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  Can you sense it; my rings?
  Unified now; in shock; i see a steaming crater; filled with twisted metal。 The sanctuary where Ro…kenn and the sky…humans dwelled among us for weeks。 Their buried outpost…now a fiery ruin。
  Acting with hot…blooded decisiveness; Ur…Jah and Lester call for volunteers to leap into that smoky pit; reckless of their own lives; heroically attempting rescue。 But how could anyone survive within the wrecked station? Can anyone be found alive?
  We all share the same thought。 All members of the Six。 All of my rings。
  Who can doubt the power of the Egg? Or the fury of a planet scorned?
  The Stranger
  Doors seem to open with every song he rediscovers; as if old melodies are keys to unlock whole swaths of time。 The earlier the memory; the more firmly it seems attached to a musical phrase or snippet of lyrics。 Nursery rhymes; especially; take him swiftly down lanes of reclaimed childhood。
  He can picture his mother now; singing to him in the safety of a warm room; lying sweetly with ballads about a world filled with justice and love…sweet lies that helped fix his temperament; even when he later learned the truth about a bitter; deadly universe。
  A string of whimsical ditties brings back to mind the bearded twins; two brothers who for many years shared the Father Role in his family…web; a pair of incurable jokers who routinely set all six of the young web…sibs giggling uncontrollably at their quips and good…natured antics。 Reciting some of the simplest verses over and over; he finds he can almost prehend the crude punchlines…a real breakthrough。 He knows the humor is puerile; infantile; yet he laughs and laughs at the old gag…songs until tears stream down his cheeks。
  Arianafoo plays more records for him; and several release floods of excitement as he relives the operettas and musical plays he used to love in late adolescence。 A human art form; to help ease the strain as he struggled; along with millions of other earnest young men and women; to grasp some of the lofty science of a civilization older than most of the brightest stars。 He felt poignant pain in recovering much of what he once had been。 Most words and facts remain alien; unobtainable…even his mother's name; or his own; for that matter…but at least he begins to feel like a living being; a person with a past。 A man whose actions once had meaning to others。 Someone who had been loved。
  Nor is music the only key! Paper offers several more。 When the mood strikes; he snatches up a pencil and sketches with mad abandon; using up page after page; pelled to draw even though he knows each sheet must cost these impoverished folk dearly。
  When he spies Prity doodling away; graphing a simple linear equation; he delightedly finds that he understands! Math was never his favored language; but now he discovers a new love for it。 Apparently; numbers hadn't quite deserted him the way speech had。
  There is one more munion that he realizes while being treated by Pzora; the squishy pile of donut…rings that used to frighten him so。 It is a strange rapport; as foreign to words as day is to night。 Robbed of speech; he seems better attuned to notice Pzora's nuances of smell and touch。 Tickling shimmers course his body; triggered by the healer's ever…changing vapors。 Again; his hands seem to flutter of their own accord; answering Pzora's scent…queries on a level he 'can only dimly perceive。
  One does not need words to notice irony。 Beings shaped much like this one had been his deadly foes…this he knew without recalling how。 They were enemies to all his kind。 How strange then that he should owe so much to a gentle pile of farting rings。
  All these tricks and surprises offer slim rays of hope through his desolation; but it is music that seems the best route back to whoever he once was。 When Arianafoo offers him a choice of instruments; laid out in a glass case; he selects one that seems simple enough to experiment with; to use fishing for more melodies; more keys to unlock doors。
  His first awkward efforts to play the chosen instrument send; clashing noises down the twisty aisles of this strange temple of books; hidden beneath a cave of stone。 He strives diligently and manages to unloose more recollections of childhood; but soon discovers that more recent memories are harder to shake free。 Perhaps in later life he had less time to learn new songs; so there were fewer to associate with recent events。
  Events leading to a fiery crash into that horrid swamp。
  The memories are there; he knows。 They still swarm through his dreams; as they once thronged his delirium。 Impressions of vast; vacuum vistas。 Of vital missions left undone。 Of rades he feels shamed to have forgotten。
  Bent over the instrument with its forty…six strings; he hammers away; one and two notes at a time; seeking some cue; some tune or phrase that might break the jam…up in his mind。 The more it eludes him; the more certain he grows that it is there。
  He begins to suspect it is no human song he seeks; but something quite different。 Something both familiar and forever strange。
  That night; he dreams several times about water。 It seems natural enough; since Sara had made it clear they would be departing on the steamboat tomorrow; leaving behind the great hall of paper books; heading for the mountain where the starship landed。
  Another ship voyage might explain the vague; watery images。
  Later; he knew better。
  In traveling the downward path;
  that of redemption;
  be not unaware of what you seek。
  To divorce your racial destiny
  from your former clan;
  from your associations;
  from the patrons who first gave
  your species speech;
  and reason; and starflight。
  You are saying that they failed
  the first time。
  That someone else should have
  a new chance to adopt your kind
  and try again。
  There is nobility in this gamble。
  Nobility and courage。
  But do not expect gratitude from
  those you have spurned。
  …The Scroll of Exile
  Alvin's Tale
  THE DAY CAME。 AFTER ALL OUR FANTASIES; preparations; and endless details; there we were at last; the four of us; standing by the open hatch of Wuphon's Dream。
  〃Shoulda built a raft instead;〃 Huck muttered nervously; while static from her nearest wheel hub made my leg hair stand out。 〃There's lots of rivers we could've explored all summer; all by ourselves。 Done some nice quiet fishing; too。〃
  I was hyperventilating my throat sacs; as if packing their livid tissues with pure oxygen would help much where we were going! Fortunately; Tyug had provided each of us with mild relaxant drugs; which might explain Ur…ronn's easy posure。
  〃I couldn't've gone on a raft;〃 Ur…ronn replied; in flat deadpan tones。 〃I'd've gotten wet。〃
  We all turned to stare at her; then each of us; in our own way; burst out laughing。 Pincer whistled; Huck guffawed; and I umbled till it hurt。 Oh; Ur…ronn…what a character!
  〃You're right;〃 added Pincer…Tip。 〃The hot…air balloon would have been a much better plan。 Let's talk Uriel into doing a retrofit…fit。〃
  〃Hush up; you two!〃 Huck chided; a little unfairly; since she had started it。 We all turned as Uriel approached; Tyug following two paces behind。 The traeki's little partial; Ziz; now recovered from its distending ordeal; lay back in its assigned cage; under the Dream's bubble window。
  〃You have your charts?〃 Uriel inspected Pincer's pouch to make sure。 Made of laminated plastic by a human…invented process; the sheets were tough; durable; and therefore somewhat less than legal。 But we were heading for the Midden anyway; so wasn't it all right? We had studied the course chosen by Uriel; to follow as soon as the Dream's wheels touched the muddy bottom。
  Both Pincer and Ur…ronn were equipped。 Huck's magnetically driven axles shouldn't interfere much; if she didn't get too excited。
  〃We've gone over contingency tactics and rehearsed as nuch as fossifle; given our haste。 I hope。〃 Uriel shook her head in the manner of a human expressing regret。 〃There's just one thing left to cover; an ovject you are to seek out; while down there。 A thing I need you to find。〃
  Huck craned an eyestalk around to semaphore me。
  See? I told you so! she flashed in visual GalTwo。 Huck had maintained for days that there must be some item Uriel desperately wanted。 An ulterior motive for all this support。 Something we alone; with our amateur bathy; were qualified to find。 I ignored her smug boast。 The problem with Huck is that she's right just often enough to let her think it's a law of nature。
  〃This is what you are looking for;〃 Uriel said; lifting up a sketch pad so that no one but we four could see; showing a spiky shape with six points; like a piece in a child's game of jacks。 Tendrils; or long cables; stretched outward from two of the arms; trailing in opposite directions off the page。 I wondered if it might be some kind of living thing。
  〃It is an artifact we need rather urgently;〃 Uriel went on。 〃Even nore infortant than the artifact; however; is the strand of wire running away fron it。 It is this strand that you seek; t
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