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 First Tick Raw; he thought; now Mother Splendid。 What was it about his face that made people think they knew him? Did he have a doppelganger wandering around the Fourth?
 〃Who do you think I am?〃 he said。
 〃I don't know;〃 she replied。 〃But I knew that when you came everything would change。〃
 Her eyes suddenly filled with tears as she spoke; and they ran down the silky fur on her cheeks。 The sight of her distress in turn distressed him; not least because he knew he was the cause of it; but he didn't know why。 Undoubtedly she had dreamt of him…the look of shocked recognition on her face when he'd first stepped over the threshold was ample evidence of that…but what did that fact signify? He and Pie were here by chance。 They'd be gone again by morning; passing through the millpond of Beatrix leaving nary a ripple。 He had no significance in the life of the Splendid household; except as a subject of conversation when he'd gone。
 〃I hope your life doesn't change;〃 he said to her。 〃It seems very pleasant here。〃
 〃It is;〃 she said; wiping the tears away。 〃This is a safe place。 It's good to raise children here。 I know Efreet will leave soon。 He wants to see Patashoqua; and I won't be able to stop him。 But Emblem will stay。 He likes the hills; and tending the doeki。〃
 〃And you'll stay too?〃
 〃Oh; yes。 I've done my wandering;〃 she said。 〃I lived in Yzordderrex; near the Oke T'Noon; when I was young。 That's where I met Eloign。 We moved away as soon as we were married。 It's a terrible city; Mr。 Gentle。〃
 〃If it's so bad; why did he go back there?〃
 〃His brother joined the Autarch's army; and when Eloign heard he went back to try and make him desert。 He said it brought shame on the family to have a brother taking a wage from an orphan…maker。〃
 〃A man of principle。〃
 〃Oh; yes;〃 said Larumday; with fondness in her voice。 〃He's a fine man。 Quiet; like Emblem; but with Efreet's curiosity。 All the books in this house are his。 There's nothing he won't read。〃
 〃How long has he been away?〃
 〃Too long;〃 she said。 〃I'm afraid perhaps his brother's killed him。〃
 〃A brother kill a brother?〃 Gentle said。 〃No。 I can't believe that。〃
 〃Yzordderrex does strange things to people; Mr。 Gentle。 Even good men lose their way。〃
 〃Only men?〃 Gentle said。
 〃It's men who make this world;〃 she said。 〃The Goddesses have gone; and men have their way everywhere。〃
 There was no accusation in this。 She simply stated it as fact; and he had no evidence to contradict it with。 She asked him if he'd like her to brew tea; but he declined; saying he wanted to go out and take the air; perhaps find Pie 'oh' pah。
 〃She's very beautiful;〃 Larumday said。 〃Is she wise as well?〃
 〃Oh; yes;〃 he said。 〃She's wise。〃
 〃That's not usually the way with beauties; is it?〃 she said。 〃It's strange that I didn't dream her at the table too。〃
 〃Maybe you did; and you've forgotten。〃
 She shook her head。 〃Oh; no; I've had the dream too many times; and it's always the same: a white furless someone sitting at my table; eating with me and my sons。〃
 〃I wish I could have been a more sparkling guest;〃 he said。
 〃But you're just the beginning; aren't you?〃 she said。 〃What es after?〃
 〃I don't know;〃 he said。 〃Maybe your husband; home from Yzordderrex。〃
 She looked doubtful。 〃Something;〃 she said。 〃Something that'll change us all。〃
 Efreet had said the climb would be easy; and measuring it in terms of incline; so it was。 But the darkness made an easy route difficult; even for one as light…footed as Pie 'oh' pah。 Efreet was an acmodating guide; however; slowing his pace when he realized Pie was lagging behind and warning of places where the ground was uncertain。 After a time they were high above the village; with the snow…clad peaks of the Jokalaylau visible above the backs of the hills in which Beatrix slept。 High and majestic as those mountains were; the lower slopes of peaks yet more monumental were visible beyond them; their heads lost in cumulus。 Not far now; the boy said; and this time his promises were good。
 Within a few yards Pie spotted a building silhouetted against the sky; with a light burning on its porch。
 〃Hey; Wretched!〃 Efreet started to call 〃Someone to see you! Someone to see you!〃
 There was no reply forthing; however; and when they reached the house itself the only living occupant was the flame in the lamp。 The door stood open; there was food on the table。 But of Wretched Tasko there was no sign。 Efreet went out to search around; leaving Pie on the porch。 Animals corralled behind the house stamped and muttered in the darkness; there was a palpable unease。
 Efreet came back moments later。 〃I see him up the hill! He's almost at the top。〃
 〃What's he doing there?〃 Pie asked。
 〃Watching the sky; maybe。 We'll go up。 He won't mind。〃
 They continued to climb; their presence now noticed by the figure standing on the hill's higher reaches。 〃Who is this?〃 he called down。
 〃It's only Efreet; Mr。 Tasko。 I'm with a friend。〃
 〃Your voice is too loud; boy;〃 the man returned。 〃Keep it low; will you?〃
 〃He wants us to keep quiet;〃 Efreet whispered。
 〃I understand。〃
 There was a wind blowing on these heights; and its chill put the mystif in mind of the fact that neither Gentle nor itself had clothes appropriate to the journey that lay ahead of them。 Coaxial clearly climbed here regularly; he was wearing a shaggy coat and a hat with fur ear warmers。 He was very clearly not a local man。 It would have taken three of the villagers to equal his mass or strength; and his skin was almost as dark as Pie's。
 〃This is my friend Pie 'oh' pah;〃 Efreet whispered to him when they were at his side。
 〃Mystif;〃 Tasko said instantly。
 〃Ah。 So you're a stranger?〃
 〃From Yzordderrex?〃
 〃That's to the good; at least。 But so many strangers; and all on the same night。 What are we to make of it?〃
 〃Are there others?〃 said Efreet。
 〃Listen;〃 Tasko said; casting his gaze over the valley to the darkened slopes beyond。 〃Don't you hear the machines?〃
 〃No。 Just the wind。〃
 Tasko's response was to pick the boy up and physically point him in the direction of the sound。
 〃Now listen!〃 he said fiercely。
 The wind carried a low rumble that might have been distant thunder; but that it was unbroken。 Its source was certainly not the village below; nor did it seem likely there were earthworks in the hills。 This was the sound of engines; moving through the night。
 〃They're ing towards the valley。〃
 Efreet made a whoop of pleasure; which was cut short by Tasko slapping his hand over the boy's mouth。
 〃Why so happy; child?〃 he said。 〃Have you never learned fear? No; I don't suppose you have。 Well; learn it now。〃 He held Efreet so tightly the boy struggled to be free。 〃Those machines are from Yzordderrex。 From the Autarch。 Do you understand?〃
 Growling his displeasure he let go; and Efreet backed away from him; at least as nervous of Tasko now as of the distant machines。 The man hawked up a wad of phlegm and spat it in the direction of the sound。
 〃Maybe they'll pass us by;〃 he said。 〃There are other valleys they could choose。 They may not e through ours。〃 He spat again。 〃Ach; well; there's no purpose in staying up here。 If they e; they e。〃 He turned to Efreet。 〃I'm sorry if I was rough; boy;〃 he said。 〃But I've heard these machines before。 They're the same that killed my people。 Take it from me; they're nothing to whoop about。 Do you understand?〃
 〃Yes;〃 Efreet said; though Pie doubted he did。 The prospect of a visitation from these thundering things held no horror for him; only exhilaration。 〃So tell me what you want; mystif;〃 Tasko said as he started back down the hill。 〃You didn't climb all the way up here to watch the stars。 Or maybe you did。 Are you in love?〃
 Efreet tittered in the darkness behind them。
 〃If I were I wouldn't talk about it;〃 Pie replied。
 〃So what; then?〃
 〃I came here with a friend; from 。 。 。 some considerable distance; and our vehicle's nearly defunct。 We need to trade it in for animals。〃
 〃Where are you heading?〃
 〃Up into the mountains。〃
 〃Are you prepared for that journey?〃
 〃No; But it has to be taken。〃
 〃The faster you're out of the valley the safer we'll be; I think。 Strangers attract strangers。〃
 〃Will you help us?〃
 〃Here's my offer; mystif;〃 Tasko said。 〃If you leave Beatrix now; I'll see they give you supplies and two doeki。 But you must be quick。〃
 〃I understand。〃
 〃If you go now; maybe the machines will pass us by。〃
 Without anyone to lead him; Gentle had soon lost his way on the dark hill。 But rather than turning around and heading back to await Pie in Beatrix; he continued to climb; drawn by the promise of a view from the heights and a wind to clear his head。 Both took his breath away: the wind with its chill; the panorama with its sweep。 Ahead; range upon range receded into mist and distance; the farthest heights so vast he doubted the Fifth Dominion could boast their equal。 Behind him; just visible between the softer silhouettes of the foothills; were the forests which they'd driven through。
 Once again; he wished he had a map of the territory; so that he could begin to grasp the scale of the journey they were undertaking。 He tried to lay the l
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