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t e to no harm。 You should see them…perfect; perfect。〃
       〃I will see them。〃 Isgrimnur began struggling with his covers。
       〃You will not!〃 Josua was shocked。 〃You will not get out of that bed。 Your ribs 。。。〃
       〃Are still where they're supposed to be。 They've just been dented by a tipped…over horse。 I've felt worse。 Most of the punishment was taken by my head; and that is all bone; anyway。〃
       Josua had grasped Isgrimnur's broad shoulders; and for a moment it seemed that he would actually try to wrestle the duke back into bed。 Reluctantly; he let go。 〃You're being foolish;〃 he said。 〃They are not going anywhere。〃
       〃Nor will I be either if I never move around。〃 Grunting with pain; Isgrimnur put his bare feet down on the cold stone floor。 〃I saw what happened to my father Isbeorn。 When he was thrown from his horse; he stayed in bed the whole winter。 After that he could never walk again。〃
       〃Oh; goodness。 What is he 。。。 what is he doing?〃 Father Strangyeard had appeared in the doorway; and was staring at the duke with profound unhappiness。
       〃He is getting up to see the children;〃 said Josua in a tone of resignation。
       〃But 。。。 but 。。。〃
       〃Blast you; Strangyeard; you sound like a chicken;〃 Isgrimnur growled。 〃Make yourself useful。 Get me something to sit on。 I am not such a fool that I am going to stand up in there while I make faces at Josua's heirs。〃
       The priest; alarmed; hurried back out again。
       〃Now e and help me; Josua。 It's too bad we don't have one of those Nabbanai harnesses for lifting an armored man onto a horse。〃
       The prince braced himself against the edge of the bed。 Isgrimnur grabbed Josua's belt and pulled himself upright。 By the time he was standing; the duke was breathing heavily。
       〃Are you well?〃 Josua asked worriedly。
       〃No。 I hurt damnably。 But I'm on my feet; and that's something。〃 He seemed reluctant to move further。 〃How far is it?〃
       〃Just down the hall a short way。〃 Josua slid his shoulder under the older man's arm。 〃We will go slowly。〃
       They moved carefully out into the long; cool hallway。 After a couple of dozen paces; Isgrimnur stopped to rest。 〃I will not be able to sit a horse for a few days; Josua;〃 he said apologetically。
       〃A few days!〃 Josua laughed。 〃You brave old fool。 I will not let you on a horse for a month at least。〃
       〃I won't be left behind; damn you!〃
       〃No one is going to leave you behind; Isgrimnur。 I am going to need you more than ever in the days ahead; whether you can fight or not。 My wife is not going to ride; either。 We will find a way to get you to Nabban; and to wherever we go from there。〃
       'Traveling with the women and children;〃 The disgust in his voice did not mask the fear。
       〃Only until you arc healed;〃 Josua soothed him。 〃But don't lie to me; Isgrimnur。 Don't tell me that you are ready when you are not。 I mean it when I say that I need you; and I will not have you making yourself so weak that your wounds don't heal。〃 He shook his head。 〃I should be hanged for letting you get out of bed。〃
       The duke was a little cheerier。 〃A new father cannot refuse a request。 Didn't you know that? An old Rimmersgard custom。〃
       〃I'm sure;〃 said Josua sourly。
       〃And besides; even with smashed ribs; I could beat you the best day of your life。〃
       〃e on; then; old war…horse;〃 the prince sighed。 〃You can tell me about it when we get you to a bench。〃
       Duchess Gutrun left the protective circle around Vorzheva's bed to give Isgrimnur a furious scolding for leaving his bed。 She had been running back and forth between the two rooms for days; and was plainly exhausted。 The duke did not argue; but sank onto the bench
       Strangyeard had dragged in with the air of an unrecaicitrant child。
       Vorzheva was propped against a mound of blankets with an infant in each arm。 Like Gutrun; she was pale and obviously tired; but this did not diminish the proud serenity that shone from her like a lantern's hooded glow。 Both babies were swaddled so that only their black…haired heads peeped out。 Aditu squatted near Vorzheva's right shoulder; staring at the nearest child with rapt interest。
       When he had caught his breath; Isgrimnur leaned forward; stealing a glance at the Sitha woman。 There seemed a strange hunger in her eyes; and for a moment the duke was reminded of old stories about the Sithi stealing mortal children。 He pushed away the disconcerting thought。
       〃They look fine;〃 he said。 〃Which is which?〃
       'The boy is in my right arm。 And this is the girl。〃
       〃And what will they be called?〃
       Josua took a step closer; staring down at his wife and children with unalloyed pride。 〃We will name the boy Deornoth; in memory of my friend。 If he grows up half so noble a man; I will be proud。〃 He shifted his gaze to the other small; sleeping face。 〃The girl is Derra。〃
       〃It is the Thrithings word for star。〃 Vorzheva smiled。 〃She will burn bright。 She will not be like my mother and sisters; a prisoner of the wagons。〃
       〃Those are good names;〃 Isgrimnur said; nodding。 〃When is the First Blessing to be?〃
       〃We leave here in three days' time;〃 Josua replied; still staring at his family。 〃We will have the ceremony before we ride。〃 He turned。 〃If Strangyeard can do it then; that is。〃
       〃Me?〃 The archivist looked around as though there might be someone else of that name in the room。 〃But we are in Nabban; now; Josua。 There is a church on every hillside。 And I have never performed a First Blessing。〃
       〃You married Vorzheva and me; so of course we would have no one else;〃 Josua said firmly。 〃Unless you do not want to。〃
       〃Want to? I shall be honored; of course。 Of course! Thank you。 Prince Josua; Lady Vorzheva。〃 He began to edge toward the door。 〃I had better find a copy of the ceremony and learn it。〃
       〃We're in a monastery; man;〃 Isgrimnur said。 〃You shouldn't have to look far。〃
But Strangyeard had already slipped out。 The duke felt sure that the attention had been too much for him。
       Gutrun made a brisk throat…clearing noise。 〃Yes。 Well; if all of you are quite finished with your talking; I think it's time for Vorzheva and the little ones to get some rest。〃 She turned on her husband。 〃And you are going back to bed; you stubborn old bear。 It nearly stopped my heart when I saw you carried back here on a sling; and it was just as bad when I saw you staggering in today。 Have you no sense; Isgrimnur?〃
       〃I'm going。 Gutrun;〃 he mumbled; embarrassed。 〃Don't bully me。〃
       Aditu's voice was quiet; but her melodious tones carried surprisingly well。 〃Vorzheva; may I hold them for a moment?〃
       〃She needs to rest。〃 Gutrun was sharp; Isgrimnur thought he saw something beyond her usual firmness in her eyes…a touch of fear; perhaps。 Had she had the same thought he had? 〃The babies; too。〃
       〃Just for a moment。〃
       〃Of course;〃 said Vorzheva; although she; too; looked a little startled。 〃You had only to ask。〃
       Aditu leaned down and carefully took the children; first the girl; then the boy; and balanced them in her arms with great care。 For a long moment she looked at both of them in turn; then she closed her eyes。 Isgrimnur felt an inexplicable touch of panic; as though something fearful had been set into motion。
       〃They will be as close as brother and sister can be;〃 Aditu intoned; her voice suddenly solemn and powerful; 〃although they will live many years apart。 She will travel in lands that have never known a mortal woman's step; and will lose what she loves best; but find happiness with what she once despised。 He will be given another name。 He will never have a throne; but kingdoms will rise and fall by his hand。〃 The Sitha's eyes opened wide; but seemed to gaze far beyond the confines of the room。 〃Their steps will carry them into mystery。〃 After a moment her eyes closed; when they opened once more; she seemed as natural as it was possible for a Sitha to seem to mortals。
       〃Is this some curse?〃 Gutrun was frightened but angry。 〃What right have you to put Sithi magics on these Aedonite children?〃
       〃Peace; wife;〃 Isgrimnur said; although he; too; was shaken by what he had seen。
       Aditu handed the children back to Vorzheva; who stared at the Sitha in superstitious bafflement。
       Josua also seemed unhappy; but he was clearly trying to keep his voice even。 〃Perhaps it was meant as a gift。 Still; Aditu; our customs are not yours。。。。〃
       〃This is not something we Sithi do。〃 Aditu seemed a little surprised herself。 〃Oh; sometimes there are prophesies that go with certain of our births; but it is not a regular custom。 No; something 。。。 came to me。 I heard a voice in my ear; as one sometimes does on the Road of Dreams。 For some reason I thought it was 。。。 young Leieth。〃
       〃But she is down the hall; next to my room;〃 said Isgrimnur。 〃She has been asleep for weeks…and she never talked when she was awake。 What nonsense is this?〃
       〃I do not know。〃 Aditu's golden eyes were bright。 Her own surprise gone; she seemed to be enjoying the disfiture she had caused。 〃And I am sorry if I made anyone frightened。〃
       〃That is enough;〃 Gutrun said。 
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