for what? This violence; living on the edge of the great abyss?'' Her eyes were sad。 〃I think this is not healthy。〃
 ' 'Estilo said much the same thing to me this afternoon。''
 Adona smiled。 〃Estilo is very fond of you。〃 She laughed; a beautiful musical sound。 〃Did you know that in the beginning I was quite jealous of you?''
 〃You had no reason to be;〃 Tori said。
 〃Why not? Estilo is no angel。 But then who is? Me? Are you?〃
 〃No;〃 Tori said; abruptly thinking of Greg; soaring like an angel above Earth's atmospheric envelope。 And then; while crawling outside; along the skin of his vehicle; something had punctured his EVA suit; and all the oxygen had been sucked from his lungs。 A matter of seconds; that's all it had taken。 From heaven to hell; with only the brittle blue starlight for pany。 ' 'Death by hypoxia;'' his death certificate had read; but that was so cold; so clinical。 It had not described his iced body; blistered and bruised beyond recognition by the cruel vacuum of space。
 〃Tori。〃 Adona was gripping her arm。 〃Here; take some brandy; you've gone white。〃
 〃I'm all right。〃 But just the same; Tori downed the liquor。
 Adona shook her head。 〃There was a time;〃 she said; 〃when I longed for the life you lead: armed to the teeth; in the jungle; me enemy just ahead。 It made me feel so 。。。 I don't know; alive。〃 She took the empty glass from Tori's hand。 〃But times change; I've changed。 The truth is that the only time I felt safe was when I had a MAC…10 in my hands and a knife on my hip。 Then I knew I was the equal of any man…not sexually; and certainly not emotionally。 But still I felt equal。 A man could kill; and so could I。 I was respected; even at times deferred to。 Then; at last; there was no difference between us。 You understand。〃
 Tori looked at her。 〃What changed?〃
 Adona shrugged。 〃The world turns on its axis; the seasons change; day into night。 Who really can say with certainty? But I suspect that I have found that whatever I was reaching for is nonexistent or; at least; illusory。 I feel as though in trying to measure up to men's standards; I've been sucked whole into their world。 And I've discovered I don't like it。〃
 〃What does Estilo say to all this? He met you in the jungle; that's where you fell in love。〃
 〃Estilo doesn't know。〃
 〃But you must tell him;〃 Tori said。 〃Estilo loves you; he wants you to be happy。〃
 Adona's liquid brown eyes locked with Tori's。 〃Yes; he loves me。 But happiness; now that's another matter entirely。 Estilo is the consummate businessman…he lives for the deal; it doesn't matter what the deal is。 Because each deal is well…defined; and Estilo's world is well…defined。 I have spent so much time and effort to bee a part of that world; and now; as far as he's concerned; everything meshes perfectly。 He couldn't let me go。 My role is too well…defined。 If I were to leave; a black hole would appear; an undefined gap he could not tolerate。''
 〃But do you want to leave him?〃
 Adona gave off a little smile; like the glow of a tiny candle as darkness falls。 〃I don't know。〃
 〃Don't let him go;〃 Tori said。 〃He's a good man。〃
 ' 'Well; at least he's a little good。''
 Adona suddenly leaned forward; kissed Tori on both cheeks。 〃Go enjoy the party。 Too much gloomy talk is bad for the soul。''
 Tori squeezed Adona's hand; left her to monitor the ing food。 The rooms were filled with people…Buenos Aires' most famous artists; models; chantas… and smoke; but somehow Estilo found Tori; pushed a Kir Royale into her hand; kissed her on the cheek; murmured an endearment in German。 He used German infrequently; only when he was slightly drunk; and never in a place where he could be overheard。 He was Argentine; after all; and had his own myth to foster。
 〃It is times like this;〃 he said; linking his aim in hers; 〃when I miss Munich most。'' Tori knew he traveled to Germany several times a year。 〃Have you ever eaten in Die Aubergine?〃
 〃I've never been to Munich;〃 Tori said with a sense of deja vu。 They'd had this conversation many times。
 〃Ah; to look out on the Maximilianplatz
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