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 Meanwhile; my own writing career flourished。 I was nominated for the Bram Stoker Award and the Nebula Award; two of my thrillers were bought or optioned by major studios in Hollywood。 While I continued to write original novels; I also found a great deal of success in dipping my toes into established universes; such as Star Wars and X…Files (both of which I love)。 I learned how to study the rules and the characters; wrap my imagination around them; and tell my own stories within the boundaries and expectations of the readers。
 Then in the spring of 1996 I spent a week in Death Valley; California; which has always been one of my favorite places to write。 I went hiking for an afternoon in an isolated and distant canyon; wrapped up in my plotting and dictating。 After an hour or so I discovered that I had wandered off on the wrong trail and had several extra miles to hike back to my car。 During that unexpectedly long walk; out in the stark and beautiful desert scenery; my thoughts rambled over to DUNE。
 It had been ten years since Frank Herbert's death; and by now I had pretty much decided that DUNE was always going to end on a cliffhanger。 I still very much wanted to know how the story wrapped up。。。even if I had to make it up myself。
 I had never met Brian Herbert before; had no reason to expect he would even consider my suggestion。 But DUNE was my favorite science fiction novel of all time; and I could think of nothing I would rather work on。 I decided it would do no harm to ask。。。。
 We hope you have enjoyed revisiting the Dune universe through our eyes。 It has been an immense honor to sift through thousands of pages of Frank Herbert's original notes; so that we might re…create some of the vivid realms that sprang from his research; his imagination; and his life。 I still find DUNE as exciting and thought…provoking as I did when I first encountered it many years ago。
 …Kevin J。 Anderson
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