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 produce melange。〃
 〃The same way you grow gholas from dead human cells?〃 the Emperor said; scowling with revulsion。 〃And clones?〃
 Intrigued and surprised; Shaddam glanced over at Fenring。 Axlotl tanks?
 Ajidica continued to focus on Elrood。 〃In。。。effect; my Lord。〃
 〃Why e to me?〃 Elrood asked。 〃I should think the diabolical Tleilaxu would create a spice substitute for themselves and leave the Imperium at their mercy。〃
 〃The Bene Tleilax are not a mighty race; Sire。 If we discovered how to produce our own melange; and kept the secret for ourselves; we know it would bring down the wrath of the Imperium。 You yourself would send in Sardaukar; tear the secret from our grasp; and destroy us。 The Spacing Guild and CHOAM would be happy to assist you  and the Harkonnens; too; would defend their spice monopoly at all costs。〃 Ajidica gave a thin; humorless smile。
 〃It's good to see that you understand your subordinate position;〃 Elrood said; resting his bony elbow on the arm of the heavy throne。 〃Not even the wealthiest Great House has ever developed a military force to oppose my Sardaukar。〃
 〃Thus; we have prudently decided to ingratiate ourselves with the most powerful presence in the galaxy  the Imperial House。 In that way we can reap the greatest benefit from our new research。〃
 Elrood placed a long finger on his papery lips; considering。 These Tleilaxu were clever; and if they could manufacture the substance exclusively for House Corrino; and cost…effectively; the Emperor would have a powerful bargaining chip。
 The economic difference could be huge。 House Harkonnen could be driven into the ground; bankrupted。 Arrakis would bee of little value; with the product there paratively expensive to get out of the sand。
 If this gnome could do as he suggested; the Landsraad; CHOAM; the Spacing Guild; the Mentats; and the Bene Gesserit would be forced to seek favors from the Emperor in order to get their supplies。 Most of the important scions of noble families were already addicted to melange; and Elrood himself could bee their supplier。 Excitement blossomed within him。
 Ajidica interrupted Elrood's train of thought。 〃Let me emphasize that this will be no simple task; Sire。 The precise chemical structure of melange is extraordinarily difficult to analyze; and we must separate out which ponents are necessary for the substance to be effective; and which are irrelevant。 In order to achieve this goal; the Tleilaxu will require enormous resources; as well as the freedom and time to pursue our avenues of research。〃
 Fenring shifted on the polished steps and; while looking up at old Emperor; interjected: 〃My Lord; I see now that Master Ajidica was right in seeking privacy for this audience。 Such an undertaking must be carried out entirely in secret if House Corrino is to have an exclusive source。 Ah; certain powers in the Imperium would do anything to prevent you from creating an independent and inexpensive supply of spice; hm…m…m…m?〃
 Fenring could see that the old man recognized the enormous political and economic advantages Ajidica's proposal could bring him  even in light of everyone's instinctive loathing for the Tleilaxu。 He sensed the balance shifting; the senile Emperor ing to exactly the conclusion Fenring wished。 Yes; the ancient creature can still be manipulated。
 Elrood himself saw many forces hanging in the balance。 Since the Harkonnens were ambitious and intractable; he would have preferred to place another Great House in charge of Arrakis; but the Baron would remain in power for decades yet。 For political reasons; the Emperor had been forced to grant this valuable quasi…fief to House Harkonnen after ousting Richese; and the new fief holders had dug themselves in。 Too much so。 Even the debacle of Abulurd's governorship (he'd been installed in his position at the request of his father Dmitri Harkonnen) had not brought the desired result。 The effect had been the exact opposite; in fact; once the Baron had maneuvered himself into a position of power。
 But what to do with Arrakis afterward? Elrood thought。 I would want total control of it as well。 Without its monopoly on spice; the place might e cheap。 At the right price; it could prove useful for something else。。。an incredibly harsh military training area; perhaps?
 〃You were correct in bringing your ideas to our attention; Hidar Fen Ajidica。〃 Elrood clasped his hands on his lap; clinking gold rings together; refusing to apologize for his earlier rudeness。 〃Please give us a detailed summary of your needs。〃
 〃Yes; my Lord Emperor。〃 Ajidica bowed again; keeping his hands folded in his billowing maroon sleeves。 〃Most importantly; my people will need equipment and resources。。。a place in which to do our research。 I will be in charge of this program myself; but the Bene Tleilax require an appropriate technological base and industrial facilities。 Preferably ones that are already functional  and well defended。〃
 Elrood pondered the question。 Surely; among all the worlds in the Imperium; there must be someplace; a high…tech world with industrial capabilities。。。。
 Puzzle pieces snicked into place; and he saw it: a way to obliterate his old rival House Vernius  payback for Dominic's effrontery involving the royal concubine Shando; and for the new Heighliner design that threatened to wreak havoc on Imperial profit systems。 Oh; this will be magnificent!
 Sitting on the steps to the crystal pedestal of the throne; Hasimir Fenring did not understand why the Emperor smiled with such smug satisfaction。 The silence drew out for a long moment。 He wondered if it might have something to do with the mind…eating effects of the slow chaumurky。 The old man would soon bee increasingly irrational and paranoid。 And after that he would die。 Horribly; I hope。
 But before then; all the proper wheels would have been set in motion。
 〃Yes; Hidar Fen Ajidica。 We do have the place for your efforts; I believe;〃 Elrood said。 〃A perfect place。〃
 Dominic must not know until it is too late; the Emperor thought。 And then he must know who did it to him。 Right before he dies。
 The timing; as in so many matters of the Imperium; had to be precise。
 The Spacing Guild has worked for centuries to surround our elite Navigators with mystique。 They are revered; from the lowest Pilot to the most talented Steersman。 They live in tanks of spice gas; see all paths through space and time; guide ships to the far reaches of the Imperium。 But no one knows the human cost of being a Navigator。 We must keep this a secret; for if they really knew the truth; they would pity us。
 …Spacing Guild Training Manual Handbook for Steersmen (Classified)
 The austere Guild Embassy Building contrasted severely with the rest of Ixian grandeur in the stalactite city。 The structure was drab; utilitarian; and gray among the sparkling and ornate cavern towers。 The Spacing Guild had priorities beyond ornamentation or ostentation。
 Today C'tair and D'murr Pilru would be tested; in hopes of being Guild Navigators。 C'tair didn't know whether to be excited or terrified。
 As the twin brothers marched shoulder to shoulder across a shielded crystal walkway from the Grand Palais; C'tair found the Embassy Building so aesthetically repulsive that he considered turning around and leaving。 In the face of the Guild's enormous wealth; the lack of splendor seemed odd; to the point of making him ill at ease。
 As if thinking the same thing but ing to a different conclusion; his brother looked at C'tair and said; 〃Once the wonders of space are opened up to a Guild Navigator's mind; what other decorations are necessary? How can any ornamentation rival the wonders a Navigator sees on a single journey through foldspace? The universe; brother! The whole universe。〃
 C'tair nodded; conceding the point。 〃All right; we'll both have to use different criteria from now on。 'Think outside the box'  remember what old Davee Rogo used to tell us? Things are going to be so。。。changed。〃
 If he passed these examinations; he would have to be up to the challenge; though he had no real desire to leave the beautiful cavern city of Vernii。 His mother S'tina was an important Guild banker; his father a respected ambassador; and  with help from Earl Vernius himself  they had arranged to give the twins this remarkable chance。 He would make Ix proud of him。 Maybe someone would erect a sculpture in his honor someday; or name a side grotto after him and his brother。。。。
 While their father attended to diplomatic duties with the Emperor and a thousand functionaries on Kaitain; his twin sons remained in the underground city; grooming and preparing themselves for 〃bigger things。〃 Over the years of their subterranean childhood; C'tair and his brother had e to the Guild facility many times to see their mother。 Always before; they had been guests in the building; but this time the twins were going for a much more rigorous ordeal。
 C'tair's future would be determined in a few hours。 Bankers; auditors; and merce specialists were all humans; bureaucrats。 But a Navigator was so much more。
 No matter how much he tried to shore up his confidence; C'tair wasn't certain he would pass the mind…twisting tests anyway。 Who was he to think he could bee one of the elite Guild Nav
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