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poke to God as she rounded the corner to the street where she had left the car。
 She stopped; cautious again。 The street was deserted。 The car sat where she had left it。 But suddenly it didn't seem like a sanctuary: this was; after all; the car Mars had given her; what if it had been followed; or worse; was bugged?
 Irina looked furtively around; her heart pounding in her chest。 What was she to do? She had to get back to Valeri with the puter; yet with the KGB out; she could not walk there or take a tram。 But if the car was bugged; she would lead them straight to Valeri。
 There was so little time。 Sweat rolled down the back of her neck as she worked through the problem。 She stared at the car。 It seemed to beckon her on; a safe haven。 It occurred to her that she was already thinking like a fugitive; and that frightened her further。
 Behind her she heard the soft swish of car tires on the wet asphalt of the street; and she jumped; thinking of the black Zil。 All right; she thought; I 'll use the car but abandon it well before I get to the church。 Once I get to the other side of the Kremlin I'll be all right。 I can walk the last few blocks; making sure I'm not followed。
 Having made up her mind; she hurried to the car; dropped the keys in her anxiety; retrieved them; unlocked the driver's door。 She threw the Toshiba on the passenger's seat; slid in herself; shut and locked the door behind her。
 The ignition turned; and when she heard the engine cough to life; she breathed an enormous sigh of relief。 She stared out the windshield。 It was already fogged; and she used the cuff of her coat to wipe away the condensation。 She wondered vaguely why there should be so much condensation when she had just now got in the car。 That kind of mist came from human breath。
 That was when she became aware of the slight stirring behind her。 A hand clamped her shoulder and she gave a little scream。
 〃Did I startle you; Irina? That was thoughtless of me。〃
 She saw his movie…idol face in the rearview mirror; and she thought for a moment that her heart had ceased to beat。 Then it thudded home; and she felt as if she had been punched in the chest。
 She said his name involuntarily; like a sigh。 〃Mars。〃


 Tori was dreaming of Koi; of the purity of whiteness stained red; of shiny innards slithering into sunlight; steaming like an Aztec sacrifice; she was meditating on the unpromising will of the warrior spirit; she was wondering how it was the Japanese; among many other ancient peoples of the world; had determined that blood could purify the most corrupted spirit; when Russell woke her。 Had she dreamed about the blood of Koi or the blood of Christ?
 〃We've just landed outside Novosibirsk for refueling;〃 Russell said。 〃We're halfway to Moscow。〃
 Although they were at a civilian airfield and had logged an official flight plan; the military mander of the nearby air base had sent his adjutant; who was in the pany of a lean…faced plainclothes man。 An obvious KGB agent; the lean…faced man's cheeks were scarred by a severe case of adult acne; and his cheap suit seemed to grab him under the arms and in the crotch。 Tori wondered; stifling a guffaw; whether after eight hours in that flexible torture chamber he would talk in a falsetto。
 The two men scrutinized the false diplomatic documents the Tides and Legends section of the Mall office in Tokyo had prepared; just as the Soviets in Ulan Bator; their first refueling stop; had done。 Everything had been preprinted; all that had to be done by Titles and Legends was to insert the proper names; titles; border frankings; and so forth; add several sets of official orders; and the documents were ready to go。
 The two men made a great show of taking notes; conferring among themselves; quizzing Russell。 Mostly; they stared at Tori's legs。 Then; apparently frustrated; they went forward to grill the flight crew。 Forty minutes later they exited the plane; but not before scowling menacingly at Russell and taking a last; lingering look at Tori's legs。
 〃Horny devils;〃 Tori said。
 Russell; smiling at the scowling angry faces; said; 〃You'd be horny; too; if you were stuck in the back of beyond with only your Kalishnikov to keep you warm。''
 When the Russians were finally gone; Russell relaxed。 〃There's one thing that still bothers me about this whole affair Bernard's lost himself in。 If he isn't part of Hitasura's supercoke scheme…and I'm as convinced as you are that he isn't…then how the devil is he getting the funds to buy these nuclear weapons? You can bet the coalition isn't giving them to him。 And I can tell you unequivocally that he isn't using the Mail's money。 Even Bernard…if he'd a mind to…couldn't embezzle the amount he'd need without my finding out pretty damn quick。〃
 〃That's a good question。〃 Tori considered this。 〃I hadn't thought of that; but even if I had; I doubt whether Koi or Hitasura would have provided any help on that score。 Bernard knew nothing of Hitasura's finances; and; knowing Bernard; you can be damn sure the reverse was true; as well。〃
 Russell looked thoughtful。 〃You know; I don't believe I'll ever really understand what happened between you and Koi。 What kind of bond could there possibly have been between the two of you? Frankly; it scares me to think that you could have related to anything about her。〃
 〃Oh; Russ; there was a whole other side of Koi you never saw。''
 〃Koi was a stone killer。〃
 〃So am I。〃
 〃She enjoyed torturing Deke。〃
 〃There you're wrong;〃 Tori said。 〃When she tortured Deke; she was torturing herself。 She loathed what she did; but she felt she was cursed; that she deserved to be loathed…by everyone。 Someone like that is to be pitied; not despised。〃
 〃She had to be stopped from repeating what she did to Deke。''
 〃I stopped her; Russ。〃 Tori's eyes held his as if in an invisible vise。 〃And that felt good…1 can't tell you how good…because I didn't have to resort to killing her。〃
 He nodded。 〃I can see that; sure。 But…〃
 〃Look; Russ; Koi was driven by demons。 Maybe they weren't the exact same demons that drive Bernard; but they're close enough。 Do you think Bernard is any less haunted than Koi was? The only difference between them is that Bernard has found a way to live with his demons。〃
 〃But don't you see that in time Koi would have bee another Fukuda?〃
 〃And what has Bernard Godwin bee over time; Russ? Can you answer that with any degree of certainty? No? Then I'll tell you。 Bernard is as much a stone killer as Koi was。〃
 〃But his motives are so altruistic…〃
 〃That's Mall Central thinking;〃 Tori said。 〃Motives don't count here…morality does。 At least Koi had the courage to face what she had bee…〃
 〃And killed herself。〃 He shook his head。 〃I don't understand a person who prefers death to life。〃
 〃Preference has nothing to do with it。〃 Tori's eyes blazed。 〃Death was an atonement for her sins。 For Koi; to die in so honorable a fashion as seppuku was to cleanse her spirit。 If I pare her to Bernard; I think she had the right idea。''
 Russell rose。 〃All this talk of death is making me claustrophobic。〃 He went off to the head。
 Tori looked out the Perspex window; stared at nothing。 〃Christ!〃 she breathed。 〃How can he be so obtuse when he's also so insightful?〃
 Then she shook her head; followed him。 She wanted him to understand; to at last grasp a concept that was not grounded in logic; mathematics; binary languages。
 For an unbearably long moment they stared at each other。 Then Russell grabbed her shirtfront; pulled her inside the head; hard against him。 〃Nothing's going to save you now;〃 he said hoarsely just before his lips came down over hers。
 〃I don't want to be saved;〃 she moaned into him。
 Tori's mouth opened and her tongue twined with his。 Her back was arched and her breasts were crushed against him。 She felt dizzy and weak; as if she had lost all strength in her upper body。 At the same time; her legs felt heavy; as if they were buried in sand。 Her thighs were on fire; and she could not seem to catch her breath。
 Russell was pulling apart her blouse; his hands running roughly over her breasts。 She moaned into his mouth as he found her nipples。
 She could not wait; her own hands searching for his belt and fly; frantically pulling down his trousers; feeling him rise deli…ciously into her hand; cramming him beneath her short skirt; her other hand pulling aside her underclothes; ramming him full length inside her。
 They both cried out at the same time; and Russell slammed her repeatedly against the bulkhead。 If they were making noise; neither of them cared; if they were to be discovered; it did not matter。 They were beyond caring about anything but their joined hot flesh; their liquid union; the mutual fire that threatened to consume them。
 Tori felt filled to overflowing。 She wrapped her arms around his head; filled the spaces between her fingers with his thick hair。
 〃Russ; Russ; oh!〃
 His mouth was at her throat; the sides of her neck; her ears; her jaw。 He gathered her hard breasts in his hands; squeezing them as he hammered at her until Tori almost fainted with pleasure。
 Her eyes were closed; she rubbed her face against the coarseness of his cheeks; and jol
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