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  The numbness in Idar extended to this as well。 Their world was ending in this defile。 A new legend to go with the old ones about the haunted Emin ha'Nazar。 His father betrayed no expression at all。 For more than three decades a series of khalifs and then half a dozen of the petty monarchs of Al…Rassan had vowed to cut off his fingers and toes one by one before they allowed him to die。
  The leaders of the new pany sat astride their horses; gazing down upon him。 They looked undisturbed; as if nothing of note or consequence had taken place。 Their own weapons had been sheathed。 One of them was an Asharite。 The other was Jaddite; as were all of the soldiers。 The Jaddite wore an old…fashioned helm with a bronze eagle on the crown。 Idar didn't know either man。
  His father said; not waiting for them; 〃You are mercenaries from Ragosa。 It was Mazur the Kindath who planned all of this。〃 He did not put it as a question。
  The two men looked at each other。 Idar thought he saw a trace of amusement in their expressions。 He felt too hollow to be angered by that。 His brother was dying。 His body ached; and his head hurt in the silence after the screaming。 It was in his heart; though; that the real pain lay。
  The Asharite spoke。 A courtier's voice。 〃A measure of self…respect requires that we accept some of the credit; but you are correct in the main: we are from Ragosa。〃
  〃You arranged for us to know about the parias。 You drew us north。〃 Tarif's voice was flat。 Idar blinked。
  〃That is also correct。〃
  〃And the woman on the slopes?〃 Idar said suddenly。 〃She was yours?〃 His father looked at him。
  〃She travels with us;〃 the smooth…featured man said。 He wore a pearl in one ear。 〃Our doctor。 She's a Kindath; too。 They are very subtle; aren't they?〃
  Idar scowled。 〃That wasn't her doing。〃
  The other man; the Jaddite; spoke。 〃No; that part was ours。 I thought it might be useful to have di Carrera distracted。 I'd heard some rumors from Eschalou。〃
  Idar finally understood。 〃You drove them into us! They thought you were part of our pany; or they would never have ridden into the trap。 They had sent spies; I saw them。 They knew we were here!〃
  The Jaddite brought a gloved hand up and touched his moustache。 〃Correct again。 You laid your ambush well; but di Carrera is…was…a capable soldier。 They would have doubled back and around the valley。 We gave them a reason not to。 A chance to make a mistake。〃
  〃We were supposed to kill them for you; weren't we?〃 Idar's father's voice was bitter。 〃I do apologize for our failure。〃
  The Asharite smiled and shook his head。 〃Hardly a failure。 They were well trained and better armed。 You came close; didn't you? You must have known this was a gamble from the moment you set out。〃
  There was a silence。
  〃Who are you?〃 Idar's father asked then; staring narrowly up at the two of them。 〃Who are you both?〃 The wind had picked up。 It was very cold in the defile。
  〃Forgive me;〃 the smooth one said。 He swung down from his horse。 〃It is an honor to finally meet you。 The fame of Tarif ibn Hassan has spanned the peninsula all my life。 You have been a byword for courage and daring。 My name is Ammar ibn Khairan; late of Cartada; currently serving the king of Ragosa。〃
  He bowed。
  Idar felt his mouth falling open again and he shut it hard。 He stared openly。 This was 。。。 this was the man who had slain the last khalif! And who had just killed Almalik of Cartada!
  〃I see;〃 said his father quietly。 〃Some things are now explained。〃 His expression was thoughtful。 〃You know we had people die in villages near Arbastro because of you。〃
  〃When Almalik was searching for me? I did hear about that。 I beg forgiveness; though you will appreciate that I had no control over the king of Cartada at that point。〃
  〃And so you killed him。 Of course。 May I know who your fellow is; who leads these men?〃
  The other man had taken off his helm。 It was tucked under one arm。 His thick brown hair was disordered。 He had not dismounted。
  〃Rodrigo Belmonte of Valledo;〃 he said。
  Idar actually felt as if the hard ground had suddenly bee unstable beneath his feet; as in an earth tremor。 This man; this Rodrigo; had been named by the wadjis for years to be cursed in the temples。 The Scourge of Al…Rassan; he had been called。 And if these were his men 。。。 
  〃More things;〃 Idar's father said gravely; 〃are now explained。〃 For all the blood that smeared and stained Tarif ibn Hassan's head and clothing; there was a remarkable dignity and posure to him now。
  〃One of you ought surely to have been enough;〃 he murmured。 〃If I am to be finally defeated and slain; I suppose it will at least be said in years to e that it took the best men of two lands to do it。〃
  〃And neither man would claim to be better than you。〃
  This fellow; ibn Khairan; had a way with words; Idar thought。 Then he remembered that the Cartadan was a poet; to go with everything else。
  〃You aren't going to be slain;〃 Rodrigo Belmonte added。 〃Unless you insist upon it。〃 Idar stared up at him; keeping his mouth firmly closed。
  〃That last is unlikely;〃 Idar's father growled。 〃I am old and feeble but not yet tired of life。 I am tired of mysteries。 If you aren't going to kill us; tell me what it is you want。〃 He said it in a tone very nearly of mand。
  Idar had never been able to keep up with his father; to match or enpass the raw force in him; he had long since stopped trying。 He followed…in love; in fear; very often in awe。 Neither he nor Abir had ever spoken about what would happen when their father was gone。 It did not bear thinking about。 There was an emptiness that lay beyond that thought。 The white…faced; dark…haired woman with her nails。
  The two mercenaries; one standing before them; the other still on horseback; looked at each other for a long moment。 An agreement seemed to pass between them。
  〃We want you to take one mule's worth of Fibaz gold and go home;〃 said Rodrigo Belmonte。 〃In exchange for that; for your lives and that measure of gold; you will ensure that the world hears of how you successfully ambushed the Jalonan party and killed them all and took all the parias gold back to Arbastro。〃
  Idar blinked again; struggling。 He folded his arms across his chest and tried to look shrewd。 His father; after a moment; laughed aloud。
  〃Magnificent!〃 he said。 〃And whose is the credit for this part of the scheme?〃
  The two men before him glanced again at each other。 〃This part;〃 said ibn Khairan a little ruefully; 〃is indeed; I am sorry to have to say; the thought…child of Mazur ben Avren。 I do wish I had thought of it。 I'm sure that I would have; given time。〃
  The Valledan captain laughed。
  〃I have no doubt;〃 Tarif ibn Hassan said dryly。 Idar watched his father working through all of this。 〃So that is why you killed them all?〃
  〃Why we had to;〃 Rodrigo Belmonte agreed; amusement gone as swiftly as it had e。 〃Once they saw my pany; if any of di Carrera's party made it home the story would never hold。 They would know we had the gold back in Ragosa。〃
  〃Alas; I must beg your forgiveness again;〃 Tarif murmured。 〃We were to do your killing for you and we failed miserably。 What;〃 he asked quietly; 〃would you have done if we had taken them for ransom?〃
  〃Killed them;〃 said Ammar ibn Khairan。 〃Are you shocked; ibn Hassan? Do you fight by courtly rules of war like the paladins of the old tales? Was Arbastro built with treasure won in bloodless adventures?〃 There was an edge to his tone; for the first time。
  He didn't like doing this; Idar thought。 He may pretend otherwise; but he didn't like it。
  His father seemed satisfied by something。 His own manner changed。 〃I have been an outlaw most of my life; with a price on my head。 You know the answer to your own questions。〃 He smiled thinly; his wolf's expression。 〃I have no objection to taking gold home and receiving the acclaim for a successful raid。 On the other hand; once I am back in Arbastro; it might please me to embarrass you by letting the truth be known。〃
  Ammar ibn Khairan smiled; the edge still there。 〃It has pleased a number of people over the years to embarrass me; one way or another。〃 He shook his head sorrowfully。 〃I had hoped that a loving father's concern for his sons in Ragosa might take precedence over the pleasure of distressing us。〃
  Idar stepped quickly forward; but his father; without glancing at him; extended a hand and held him back。 〃You would stand before a man whose youngest child is dying as we speak and propose to take away his other son?〃
  〃He is far from dying。 What sort of medical care are you accustomed to?〃
  Idar wheeled around。 Beside Abir now; on her knees; was a woman。 They had said their doctor was a woman。 A servant was with her; and she had a cloth full of implements already opened。 Idar hadn't even seen her walk around them to Abir; so intense was his focus on the two men。 She was unexpectedly young; pretty for a Kindath; her manner was crisp and precise; though; almost curt。
  She said; looking at his father; 〃I ought to be able to save his life; though I am afraid it is going to cost him the leg。 It will need to be taken off above the wound; the sooner the bette
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