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 Chasu Metessa's other inhabitants。 The situation was growing ugly。
       〃Very well;〃 said Josua。 〃I understand。 Baron。 Now I will show you something that will convince you of the seriousness of my undertaking。 And it may also answer your fears about following an Erkynlander anywhere。〃 He turned and gestured。 A hooded man seated near Strangyeard at the shadowy end of the table abruptly rose。 He was very tall。 Several of the men…at…arms drew their swords; the hiss of emerging blades seemed to make the room grow cold。
       Do not fail us; Isgrimnur prayed。
       〃You said one thing that was not true; Baron;〃 Josua said gently。
       〃Do you call me a liar?〃
       〃No。 But these are strange days; and even a man as learned and clever as you cannot know everything。 Even were Benigaris not a patricide; he is not first claimant on his father's dukedom。 Baron; people of Metessa; here is the true master of the Kingfisher House 。 。 。 Camaris Benidrivis。〃
       The tall figure at the end of the table pushed back his hood; revealing a snowfall of white hair and a face full of sadness and grace。
       〃What。。。 ?〃 The baron was utterly confused。
       〃Heresy!〃 shouted a confused landowner; stumbling to his feet。 〃Camaris; he is dead!〃
       One of the remaining women screamed。 The man beside her slumped forward onto the table in a drunken faint。
       Camaris touched his hand to his breast。 〃I am not dead。〃 He turned to Seriddan。 〃Grant me forgiveness; Baron; for abusing your hospitality in this manner。〃
       Seriddan stared at the apparition; then rounded on Josua。 〃What madness is this?! Do you mock me; Erkynlander?〃
       The prince shook his head。 〃It is no mockery; Seriddan。 This is indeed Camaris。 I thought to reveal him to you in private; but the chance did not e。〃
       〃No。〃 Seriddan slapped his hand on the table。 〃I cannot believe it。 Camaris…sa…Vinitta is dead…lost years ago; drowned in the Bay of Firannos。〃
       〃I lost only my wits; not my life;〃 the old knight said gravely。 〃I lived for years with no memory of my name or my past。〃 He drew a hand across his brow。 His voice shook。 〃I sometimes wish I had never been given either back again。 But I have。 I am Camaris of Vinitta; son of Benidrivis。 And if it is my last act; I will avenge my brother's death and see my murdering nephew removed from the throne in Nabban。〃
The baron was shaken; but still seemed unconvinced。 His brother Brindalles said: 〃Send for Eneppa。〃
       Seriddan looked up; his eyes bright; as though he had been reprieved from some awful sentence。 〃Yes。〃 He turned to one of his men…at…arms。 〃Fetch Eneppa from the kitchen。 And tell her nothing; on pain of your life。〃
       The man went out。 Watching his departure; Isgrimnur saw that little Pasevalles had disappeared from the doorway。
The folk remaining at table whispered excitedly; but Seriddan no longer seemed to care。 While he waited for his man to return; he downed another goblet of wine。 Even Josua; as if he had given something a starting push and could no longer control it; allowed himself to finish his own cup。 Camaris remained standing at the foot of the table; a figure of imposing stolidity。 No one in the room could keep their eyes off him for long。
       The messenger returned with an old woman in tow。 She was short and plump; her hair cut short; her simple dark dress stained with flour and other things。 She stood anxiously before Seriddan; obviously fearing some punishment。
       〃Stand still; Eneppa;〃 the baron said。 〃You have done nothing wrong。 Do you see that old man?〃 He pointed。 〃Go and look at him and tell me if you know him。〃
       The old woman sidled toward Camaris。 She peered up at him; starting a little when he looked down and met her eyes。 〃No; my lord Baron;〃 she said at last。 Her Westerling was awkward。
       〃So。〃 Seriddan crossed his arms before his chest and leaned back; an angry little smile on his face。
       〃Just a moment;〃 Josua said。 〃Eneppa; if that is your name; this is no one you have seen in recent days。 If you did know him; it was long ago。〃 
       She turned her frightened…rabbit face from the prince back to Camaris。 She appeared ready to turn from him just as quickly the second time; then something caught at her。 She stared。 Her eyes widened。 Abruptly; her knees bent and she sagged。 Swift as thought; Camaris caught her and kept her from falling。
       〃Ulimor Camaris?〃 she asked in Nabbanai; weeping。 〃Veveis?〃 There followed a torrent in the same language。 Seriddan's angry smile vanished; replaced by an expression that was almost ically astonished。
       〃She says that they told her I had drowned;〃 Camaris said。 〃Can you speak Westerling; good woman?〃 he asked her quietly。 〃There are some here who do not understand you。〃
       Eneppa looked at him as he steadied her; then let her go。 She was dazed; crumpling the skirt of her dress in her gnarled fingers。 〃He 。。。 he is Camaris。 Duos preterate! Have 。。。 have the dead e back to us again?〃
       〃Not the dead; Eneppa;〃 said Josua。 〃Camaris lived; but lost his wits for many years。〃
       〃But although I know your face; my good woman;〃 the old knight said wonderingly; 〃I do not recognize your name。 Forgive me。 It has been a long; long time。〃
       Eneppa began to cry again in earnest; but she was laughing; too。 〃Because that is not my name in that time。 When I work in your father's great house; they call me Fuiri… 'flower。' 〃
       〃Fuiri。〃 Camaris nodded。 〃Of course。 I remember you。 You were a lovely girl; with smiles in full measure for everyone。〃 He lifted her wizened hand; then bent and kissed it。 She stared open…mouthed as though God Himself had appeared in the room and offered her a chariot ride through the heavens。 〃Thank you; Fuiri。 You have given me back a little of my past。 Before I leave this place; you and I will sit by the fire and talk。〃
       The sniffling cook was helped from the room。
       Seriddan and Brindalles both looked stunned。 The rest of the baron's followers were equally amazed; and for some time no one said anything。 Josua; perhaps sensing the battering that the baron had taken this night; merely sat and waited。 Camaris; his identity now confirmed; allowed himself to sit down once more; he; too; fell into silence。 His half…lidded gaze seemed fixed on the leaping flames in the fireplace at the table's far side; but it was clear to Isgrimnur that he was looking at a time; not a place。
       The stillness was interrupted by a sudden burst of whispering。 Heads turned。 Isgrimnur looked up to see Pasevalles walking straddle…legged into the room; something large and shiny was cradled against his small body。 He stopped just inside the doorway; hesitated as he looked at Camaris; then moved awkwardly to stand before his uncle。
       〃I brought this for Sir Camaris;〃 the boy said。 His bold words were belied by his shaky voice。 Seriddan stared at him for a moment; then his eyes widened。
       'That is one of the helmets from your father's room!〃 He nodded solemnly。 〃I want to give it to Sir Camaris。〃 Seriddan turned helplessly to his brother。 Brindalles looked at his son; then briefly at Camaris; who still was lost in thought。 At last; Brindalles shrugged。 〃He is who he says he is。 There is no honor he has not earned; Seriddan。〃 The thin…faced man told his son: 〃You were right to ask first。〃 His smile was almost ghostly。 〃I suppose sometimes things must be taken down and dusted off and put to use。 Go ahead; boy。 Give it to him。〃
       Isgrimnur watched in fascination as Pasevalles walked past clutching the heavy sea…dragon helm; his eyes as fearfully fixed as though he walked into an ogre's den。 He stopped before the old knight and stood silently; although he looked as though any moment he might collapse beneath the weight of the helmet。 At last; Camaris looked up。 〃Yes?〃 〃My father and my uncle said I may give you this。〃 Pasevalles struggled to lift the helm closer to Camaris; who even sitting down still towered above him。 〃It is very old。〃
       A smile stretched across Camaris' face。 〃Like me; eh?〃 He reached out his large hands。 〃Let me see it; young sir。〃 He turned the golden thing to the light。 〃This is a helm of the Imperium;〃 he said wonderingly。 〃It is old。〃
       〃It belonged to Imperator Anitulles; or so I believe;〃 said Brindalles from across the room。 〃It is yours if you wish it; my lord Camaris。〃
       The old man examined it a moment more; then carefully put it on。 His eyes disappeared into the shadows of the helm's depths; and the cheek…guards jutted past his jaw like blades。 〃It fits tolerably well;〃 he said。
       Pasevalles stared up at the old man; at the coiling; high…finned sea…worm molded along the helmet's crest。 His mouth was open。
       〃Thank you; lad。〃 Camaris lifted the helmet off and placed it on the table beside him。 〃What is your name?〃
       〃I will wear the helm; Pasevalles。 It is an honor。 My own armor has gone to rust years ago。〃
       The boy seemed transported to another realm; his eyes bright as candleflame。 Watching him; Isgrimnur felt a twinge of sorrow。 After this moment; after this experience with knighthood; how could life hold much but disappointment for this eager ch
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