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  〃Nino! I burn for you! Oh; my love; I am a woman before I am a queen!〃
  It was almost impossible to concentrate with that voice filling the valley bowl。 But concentration had bee vital now: whoever had laid this trap had to know exactly how many men the Jaddites had。 Which meant that they weren't fazed by the numbers。 Which meant serious trouble。 They couldn't be from Fibaz: that would be absurd; to give them the gold and then attack them for it。 And King Badir of Ragosa; who controlled the small; wealthy city of Fibaz; had authorized this parias payment himself; however grudgingly。 Why release it from behind defended walls; then attack in open country? Why agree to pay in the first place; if you felt secure enough to attack?
  None of it made any sense。 And therefore; obviously; the ambush ahead had been laid by outlaws。 Nino was pleased he could still think clearly enough…the woman on the hills was now intimating that her clothing was being removed in anticipation of his presence…to sort this through。
  There were still problems; though; what was happening still didn't seem conceivable。 It was almost impossible to imagine any outlaw band large enough and well…equipped enough to try to waylay a hundred trained Horsemen of Jad。
  Something occurred to Nino di Carrera then。 He narrowed his eyes。 He scratched his jaw。 Unless; unless 。。。 
  〃I throb; I yearn; I die。 Oh; Nino; e to me with the short sword of your loins!〃
  The short sword?
  One of the outriders coughed abruptly and turned his head sharply away。 Unmistakable sounds could now be heard from behind; where the pany had halted。
  That did it。 That was enough。
  〃Edrique! To me! Now!〃 Di Carrera barked the mand without looking back。 Immediately he heard a horse cantering up。
  〃My lord?〃 His burly; petent second…in…mand; unusually ruddy…faced; appeared at his side。
  〃I want that woman silenced。 Take five men。〃
  Edrique's expression was carefully neutral。 〃Of course; my lord。 At once。〃
  〃My stallion; e! Let me ride you to Paradise!〃
  Edrique's turn to cough; averting his crimson features。
  〃When you are sufficiently recovered;〃 said Nino icily; 〃go about your business。 You might be interested to know there is an ambush laid at the neck of this valley。〃
  That sobered the man quickly enough。
  〃You think the woman is connected with…〃
  〃How in Jad's name would I know?〃 Nino snapped。 〃Deal with her; whoever she is; and get back; quickly。 Bring her with you。 I want her alive。 In the meantime; we're going to double back south and loop around this valley; however far it takes us out of our way。 I hate this place!〃 He said it with more feeling than he'd intended。 〃I won't ride into a narrow space where the enemy knows the ground。〃
  Edrique nodded and clapped spurs to his horse。 They heard him rattling off names to acpany him。 Nino remained motionless a moment; thinking as best he could with a feverish woman crying his name so that it rang through the valley。
  He'd had an important thought; a moment ago。 It was gone now。
  But doubling back was the right decision; he was sure of it; much as it gnawed at him to retreat from Asharite scum。 If these outlaws were confident enough to have set a trap; it made no sense to ride into it; however strong his pany might be。 Pride had to be swallowed here。 For the moment。 Revenge; as his people said; was a wine to be slowly savored。
  He heard horses approaching。 The outriders looked quickly past him。 Nino turned。 The two men he had assigned to cover their rear were galloping up。 They pulled their horses rearing to a halt before him。
  〃My lord! There is a pany of men behind us! They have closed the south end of this valley!〃
  〃My rampant one; my own king! Take me! I burn for you!〃
  〃What is that accursed woman doing?〃 Nino snarled。
  He fought to control himself。 He had to think; to be decisive; not angry; not distracted。 He looked at the outriders for a blank moment then turned back north to gaze towards the end of the valley。 There was a darkness there; where the hills came together in a long neck and the sunlight died。 An ambush ahead; and men now closing the space behind。 They would be pincered here if they waited。 If the enemy was in strength。 But how could they be in strength? It made no sense!
  〃How many back there?〃 he snapped over his shoulder to the second pair of scouts。
  〃Hard to say; my lord。 A first group of twenty…five or so。 There seemed to be others behind them。〃
  〃On foot?〃
  〃Of course; my lord。 Outlaws would not have…〃
  〃If I want opinions I will ask!〃
  〃Yes; my lord!〃
  〃Ask of me anything; oh my true king! I am your slave。 I am naked; awaiting your mastery! mand me to your will!〃
  Cursing; Nino pushed a hand roughly through his hair。 They were bottled up here! It was unbelievable。 How could there be so many bandits in this place? He saw Edrique; with his five men; beginning to mount the slope to the east; after the wailing woman。 They would only be able to take the horses partway; then they'd have to go on foot。 She'd see them ing; all the way。
  He made his decision。 It was a time for a leader's decisiveness。
  〃Edrique!〃 he roared。 The captain turned his horse。 〃Get back here!〃
  He waited; four outriders anxious…faced beside him; for his second…in…mand。 Edrique picked his way back down then galloped up。
  〃Forget her!〃 Nino rasped。 〃We're going north。 There are men behind us now。 If there are outlaws at each end we push forward。 They will have balanced their forces。 No point going back now。 I have changed my mind。 I will not retreat before Asharite bandits。〃
  Edrique smiled grimly。 〃Indeed no; my lord。 We shall teach them a lesson they will never forget。〃 He wheeled back to the pany; barking mands。
  Nino clapped his helmet firmly on his head。 Edrique was good; no question about it。 His calm; sure manner gave confidence and support to his leader。 The men would see that; and respond to it。 It was a fine pany he had; superbly mounted; every man of them proud to have been chosen for this mission。 Whoever these Asharite scavengers might be; they would have cause to regret their presumption today。
  For this provocation; Nino decided; it would be necessary to burn them。 Right here in the valley。 Let the screaming echo。 A message。 A warning。 Future panies ing south for the parias would thank him for it。
  〃Nino; my shining one; it is your own Fruela! I am dying for you!〃
  The woman。 The woman would have to wait。 If she was burning and dying; well; there would be a flame for her as well; soon enough; and for whoever had put her up to this humiliating charade。
  And so; focused in anger; did Nino di Carrera banish confusion and doubt。 He drew his sword。 His pany had already wheeled into position behind him。 He looked back; saw Edrique nod crisply; his own blade uplifted。
  〃To Jalona's glory!〃 cried Nino then。 〃Ride now! Ride; in the holy name of Jad!〃
  They started north; moving quickly; but in tight formation; the mules with their gold still safely in the center of the pany。 They traversed the valley; shouting in battle fever now; in anticipation。 There was no fear。 They knew what they were and could do。 They rode through bright sunlight over frosted grass and came to the shadows where the hills closed in。 They thundered into the dark defile; screaming the god's name; one hundred brave; trained Horsemen of Jad。
  Idar ibn Tarif; who had mand of the forty men on the western side of the gorge; had been swearing without surcease and with considerable inventiveness since the Jaddite advance scouts had been spotted above them on the slopes。 They had been shot at and briefly pursued; to no avail。
  They had been discovered! Their trap was exposed。 The long hunt was over。 Who would ever have imagined a Jaddite mander would be so timorous as to send scouts! The man had a hundred Horsemen! He was supposed to be arrogant; reckless。 In Ashar's star…bright name; what was he doing being so cautious?
  Across the narrow; sharply angled canyon at the north end of the valley his brother and father were still waiting; oblivious to the disaster that had just taken place; readying their archers for a feathered volley of death against unsuspecting men。 Idar; sick at heart; had been about to slip across the shadowy ground to tell them about the scouts when he heard the woman's voice begin; up on the eastern ridges of the Emin ha'Nazar…the echoing valley where the stinking; dog…faced Horsemen had halted。
  On this side of the defile beyond the valley the high voice could be clearly heard。 Idar was far from fluent in Esperanan; but he knew enough to be suddenly arrested in his purpose。 Wondering…and even amused in spite of the catastrophe that had befallen them…he decided to await events。
  The Jaddites were going to double back。 It was evident to anyone with half a mind。 If they had spotted the ambush they would draw all the obvious conclusions。 They were swine and unbelievers; but they knew how to wage war。 They would circle back out of the Emin ha'Nazar and take the longer way around to the west。
  And there was no other place of entrapment between here and the tagra lands tha
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