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dress of the Eiffel Tower。〃
 〃Then I'm on my own; which; frankly; under the circumstances; makes me feel a lot safer。〃
 〃What can you do; Marie?〃
 〃I won't give you a litany; but I can go to all those places he and I went to; used when we were running。 He'll use them again; somehow; some way。 He has to because in your crazy jargon they were 'secure;' and in his crazy frame of mind he'll return to them because he knows they're secure。〃
 〃God bless; favorite lady。〃
 〃He abandoned us; Alex。 God doesn't exist。〃
 Prefontaine walked through the terminal at Boston's Logan Airport to the crowded platform and raised his hand to hail a cab。 But after looking around; he lowered his hand and stood in line; things had changed in thirty years。 Everything; including airports; had bee cafeterias; one stood in line for a plate of third…rate mulligan stew; as well as for a taxi。
 〃The Ritz…Carlton;〃 said the judge to the driver。
 〃You h'ain'd got no luggage?〃 asked the man。 〃Nudding but d'liddle bag?〃
 〃No; I do not;〃 replied Prefontaine and; unable to resist a follow…up added; 〃I keep wardrobes wherever I go。〃
 〃Tutti…fruitee;〃 said the driver; removing an outsized; wide…toothed b from his hair as he swung out into the traffic。
 〃You have a reservation; sir?〃 asked the tuxedoed clerk behind the counter at the Ritz。
 〃I trust one of my law clerks made it for me。 The name's Scofield; Justice William Scofield of the Supreme Court。 I'd hate to think that the Ritz had lost a reservation; especially these days when everyone's screaming for consumer protection。〃
 〃Justice Scofield 。。。 ? I'm sure it's here somewhere; sir。〃
 〃I specifically requested Suite Three…C; I'm sure it's in your puter。〃
 〃Three…C 。。。 it's booked…〃
 〃No; no; I'm wrong; Mr。 Justice。 They haven't arrived 。。。 I mean it's an error 。。。 they're in another suite。〃 The clerk pounded his bell with ferocity。 〃Bellboy; bellboy!〃
 〃No need for that; young fella; I travel light。 Just give me the key and point me in the right direction。〃
 〃Yes; sir!〃
 〃I trust you've got a few bottles of decent whisky up there; as usual?〃
 〃If they're not; they will be; Mr。 Justice。 Any particular brands?〃
 〃Good rye; good bourbon and good brandy。 The white stuff is for sissies; right?〃
 〃Right; sir。 Right away; sir!〃
 Twenty minutes later; his face washed and a drink in his hand; Prefontaine picked up the phone and dialed Dr。 Randolph Gates。
 〃The Gates residence;〃 said the woman on the line。
 〃Oh; e on; Edie; I'd know your voice under water and it's been almost thirty years。〃
 〃I know yours; too; but I simply can't place it。〃
 〃Try a rough adjunct professor at the law school who kept beating the hell out of your husband; which made no impression upon him and he was probably right because I ended up in jail。 The first of the local judges to be put away; and rightfully so。〃
 〃Brendan? Dear God; it's you! I never believed all those things they said about you。〃
 〃Believe; my sweet; they were true。 But right now I have to speak to the lord of the Gates。 Is he there?〃
 〃I suppose he is; I don't really know。 He doesn't speak to me very much anymore。〃
 〃Things are not well; my dear?〃
 〃I'd love to talk to you; Brendan。 He's got a problem; a problem I never knew about。〃
 〃I suspect he has; Edie; and of course we'll talk。 But at the moment I have to speak with him。 Right now。〃
 〃I'll call him on the inter。〃
 〃Don't tell him it's me; Edith。 Tell him it's a man named Blackburne from the island of Montserrat in the Caribbean。〃
 〃Do as I say; dear Edie。 It's for his sake as well as yours…perhaps more for you; if truth were told。〃
 〃He's sick; Brendan。〃
 〃Yes; he is。 Let's try to make him well。 Get him on the line for me。〃
 〃I'll put you on hold。〃
 The silence was interminable; the two minutes more like two hours until the graveled voice of Randolph Gates exploded on the line。 〃Who are you?〃 whispered the celebrated attorney。
 〃Relax; Randy; it's Brendan。 Edith didn't recognize my voice; but I sure remembered hers。 You're one lucky fellow。〃
 〃What do you want? What's this about Montserrat?〃
 〃Well; I just came back from there…〃
 〃You what?〃
 〃I decided I needed a vacation。〃
 〃You didn't 。。。 !〃 Gates's whisper was now essentially a cry of panic。
 〃Oh; but I did; and because I did your whole life is going to change。 You see; I ran into the woman and her two children that you were so interested in; remember them? It's quite a story and I want to tell it to you in all its fascinating detail。 。。。 You set them up to be killed; Dandy Randy; and that's a no…no。 A dreadful no…no。〃
 〃I don't know what you're talking about! I've never heard of Montserrat or any woman with two children。 You're a desperate sniveling drunk and I'll deny your insane allegations as the alcoholic fantasies of a convicted felon!〃
 〃Well done; Counselor。 But denying any allegations made by me isn't the core of your dilemma。 No; that's in Paris。〃
 〃Paris 。。。 ?〃
 〃A certain man in Paris; someone I didn't realize was a living person; but I learned otherwise。 It's somewhat murky how it came about; but a strange thing happened in Montserrat。 I was mistaken for you。〃
 〃You were 。。。 what?〃 Gates was barely audible; his thin voice tremulous。
 〃Yes。 Odd; isn't it? I imagine that when this man in Paris tried to reach you here in Boston; someone told him your imperial presence was out or away and that's how the mix…up began。 Two brilliant legal minds; both with an elusive connection to a woman and her two children; and Paris thought I was you。〃
 〃What happened?〃
 〃Calm down; Randy。 At the moment he probably thinks you're dead。〃
 〃He tried to have me killed…you killed。 For transgression;〃
 〃Oh; my God!〃
 〃And when he finds out you're very much alive and eating well in Boston; he won't permit a second attempt to fail。〃
 〃Jesus Christ 。。。 !〃
 〃There may be a way out; Dandy Boy; which is why you must e and see me。 Incidentally; I'm in the same suite at the Ritz that you were in when I came to see you。 Three…C; just take the elevator。 Be here in thirty minutes; and remember; I have little patience with clients who abuse schedules; for I'm a very busy man。 By the way; my fee is twenty thousand dollars an hour or any part thereof; so bring money; Randy。 Lots of it。 In cash。〃
 He was ready; thought Bourne; studying himself in the mirror; satisfied with what he saw。 He had spent the last three hours getting ready for his drive to Argenteuil; to a restaurant named Le Coeur du Soldat; the message center for a 〃blackbird;〃 for Carlos the Jackal。 The Chameleon had dressed for the environment he was about to enter; the clothes were simple; the body and the face less so。 The first required a trip to the secondhand stores and pawn shops in Montmartre; where he found faded trousers and a surplus French army shirt; and an equally faded small bat ribbon that denoted a wounded veteran。 The second; somewhat more plex; demanded hair coloring; a day's growth of beard; and another constricting bandage; this bound around his right knee so tight he could not forget the limp he had quickly perfected。 His hair and eyebrows were now a dull red…dirty; unkempt red; which fit his new surroundings; a cheap hotel in Montparnasse whose front desk wanted as little contact as possible with its clientele。
 His neck was more an irritant now than an impediment; either he was adjusting to the stiff; restricted movement or the healing process was doing its mysterious work。 And that re stricted movement was not a liability where his current appearance was concerned; in truth; it was an asset。 An embittered wounded veteran; a discarded son of France; would be hard pressed to forget his dual immobility。 Jason shoved Bernardine's automatic into his trousers pocket; checked his money; his car keys; and his scabbarded hunting knife; the latter purchased at a sporting goods store and strapped inside his shirt; and limped to the door of the small; filthy; depressing room。 Next stop; the Capucines and a nondescript Peugeot in an underground garage。 He was ready;
 Out on the street; he knew he had to walk a number of blocks before he found a taxi station; cabs were not the fashion in this section of Montparnasse。 。。。 Neither was the motion around a newspaper kiosk at the second corner。 People were shouting; many waving their arms; clutching papers in their fists; anger and consternation in their voices。 Instinctively; he quickened his pace; reached the stand; threw down his coins and grabbed a newspaper。
 The breath went out of him as he tried to suppress the shock waves that swept through him。 Teagarten killed! The assassin; Jason Bourne! Jason Bourne! Madness; insanity! What had happened? Was it a resurrection of Hong Kong and Macao? Was he losing what was left of his mind? Was he in some nightmare so real he had entered its dimensions; the horror of demented sleep; the fantasy of conjured; improvised terror turned into reality? He broke away from the crowd; reeled across the pavement; and leaned against the stone wall of a building; gasping for air; his neck now in pain; trying desperately to find a reasonable train of thought。 Alex! A telephone!
 〃What happened?〃 he 
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