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about John; about the Sithi; everything。 I thought we would be bringing you the news; but something in your face told me you had already discovered it。〃
       Simon's lips quirked in an odd half…smile。 〃I did。〃
〃So you know that you are of the blood of Eahlstan Fiskerne;〃 Isgrimnur forged on; 〃last king of Erkynland in the centuries before Prester John。〃
       〃And the founder of the Scroll League;〃 Binabik added。
       〃And the one who truly killed the dragon;〃 Simon said dryly。 〃What of it?〃 Despite his calm; something intense and powerful moved beneath the surface。 Isgrimnur was puzzled。
       Before Isgrimnur could say anything more; Jiriki spoke。 〃I am sorry I could not tell you earlier what I knew; Seoman; my friend。 I feared it could only burden and confuse you; or perhaps lead you to take dangerous risks。〃
       〃I understand;〃 Simon said; but he did not sound pleased。 〃How did you know?〃
〃Eahlstan Fiskerne was the first mortal king after the fall of Asu'a to reach out to the Zida'ya。〃 The sun was setting outside; and the sky beyond the windows was turning dark。 A brisk wind coursed through the throne room and ruffled some of the banners on the floor。 Jiriki's white hair fluttered。 〃He knew us; and some of our folk came at times to meet with him in the caverns below the Hayholt…in the ruins of our home。 He feared that what we Zida'ya knew would be lost forever; and even that we might turn against humankind entirely after the destruction that Fingil had wrought。 He was not far wrong。 There has been little love for mortals among my folk。 There was also little love for immortals among Eahlstan's own kind。 But as the years of his reign passed; small steps were taken; small confidences exchanged; and a delicate trust began to build。 We who were involved kept it a secret。〃 Jiriki smiled。 〃I say 'we;' but I myself was only the message…bearer; running errands for First Grandmother; who could not let her continuing interest in mortals be widely known; even within her own family。〃
       〃I was always jealous of you; Willow…Switch;〃 said Aditu; laughing。 〃So young; and yet with such important tasks!〃
       Jiriki smiled。 〃In any case; whatever might have been if Eahlstan had lived and his line had continued did not e to pass。 The fire…worm Shurakai came; and in killing it; Eahlstan was himself killed。 Whether his eventual successor John knew something of Eahlstan's secret dealings with us and feared we would expose John's lie that he was the dragon…slayer or there was some other reason for his enmity toward us; I do not know。 But John set out to drive us from the last of our hiding places。 He did not find them all; and never came near to discovering Jao e…Tinukai'i; but he did us great harm。 Almost all our contact with mortals ended during John's life。〃
       Simon folded his hands。 〃I am sorry for the things my people have done。 And I am glad to know my ancestor was such a man。〃
       〃Eahlstan's folk scattered before the wrath of the dragon。 Eventually they settled into their exile; I am told;〃 Jiriki said。 〃And when John came and conquered; all hope of regaining the Hayholt was gone。 So they nursed their secret and went on; a fishing folk living close to the waters as they had been in the days of Eahlstan Fiskerne's ancestors。 But Eahlstan's ring they kept in the royal family; and passed it down from parent to child。 One of Eahlstan's great…grandchildren; a scholar like his forebear; studied the old Sithi runes from one of Eahlstan's treasured scrolls; then had the motto that was the family's pride…and Prester John's secret shame… inscribed upon the ring。 That was what Morgenes held in trust for you; Seoman: your past。〃
       〃And I'm certain he would have told me some day。〃 Simon had listened to Jiriki's tale with poorly…hidden tension。 Isgrimnur stared; looking for the cracks in Simon's nature that he half…expected; but feared; to see。 〃But what has it to do with anything now? All the royal blood in the world did not make me less of a dupe for Pryrates and the Storm King。 It's a pretty tale; no more。 Half the noble houses in Nabban must have Imperators in their history。 What of it?〃 His jaw was set belligerently。
       Several of the pany turned to Isgrimnur。 The duke moved unfortably on the step。 〃Erkynland needs a ruler;〃 he said at last。 〃The Dragonbone Chair is empty。〃 
       Simon's mouth opened; then closed; then opened again。 〃And。。。 ?〃 he said at last。 He stared at Isgrimnur distrustfully。 〃Miriamele is in good health and has only a few wounds。 In fact; she is just the same as she ever was;〃…the bitterness in his voice was plain…〃so surely she will soon be able to rule。〃
       〃It is not her health that concerns us;〃 said the duke gruffly。 Somewhere; this conversation had gone wrong; Simon was acting like one awakened from his rightful sleep by a group of misbehaving children。 〃It is…damn it; it's her father!〃
       〃But Elias is dead。 She killed him herself。 With the White Arrow of the Sithi。〃 Simon turned to Jiriki。 〃e to think of it; since that arrow certainly saved my life; I suppose we have evened our debt。〃
       The Sitha did not respond。 The immortal's face was; as usual; unrevealing; but something in his posture suggested he was troubled。
       〃The people have suffered so under Elias that they may not trust Miriamele;〃 Isgrimnur said。 〃It's foolish; I know; but there it is。 If Josua had lived; they might have weled him with open arms。 The barons know the prince resisted Elias ever since he began to go bad; that he suffered terribly and fought his way back from exile。 But Josua is dead。〃
       〃Miriamele did all those things; too!〃 Simon cried angrily。 〃This is nonsense!〃
〃We know; Simon;〃 said Tiamak。 〃I traveled with her a long way。 Many of us know of her bravery。〃
〃Yes; I know it; too;〃 Isgrimnur growled; his own irritation flaring。 〃But what is true does not matter here。 She fled Naglimund before the siege started and she did not reach Sesuad'ra until after Fengbald had been defeated。 Then she vanished again; and wound up in the Hayholt with her father at the very ending。〃 He grimaced。 〃And there are tales; doubtless spread by that whoreson Aspitis Preves; that she was his doxy while he served Pryrates。 Rumors are flying。〃
〃But some of those things are true of me; too。 Am I a traitor?〃
〃Miriamele is not a traitor。 God knows…and I know。〃 
       Isgrimnur glared at him。 〃But after what her father has done; she may not be trusted。 The people want someone on the throne they can trust。〃
       〃Madness!〃 Simon slapped his hands against his thighs; then turned to the Sithi。 He seemed ready to burst。 〃What do you two think of this?〃 he demanded。
       〃We do not concern ourselves in these kind of mortal affairs;〃 Jiriki said a little stiffly。
〃You are our friend; Seoman;〃 Aditu added。 〃Whatever we can do for you to help you in this time; we will。 However; we also have only respect for Miriamele; though we know her but little。〃
Simon turned to the troll。 〃Binabik?〃 
       The little man shrugged。 〃I cannot say。 Isgrimnur and the rest of you must be making decisions to settle it yourselves。 You and Miriamele are both my friends。 If you are wishing advice later; Simon; we will take Qantaqa off for walking and we will speak。〃
       〃Speak about what? People telling lies about Miriamele?〃
Isgrimnur cleared his throat。 〃He means he will talk to you about accepting the crown of Erkynland。〃
       Simon turned back to stare at the duke。 This time; for all his newfound maturity; the young man could not hide any of his feelings。 〃You are 。。。 you are offering me the throne?〃 he asked derisively; incredulously。 〃This is madness! Me? A kitchen boy!〃
       Isgrimnur could not help smiling。 〃You are much more than a kitchen boy。 Your deeds are already filling up songs and stories everywhere between here and Nabban。 Wait until the Battle in the Tower is added to the tally。〃
〃Aedon preserve me;〃 Simon said in disgust。
       〃But there are more important things。〃 The duke grew serious。 〃You are well…liked and well…known。 Not only did you battle a dragon; you fought bravely for Sesuad'ra and Josua; and people remember that。 And now we can tell them that you have the blood of Saint Eahlstan Fiskerne; one of the most beloved men ever to hold a throne。 In fact; it if weren't true; I would be tempted to make it up。〃
       〃But it doesn't mean anything?〃 Simon exploded。 〃Don't you think I've thought about it? I've been doing nothing but thinking since the moment I realized。 I am a scullion who was taught by a very wise; very kind man。 I have been lucky in my friends。 I have been caught up in terrible things; I did what I had to; and I lived through it。 None of that has anything to do with who my great…great…however…many…greats…grandfather was!〃
       Isgrimnur waited a few moments after Simon finished; letting some of the youth's anger pass。 〃But don't you see;〃 the duke said gently; 〃it doesn't matter whether it changes anything or not。 As I said; I don't think it really matters much if it's true or not。 Dror's red mallet; Simon; Prester John's story was a myth…a lie! I've had to struggle with that discovery myself in the last few days。 But does it make him any less a king? 
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