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ances of the building; its searchlight shooting out as a squad of black…uniformed men with automatic weapons leaped into the street and took up crouching attack positions only partially concealed by the patrol cars…an assault was in the making!
 Fools。 Goddamned fools! To give Carlos a warning was to lose the Jackal! Killing was his profession; escape; his obsession。 Thirteen years ago Bourne had been told that Carlos's huge retreat in the village hills of Vitry…sur…Seine outside Paris had more false walls and concealed staircases than a nobleman's Loire chateau in the time of Louis XIV。 The fact that no one had ever determined which estate it was; or whom it was assigned to; did not vitiate the all too acceptable rumors。 And with three supposedly separated structures on the boulevard Lefebvre; it was also all too acceptable to presuppose hidden underground tunnels linking each to the others。
 For Christ's sake; who had done this? Had a terrible error been made? Had he and Bernardine been so obtuse as to think the Deuxième or Peter Holland's Paris station of the CIA had overlooked tapping into his Pont…Royal telephone or bribed or enlisted the various relays of operators on the hotel's switchboard? If so; that obtuseness was rooted in an absolute: it was next to impossible to tap a phone on short notice in a relatively small hotel without being detected。 Technology required a stranger on the premises; and bribe money spread around was countered with larger bribes by the subject under surveillance。 Santos? Bugs placed in the room by a chambermaid or a bellman? Not likely。 The huge conduit to the Jackal; especially if he had reneged on their contract; would not expose the Jackal。 Who? How? The questions burned into Jason's imagination as he watched in horror and dismay the scene taking place on the boulevard Lefebvre。
 〃On police authority; all residents will evacuate the building。〃 The orders over the loudspeaker metallically echoed throughout the street。 〃You have one minute before we take aggressive procedures。〃
 What aggressive procedures? screamed Bourne into the silent void of his mind。 You've lost him。 I've lost him。 Insanity! Who? Why?
 The door at the top of the brick steps on the left side of the building opened first。 A petrified man; short; obese; in an undershirt; his trousers held up by suspenders; cautiously walked out into the flood of the searchlight; spreading his hands in front of his face and turning his head away from the blinding beam。 〃What is it; messieurs?〃 he cried; his voice tremulous。 〃I am merely a baker…a good baker…but I know nothing about this street except that the rent is cheap! Is that a crime to the police?〃
 〃Our concerns are not with you; monsieur;〃 continued the amplified voice。
 〃Not with me; you say? You arrive here like an army; frightening my wife and children into thinking it is their last minutes on earth; and yet you say we don't concern you? What kind of reasoning is that? We live among fascists?〃
 Hurry up! thought Jason。 For God's sake; hurry! Every second is a minute in escape time; an hour for the Jackal!
 The door above the flight of brick steps on the right now opened; and a nun in the full flowing black robe of a religious habit appeared。 She stood defiantly in the frame; no fear whatsoever in her almost operatic voice。 〃How dare you?〃 she roared。 〃These are the hours of vespers and you intrude。 Better you should be asking forgiveness for your sins than interrupting those who plead with God for theirs!〃
 〃Nicely said; Sister;〃 intoned the unimpressed police officer over the loudspeaker。 〃But we have other information and we respectfully insist on searching your house。 If you refuse; we shall disrespectfully carry out our orders。〃
 〃We are the Magdalen Sisters of Charity!〃 exclaimed the nun。 〃These are the sacrosanct quarters of women devoted to Christ!〃
 〃We respect your position; Sister; but we are still ing inside。 If what you say is so; I'm sure the authorities will make a generous contribution to your cause。〃
 You're wasting time! screamed Bourne to himself。 He's getting away!
 〃Then may your souls be damned for transgression; but e ahead and invade this holy ground!〃
 〃Really; Sister?〃 asked another official over the loudspeaker。 〃I don't believe there's anything in the canons that gives you the right to condemn souls to hell on such a flimsy excuse。 。。。 Go ahead; Monsieur Inspector。 Under the habit; you may find lingerie more suited to the Faubourg。〃
 He knew that voice! It was Bernardine! What had happened? Was Bernardine no friend after all? Was it all an act; the smooth talk of a traitor? If so; there would be another death that night!
 The black…uniformed squad of antiterrorists; their automatic weapons bolted into firing mode; raced to the base of the brick steps as the gendarmes blocked off the boulevard Lefebvre; north and south; while the red and blue lights of the patrol cars incessantly blinked their bright warnings to all beyond the area: Stay away。
 〃May I go inside?〃 screamed the baker。 No one replied; so the obese man ran through his door clutching his trousers。
 An official in civilian clothes; the obvious leader of the assault; joined his invading unit on the pavement below the steps。 With a nod of his head; he and his men raced up the brick staircase through the door held open by the defiant nun。
 Jason held his place at the edge of the building; his body pressed against the stone; the sweat pouring from his hairline and his neck; his eyes on the inprehensible scene being played out on the Lefebvre。 He knew the who now; but why? Was it true? Was the man most trusted by Alex Conklin and himself in reality another pair of eyes and ears for the Jackal? Christ; he did not want to believe it!
 Twelve minutes passed; and with the reemergence of Paris's version of a SWAT team and its leader; several members bowing and kissing the hand of the real or would…be abbess; Bourne understood that his and Conklin's instincts had been on true course。
 〃Bernardine!〃 screamed the official approaching the first patrol car。 〃You are finished! Out! Never are you to talk to the lowest recruit in the Deuxième; even the man who cleans the toilets! You are ostracized! 。。。 If I had my way; you'd be shot! 。。。 International murder in the boulevard Lefebvre! A friend of the Bureau! An agent we must protect! 。。。 A fucking nunnery; you miserable son of a bitch! Shit! A nunnery! 。。。 Get out of my car; you smelly pig。 Get out before a weapon goes off by mistake and your stomach's on the street; where it belongs!〃
 Bernardine lurched out of the patrol car; his old unsteady legs barely able to maintain balance; twice falling into the street。 Jason waited; wanting to rush to his friend; but knowing he had to wait。 The patrol cars and the van raced away; still Bourne had to wait; his eyes alternately watching Bernardine and the front entrance of the Jackal's house。 And it was the Jackal's house; the nun proved it。 Carlos could never let go of his lost faith; he consistently used it as a viable cover; but it was much more than that。 Much more。
 Bernardine staggered into the shadows of a long…abandoned storefront across from the house on the boulevard Lefebvre。 Jason breached the corner and ran down the pavement; racing into the recess and grabbing the Deuxième veteran as he leaned against a long glass window; breathing heavily。
 〃For God's sake; what happened?〃 cried Bourne; supporting Bernardine by both shoulders。
 〃Easy; mon ami;〃 choked Bernardine。 〃The pig I sat next to…a politician; no doubt; looking for an issue…punched me in the chest before he threw me out of the car。 。。。 I told you; I don't know all the new people who attach themselves to the Bureau these days。 You have the same problems in America; so; please; do not give me a lecture。〃
 〃It's the last thing I'm about to do。 。。。 This is the house; Bernardine。 Right here; right in front of us!〃
 〃This is also a trap。〃
 〃Alex and I confirmed it。 The telephone numbers were different。 I gather you did not make your call to Carlos; as he instructed you to。〃
 〃No。 I had the address and I wanted him stretched。 What's the difference? This is the house!〃
 〃Oh; this is where your Mr。 Simon was to go; and if he was truly Mr。 Simon; he would be taken to another rendezvous。 But if he was not Monsieur Simon but someone else; then he would be shot…proof…another corpse in search of the Jackal。〃
 〃You're wrong!〃 insisted Jason; shaking his head and speaking quietly; rapidly。 〃This may be a detour; but Carlos is still on the switch。 He's not going to allow anyone to waste me but himself。 That's his mandment。〃
 〃As yours is regarding him?〃
 〃Yes。 I have a family; he has a borderline legend。 Mine is plete for me; but his is a vacuum…without any real meaning for him any longer。 He's gone as far as he can go。 The only way he can go further is to move into my territory…David Webb's territory…and eliminate Jason Bourne。〃
 〃Webb? David Webb? Who in the name of almighty God is that?〃
 〃Me;〃 replied Bourne; smiling forlornly and leaning beside Bernardine against the window。 〃It's nuts; isn't it?〃
 〃Nuts!〃 cried the former Deuxième。 〃It is fou! Insane; not to be believed!〃
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