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   〃Akasha and Enkil were of the purest white; and they sat as they have always done; since I have e to know them…as they sit in your underground chapel now。〃
   Mael broke the narrative with an angry question:
   〃How do you know how the Mother and Father appear in our underground chapel?〃
   I was deeply disturbed that he had done this。
   But Eudoxia remained utterly posed。
   〃You have no power to see through the minds of other blood drinkers?〃 she asked。 Her eyes were hard; perhaps even a little cruel。
   Mael was confused。
   And I was keenly aware that he had given away a secret to Eudoxia; the secret being that he didn't have such a power; or that he didn't know that he did; and I wasn't quite sure what I should do。
   Understand he knew that he could find other blood drinkers by hearing their thoughts; but he didn't know how to use this power to even greater advantage; seeing what they saw。
   Indeed; all three of us were uncertain of our powers。 And I realized how foolish this was。
   At this moment; when Eudoxia received no answer to her question; I tried vainly to think of some way to distract her。
   〃Please;〃 I said to Eudoxia; 〃will you continue? Tell us your story。〃 I didn't dare to apologize for Mael's rudeness because that might have made him furious。
   〃Very well;〃 said Eudoxia looking straight at me as though she were dismissing my panions as impossible。
   〃As I was telling you;〃 she said; 〃My Maker pushed me forward and told me to kneel before the Father and the Mother。 And being exceedingly frightened; I did as I was told。
   〃I looked up at their faces; as blood drinkers have done since time immemorial and I saw no vitality; no subtlety of expression; only the relaxation of dumb animals; no more。
   〃But then there came a change in the Mother。 Her right hand was raised ever so slightly from her lap and it turned and thereby made the simplest beckoning gesture to me。
   〃I was astonished by this gesture。 So these creatures lived and breathed? Or was it trickery; some form of magic? I didn't know。
   〃My Maker; ever so crude even at this sacred moment; said; 'Ah; go to her; drink her blood。 She is the Mother of us all。' And with his bare foot; he kicked me。 'She is the First One;' he said。 'Drink。'
   〃The other blood drinkers began to quarrel with him fiercely; speaking the old Egyptian tongue again; telling him that the gesture wasn't clear; that the Mother might destroy me; and who was he to give such a mand; and how dare he e to this temple with a pitiful female blood drinker who was as soiled and untutored as he was。
   〃But he overrode them。 'Drink her blood and your strength will be beyond measure;' he said。 Then he lifted me to my feet and all but threw me forward so that I landed with my hands on the marble steps before the throne。
   〃The other blood drinkers were shocked by his behavior。 I heard a low laugh from my Maker。 But my eyes were on the King and the Queen。
   〃I saw that the Queen had moved her hand again; opening her fingers; and though her eyes never changed; the beckoning gesture was certain。
   〃 'From her neck;' said my Maker。 'Don't be afraid。 She never destroys those whom she beckons。 Do as I say。' And I did。
    〃I drank as much from her as I was able to drink。 And mark my words; Marius; this was over three hundred years before the Elder ever put the Mother and Father in the Great Fire。 And I was to drink from her more than once。 Heed my words; more than once; long before you ever came to Alexandria; long before you took our King and Queen。〃
   She raised her dark black eyebrows slightly as she looked at me; as though she wanted me to understand her point most keenly。 She was very very strong。
   〃But Eudoxia; when I did e to Alexandria;〃 I answered her。 〃When I came in search of the Mother and Father; and to discover who had put them in the sun; you weren't there in the temple。 You weren't in Alexandria。 At least you didn't make yourself known to me。〃
   〃No;〃 she said; 〃I was in the city of Ephesus where I had gone with another blood drinker whom the Fire destroyed。 Or I should say; I was making my way home to Alexandria; to find the reason for the Fire; and to drink of the healing fount; when you took the Mother and Father away。〃
   She gave me a delicate but cold smile。
   〃Can you imagine my anguish when I discovered that the Elder was dead and the temple was empty? When the few survivors of the temple told me that a Roman named Marius had e and stolen our King and Queen?〃
   I said nothing; but her resentment was plain。 Her face displayed its human emotions。 A shimmer of blood tears rose in her round dark eyes;
   〃Time has healed me; Marius;〃 she said; 〃because I contain a great deal of the Queen's blood; and was from the moment of my making very strong。 Indeed; the Great Fire only turned me a dark brown color; with small pain。 But if you hadn't taken Akasha away from Alexandria; she would have let me drink her blood again; and I would have been healed quickly。 It would not have taken so long。〃
   〃And would you drink the Queen's blood now; Eudoxia? 〃 I asked。 〃Is that what you mean to do? For surely you know why I did what I did。 Surely you know it was the Elder who put the Mother and the Father in the sun。〃
   She didn't answer。 I couldn't tell whether this information surprised her or not。 She was perfectly concealed。 Then she said:
   〃Do I need the blood now; Marius? Look at me。 What do you see?〃
   I hesitated to answer。 Then I did:
   〃No; you don't need it; Eudoxia;〃 I said。 〃Unless such blood is always a blessing。〃
   She looked at me for a long moment and then she nodded her head slowly; almost drowsily and her dark eyebrows came together in a small frown。
   〃Always a blessing?〃 she asked; repeating my words。 〃I don't know if it is always a blessing。〃
   〃Will you tell me more of your story? What happened after you first drank from Akasha? After your Maker went his way?〃 I put these questions gently。 〃Did you reside in the temple once your Maker had left?〃
   This seemed to give her the moment of recollection that she required。
   〃No; I didn't remain there;〃 she said。 〃Though the priests coaxed me; telling me wild stories of old worship; and that the Mother was imperishable; save from the sunlight; and should she ever burn; so would we all。 There was one among them who made quite a point of this warning; as though the prospect tantalized him…。〃
   〃The Elder;〃 I said; 〃who eventually sought to prove it。〃
   〃Yes;〃 she said。 〃But to me he was no Elder; and I did not heed his words。
   〃I went out; free of my Maker; and; left with his house and his treasure; I decided upon another way of life。 Of course the temple priests often came to me and harried me that I was profane and reckless; but as they did no more than that; I paid them no heed。
   〃I could easily pass for human then; especially if I covered my skin with certain oils。〃 She sighed。 〃And I was used to passing for a young man。 It was a simple matter for me to make a fine household; to acquire good clothes; that is; to pass from poor to rich in a matter of nights。
   〃I gave out word in the schools and in the marketplace that I could write letters for people; and that I could copy books; and all this by night when the other copyists had quit and gone home。 And arranging a big study in my house; with plenty of light; I set to doing this for human beings; and this was how I came to know them; and came to know what the teachers were teaching by day。
   〃What an agony it was that I couldn't hear the great philosophers who held forth in the daylight hours; but I did very well with this nocturnal occupation; and I had what I wanted; the warm voices of humans speaking to me。 I befriended mortals。 And on many an evening my house was filled with banqueting guests。
   〃I learned of the world from students; poets; soldiers。 In the small hours; I slipped into the great library of Alexandria; a place that you should have visited; Marius。 It is a wonder that you passed over such a treasure house of books。 I did not pass it over。〃
   She paused。 Her face was horridly blank; and I knew it was from an excess of emotion。 She did not look at any of us。
   〃Yes; I understand this;〃 I said; 〃I understand it very very deeply。 I feel the same need for mortal voices near me; for mortals smiling on me as though I were their own。〃
   〃I know your loneliness;〃 she said in a rather hard voice。 And for the first time I had the feeling that the passing expressions on her face were hard as well; that her face was nothing but a beautiful shell for a disturbed soul inside her; of which I knew little from her words。
   〃I lived well and for a long time in Alexandria;〃 she said。 〃What greater city was there? And I believed as many blood drinkers do that knowledge alone would sustain me over the decades; that information could somehow stave off despair。〃
   I was quite impressed with these words; but I didn't respond。
   〃I should have remained in Alexandria;〃 she said; looking off; her voice low and suddenly full of regret。 〃I began to love a certain mortal; a young man who felt great love for me。 One night he mad
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