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 dagger blow; but the blade left a trail of blood down his arm。 Camaris fell back clumsily; trying to find room to swing his sword。 His eyes were half…closed with pain or fatigue。
       He is hurt; Tiamak thought desperately。 The throbbing in his head grew stronger。 Maybe dying。 Why does no one e?
       The Wrannaman dragged himself toward the wide brazier of coals that provided the only light。 His dimming senses were beginning to wink out like the lamps of Kwanitupul at dawn。 Only a dim fragment of an idea was in his mind; but it was enough to lift his hand toward the iron brazier。 When he felt…as dimly as a distant echo…the heat of the thing against his fingers; he pushed。 The brazier tumbled over; scattering coals like a waterfall of rubies。
       As Tiamak collapsed; choking; the last things he saw were his own soot…blackened hand curled like a spider and; beyond it; an army of tiny flames licking at the bottom of the tent wall。

       〃We don't need any more damnable questions;〃 Isgrimnur grumbled。 〃We have enough to last three lifetimes。 What we need are answers。〃
       Binabik made an unfortable gesture。 〃I am agreeing with you。 Duke Isgrimnur。 But answers are not like a sheep that is ing when a person calls。〃
       Josua sighed and leaned back against the wall of Isgrimnur's tent。 Outside; the wind rose for a moment; moaning faintly as it vibrated the tent ropes。 〃I know how difficult it is; Binabik。 But Isgrimnur is right…we need answers。 The things you told us about this Conqueror Star have only added to the confusion。 What we need to know is how to use the three Great Swords。 All that the star tells us…if you are right…is that our time to wield them is running out。〃
       〃That is what we are giving the largest attention to; Prince Josua;〃 said the troll。 〃And we think we may perhaps be learning something soon; for Strangyeard has found something that is of importantness。〃
       〃What is that?〃 Josua asked; leaning forward。 〃Anything; man; anything would be heartening。〃
       Father Strangyeard; who had been sitting quietly; squirmed a little。 〃I am not as sure as Binabik; Highness; that it is of any use。 I found the first of it some time ago; while we were still traveling to Sesuad'ra。〃
       〃Strangyeard was finding a passage that is written in Morgenes' book;〃 Binabik amplified; 〃something about the three swords that are so much concerning us。〃
       〃And?〃 Isgrimnur tapped his fingers on his muddy knee。 He had spent a long time trying to secure his tentstakes in the loose; damp ground。
       〃What Morgenes seems to suggest;〃 the archivist said; 〃is that what makes the three swords special…no; more than special; powerful…is that they are not of Osten Ard。 Each of them; in some way; goes against the laws of God and Nature。〃
〃How so?〃 The prince was listening intently。 Isgrimnur saw a little ruefully that these sorts of inquiries would always interest Josua more than the less exotic business of being a ruler; such as grain prices and taxes and the laws of fireeholding。
Strangyeard was hesitant。 〃Geloe could explain better than I。 She knows more of these things。〃
       〃She should have been ing here by now;〃 Binabik said。 〃I wonder if we should be waiting for her。〃
       〃Tell me what you can;〃 said Josua。 〃It has been a very long day and I am growing weary。 Also; my wife is ill and I do not like being away from her。〃
       〃Of course。 Prince Josua。 I'm sorry。 Of course。〃 Strangyeard gathered himself。 〃Morgenes tells that there is something in each sword that is not of Osten Ard…not of our earth。 Thorn is made from a stone that fell from the sky。 Bright…Nail; which was once Minneyar; was forged from the iron keel of Elvrit's ship that came over the sea from the West。 Those are lands that our ships can no longer find。〃 He cleared his throat。 〃And Sorrow is of both iron and the Sithi witchwood; two things that are inimical。 The witchwood itself; Aditu tells me; came over as seedlings from the place that her people call the Garden。 None of these things should be here; and also; none of them should be workable 。。。 except perhaps the pure iron of Elvrit's keel。〃
       〃So how were these swords made; then?〃 asked Josua。 〃Or is that the answer you still seek?〃
       〃There is something that Morgenes is mentioning;〃 Binabik offered。 〃It is also written in one of Ookekuq's scrolls。 It is called a Word of Making…a magic spell is what we might be naming it; although those who are knowing the Art do not use those words。〃
       〃A Word of Making?〃 Isgrimnur frowned。 〃Just a word?〃
       〃Yes 。。 。 and no;〃 Strangyeard said unhappily。 〃In truth; we are not sure。 But Minneyar we know was made by the dwarrows…the dvernings as you would call them in your own tongue。 Duke Isgrimnur…and Sorrow was made by Ineluki in the dwarrow forges beneath Asu'a。 The dwarrows alone had the lore to make such mighty things; although Ineluki learned it。 Perhaps they had a hand in Thorn's forging as well; or their lore was used somehow。 In any case; it is possible that if we knew the way in which the swords were created; how the binding of forces was acplished; it might teach us something about how we can use them against the Storm King。〃
       〃I wish I had thought to question Count Eolair more carefully when he was here;〃 said Josua; frowning。 〃He had met the dwarrows。〃
〃Yes; and they told him of their part in the history of Bright…Nail;〃 Father Strangyeard added。 〃It is also possible; however; that it is not the making of them that is important for our purpose; but just the fact that they exist。 Still; if we have some chance in the future to send word to the dwarrows; and if they will speak with us; I for one would have many questions。〃
       Josua looked at the archivist speculatively。 〃This chore suits you; Strangyeard。 I always thought you were wasted dusting books and searching out the most obscure points of canon law。〃
       The priest reddened。 〃Thank you。 Prince Josua。 Whatever I can do is because of your kindness。〃
       The prince waved his hand; dismissing the pliment。 〃Still; as much as you and Binabik and the rest have acplished; there is still far more to do。 We remain afloat in deep waters; praying for a sight of land。。。〃 He paused。 〃What is that noise?〃
       Isgrimnur had noticed it; too; a rising murmur that had slowly grown louder than the wind。 〃It sounds like an argument;〃 he said; then waited for a moment; listening。 〃No; it is more than that…there are too many voices。〃 He stood。 〃Dror's Hammer; I hope that someone has not started a rebellion。〃 He reached for Kvalnir and was calmed by its reassuring heft。 〃I had hoped for a quiet day tomorrow before we are to ride again。〃
       Josua clambered to his feet。 〃Let us not sit here and wonder;〃
       As Isgrimnur stepped out of the door flap; his eyes were abruptly drawn across the vast camp。 It was plain in an instant what was happening。
       〃Fire!〃 he called to the others as they spilled out after him。 〃At least one tent burning badly; but it looks like a few more have caught; too。〃 People were now rushing about between the tents; shadowy figures that shouted and gesticulated。 Men dragged on their sword belts; cursing in confusion。 Mothers dragged screaming children out of their blankets and carried them into the open air。 All the pathways were full of terrified; milling campfolk。 Isgrimnur saw one old woman fall to her knees; crying; although she was only a few paces from where he stood; a long distance from the nearest flames。
       〃Aedon save us!〃 said Josua。 〃Binabik; Strangyeard; call for buckets and waterskins; then take some of these mad…wandering folk and head for the river…we need water! Better yet; pull down some of the oiled tents and see how much water you can carry in them!〃 He sprang away toward the conflagration; Isgrimnur hastened after him。
       The flames were leaping high now; filling the night sky with a hellish orange light。 As he and Josua approached the fire; a flurry of dancing sparks sailed out; hissing as they caught in Isgrimnur's beard。 He beat them out; cursing。

       Tiamak awakened and promptly threw up; then struggled to catch his breath。 His head was hammering like a Perdruinese church bell。
       There were flames all around him; beating hot against his skin; sucking away the air。 In a blind panic; he dragged himself across the crisping grass of the tent floor toward what looked like a patch of cool darkness; only to find his face pushed up against some black; slippery fabric。 He struggled with it for a moment; dimly noting its strange resistance; then it flopped aside; exposing a white face buried in the black hood。 The eyes were turned up; and blood slicked the lips。 Tiamak tried to scream; but his mouth was full of burning smoke and his own bile。 He rolled away; choking。
       Suddenly; something grabbed at his arm and he was yanked forward violently; dragged across the pale…skinned corpse and through a wall of flame。 For a moment he thought he was dead。 Something was thrown over him; and he was rolled and pummeled with the same swift violence that had carried him away; then whatever covered him was lifted and he found himself lying on wet grass。 Flames licked at the sky close besid
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