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 in the Lenin Hills; the KGB leaders in the Lubyanka and Lefortovo。 You see; our people are highly placed; and they need only go that far。〃
 He bent down; retrieved the Kalishnikov that Irina had dropped。 〃Of course it won't be as straightforward as that。 It never is。 There will inevitably be plications; and before it's over; some of us may die。 Which is why I must go。 I must see that none of the generals slip our net。 And then I must confront the president; to give him an account of this treachery firsthand。〃
 〃Isn't there anything we can do?〃 Russell asked。
 Valeri smiled。 〃You and Miss Nunn have already done your part。 Now you must stand aside and let us do ours。 At this stage; it would not be helpful to anyone if news got out of American agents being involved in this crisis。〃
 〃What will happen here?〃 Tori said。
 〃I don't know。 No one does;〃 Valeri admitted。 〃But it is clear that some form of promise between the Russians and the national minorities must be hammered out。 A good degree of national autonomy is needed; but no one in White Star wants to cripple this country。 We just want the repression and prejudice against us to end。〃
 After Greg was finished on the shortwave; Russell took over to send a coded signal via the Berlin station to Mail Central。 Irina took Tori into the shower and changing room; showed her where Tatiana and Lara kept their clothes。
 Irina was in the shower; and Tori was just finishing dressing; when Greg wheeled himself in。
 〃It's good to see you; Tori。 You can't know how good。〃
 Tori knelt in front of him。 〃What's happened to you; Greg? Mom and Dad will be so frightened when they see you。〃
 He looked into her eyes; said; 〃I don't think so。〃
 ''What do you mean?''
 Greg reached out; gripped her shoulders。 〃They know; Tori。〃
 〃Mom and Dad know you're alive?〃 Her face was a mask of shock。 〃But how?〃
 Then something flashed in her mind。 Russell saying。 Haw the devil is Bernard getting the funds to buy these nuclear weapons? And; with fingers half paralyzed; she fumbled out the photo that Ariel had pressed into her hands at the point of death。 But there must be something more to this photo。 What's so incriminating about it? Russell had said。 Bernard could have gone to San Francisco/or any one of a million reasons。
 Tori looked past Ariel in the foreground; the bronze sundial; the little girl playing in the park。 She saw Bernard in the lower left…hand corner of the frame; and then; ing toward him; ing to meet him; the couple。
 She peered through the gloom。 Could it be? Did the photo show Tori's mother and father meeting Bernard Godwin in a San Francisco park? To discuss financing? Were Ellis and Laura Nunn financing White Star? Was it their money that Bernard used to buy the MANDs from the Japanese coalition?
 And then it all clicked together。
 Tori said with a bit of wonder in her voice; ''Valeri contacted Bernard and told him about you; didn't he; Greg? And then Bernard went to Dad。 He told him you were alive; that this was Dad's chance to help free the people of the Soviet Union。〃
 She saw the truth in Greg's eyes。 〃Jesus Christ; Bernard wasn't content with roping me into his secret world; he had to drag Mom and Dad in after me。〃
 ''I don't think it was quite as simple as that;'' Greg said softly。 〃I think Dad and Mom decided on their own…〃
 〃No; no;〃 Tori said heatedly。 〃You don't know Bernard as I've e to。 He coerced them…maybe not directly…Dad isn't so easily coercible。 But even he has his weak spot。 You。 I've no doubt that Bernard used you to get Dad's and Mom's backing。〃
 〃I think you're giving too much power to Bernard; and not enough credit to Mom and Dad。〃
 〃Bernard's gone too far this time;〃 she said grimly。
 〃But don't you see the good he's done? Bernard's opened up the door; and for the first time in decades a new light is shining in。〃
 〃But at what cost?〃 Tori said。 〃Greg; you don't know how much blood has been spilled because of him。〃
 〃I know how much blood has spilled here over the past eighteen months; and how much more would have been spilled without his efforts…and yours。〃
 Tori knew he was right…but she also knew that Bernard had to be taught a lesson。 His free reign above the law must be put to an end。
 〃Tori; at least talk to Dad before you make up your mind;〃 Greg said。
 〃We'll both talk to him;〃 Tori said。 〃I'm taking you home。〃
 〃No。〃 In the electric silence Greg said; 〃I'm not going back to America。 I can't leave here; not now。 There's too much to do。 I've made too many friends; bound myself with too many unbreakable ties。〃
 〃Greg; you can't mean it!〃
 〃But I do。〃 Seeing her stricken look; he said; 〃How can I explain it to you?〃 He thought a moment。 〃Did Dad ever tell you the story of the Zen Policeman?''
 〃Yes;〃 Tori said so softly he had to bend close to hear her。
 〃Well; that's me; Tori。 The Zen Policeman; locked away at the crossroads of an eerie corridor; in a strange structure; in an alien land。 But I've e there for a reason…believe me I've had enough time to e to understand that…and it's a reason that's larger than I am as an individual。〃
 〃But what about our family? What about home?〃
 〃My family will e see me; God willing。 And as far as home is concerned; it's no longer here for me。 I have another home。 It's inside myself now。〃
 Tori began to cry。 〃Greg; Greg。 I've just found you。 I don't want to lose you again。〃
 〃Ah; Tori。 Who are you weeping for? Me? Or yourself?〃 He put his hand under her chin; lifted her head up。 〃Don't you see that you can be through living in my shadow?''
 She tried to laugh through her tears。 〃But who'll help me with Mom and Dad? You know I can't cope with them without you。〃
 〃You don't mean that; Tori。 You never needed me to intercede with Mom and Dad; you just thought you did。 It was easier to want my relationship with them; than to fight for your own。'' He kissed her lightly。 〃This is your life。 Tori。 Have the courage to live it。〃
 At that moment Russell stuck his head into the room。 ''What's taking you so long? I've gotten a reply from Bernard。 He wants us back in the States right away。〃
 Irina came out of the shower cubicle with a towel wrapped around her。 She looked from Greg to Tori's tear…streaked face。 〃Is everything all right?〃 she asked。
 〃It's just the good…byes;〃 Tori said; wiping away her tears。 〃I hate long ones。''
 She took Russell's hand; stared once more into those angel eyes。
 Greg said; 〃Give my regards to Diana's Garden;〃 as Irina slipped an arm around his shoulders。 And then; because he was anxious for her; 〃You'll talk to Dad。 Promise me you will。〃
 Tori said; ''I'll give them both your love。〃
 Just before she turned away; Greg said enigmatically; 〃Remember the Zen Policeman。〃
 Tori saw the small smile on his face; and wondered at its meaning all during the long flight home。



 Tori returned to Los Angeles and Diana's Garden in the midst of a dreadful heat wave that had kept polluted air inverted over the sprawling city for more than a week。 Children and people over the age of sixty…five or with breathing disorders were being warned to stay inside。 It was a Los Angeles not that much different from the Tokyo they had so recently left。
 Russell told her he was staying at the airport to wait for Bernard's flight in from the East Coast。 Tori said that she was not going to stay。 They sat facing one another for a time in the dimly lit interior of the 727。 They both seemed in an emotional as well as a physical limbo。 They had slept fitfully on the flight home; both still too tired to feel the full extent of their exhaustion。
 At last Russell said; 〃Just before we landed; we got a fax from Bernard sending us his heartiest congratulations。〃
 ''Honestly; I don't know whether to laugh or cry。''
 〃Me neither。〃
 〃I don't understand。〃 Tori looked at him。 〃After all that's happened; how can you wait for him here; as if it's business as usual?''
 〃I've still got a job to do。〃
 Russell leaned over; poured himself coffee; stirred in sugar。 〃After Moscow; we know it isn't so cut and dried; is it?〃 He sipped some coffee。 〃Is Bernard guilty? And if so; of what? And is it anything we ourselves aren't guilty of as well? I'm no judge in these matters; Tori; and neither; I suspect; are you。 The truth is buried too deeply under conflicting layers of altruism and obsession。 In any case; I've got to work things out with Bernard during the debriefing; e to some sort of promise; or I'll have to quit the Mall。〃
 She smiled。 ''At least that's not the career man I used to know talking。〃
 〃That Russell Slade is dead。〃 He frowned。 〃But you should be here when Bernard arrives。 He'll be here any minute。〃
 〃Debriefing or no debriefing; Bernard can wait;〃 Tori said; kissing him。 〃I can't。 My family es first now。 Besides; I'm not ready yet to confront him。 I need some time to get this all in perspective。 If I don't know how I feel about him; I'm sure to make a shambles of the debriefing。〃
 Russell said; 〃Sure;〃 but something in his eyes gave her pause。
 〃What is it; Russ?〃
 〃Listen;〃 he said; holding on to her; 〃you're not going to pull one of your patented stunts and disappear over the horizon?〃
 〃No;〃 she s
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