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outrun anything on that plain。 If anyone was foolish enough to attack him; once they realized who he was。
  Someone; therefore; would have had to have been almost insanely reckless; and the Captain uncharacteristically lost in night thoughts; for him to be ambushed by moonlight so near to home。
  They waited until his horse was in the middle of the stream…the Carriano…that formed the western boundary of Rancho Belmonte。 He was; in fact; almost on his own land。
  In late summer the stream ran shallow; not even up to the black horse's withers at the deepest point。 They were walking across; not swimming。 But when bowmen rose up; like ghosts of the dead; from the reeds at the river's edge; Rodrigo knew that someone had given thought to this。 Swift as his mount was; the water was going to slow him for the first few seconds。 Against archers that would be enough。
  With the first words spoken his thought was confirmed。
  〃We will shoot the horse; Ser Rodrigo。 Do not try to run。〃
  He didn't want them to shoot the horse。
  He looked around。 A dozen men; all with kerchiefs pulled up and hat brims low to disguise their faces。 He couldn't see their mounts。 Downstream probably。
  〃Dismount。 In the water。〃 The same man spoke again; his voice muffled behind the kerchief。
  〃If you know my name you know you are dead if you pursue this folly;〃 Rodrigo said softly。 He didn't get off his horse yet; but nor did he let it move。
  〃Your horse is dead if you remain astride。 Get down。〃
  He did so; swinging forward deliberately; where it was shallower。 The water was up to his waist。
  〃Throw your sword on the bank。〃
  He hesitated。
  〃We will not shoot you; Ser Rodrigo。 We will kill the horse。 Throw your sword。〃
  〃There are close to one hundred and fifty men behind me;〃 Rodrigo said levelly; but he was removing his sword belt as he spoke。
  〃They are half a night's ride behind you。〃
  The speaker seemed remarkably well informed。 Rodrigo tossed his sword and belt into the grass; carefully clear of the stream。 He marked where they landed; but then someone moved to pick them up; so it didn't matter。
  〃Now walk。 Towards us。 Leave the horse where he is。 Someone will take him。〃
  〃He won't take kindly to another hand;〃 Rodrigo warned。
  〃That is our difficulty; then;〃 the spokesman said。 〃We are accustomed to dealing with horses。 e。〃
  He went; sloshing out of the stream and through the reeds to the grass。 They took him; insultingly; further east onto his own lands。 There was no one about; however; not at the very perimeter of the estate; and not in the middle of the night。 They led him for several hundred paces; bows levelled constantly; though at the horse not at him。 Someone was clever here。
  They came to one of the range huts。 Like all the huts it was small; unfurnished; no more than a primitive shelter for the herders from rainstorms or the snows that sometimes came in winter。
  Someone lit a torch。 They pushed him inside。 Six of them came with him; faces hidden; not speaking save for the leader。 They took both his knives: the one in his belt and the one in his boot。 They bound his hands in front of him; and then someone hammered a stake into the packed earth floor of the hut and they forced him to lie down and pulled his bound hands up over his head and looped the thongs through the stake。 They pulled off his boots and tied his ankles together the same way。 Another stake was driven and the cord that bound his feet was looped across this。 He was unable to move; hands high over his head; legs bound together and pinned to the earth。
  〃What do you think will happen;〃 Rodrigo said; breaking the silence; 〃when my pany es to this ranch tomorrow and learns I have not arrived?〃
  The leader; standing by the doorway watching all that was being done; merely shook his head。 Then he gestured to the others。 The long torch was planted in the ground and they left him there in the hut; trussed like a sacrifice。
  He heard footsteps receding; then the sound of horses ing up and then being ridden away。 Pinned helplessly to the earth on his own land; Rodrigo Belmonte lay in silence for a few moments; listening to the horsemen riding off。 And then; helplessly; but in an entirely different sense; he began to laugh。 It was difficult to catch his breath with his hands pulled up so high; he whooped; he gasped; tears streamed from his eyes。
  〃The god burn you; Rodrigo!〃 said his wife; storming into the hut。 〃How did you know?〃
  He went on laughing。 He couldn't stop。 Miranda carried; of all things; an arrow in one hand。 She was dressed in black; in the mannish clothing that was her custom on the ranch。 She glared at him in fury as he howled。 Then she stepped closer and stabbed him in the thigh with her arrow。
  〃Ouch!〃 exclaimed the Captain of Valledo。 He looked down and saw blood welling through the rip in his trousers。
  〃I hate when you laugh at me;〃 she said。 〃Now; how did you know? Tell me; or I'll draw blood again。〃
  〃I have no doubt;〃 Rodrigo said; struggling to regain his self…control。 He had not seen her in almost half a year。 She looked unfairly magnificent。 She was also; quite evidently; in a substantial rage。 He concentrated; for his own safety; on her question。
  〃The boys did well; actually。 A few things。 Corrado heard other horses as we came up to the stream。 I didn't; their mounts were left far enough away to avoid that; but a war…horse can be trained to give warning。〃
  〃What else?〃
  〃Two men let their shadows show in the water。 With doubled moonlight one has to be careful。〃
  〃Anything else?〃 Her voice had grown even colder。
  He considered it; and decided that two things were enough。 He was still trussed up; and she still had an arrow。 The other matters could wait。
  〃Nothing; Miranda。 I told you; they did very well。〃
  She stabbed him again; hard; in the other leg。
  〃Jad's light!〃 he gasped。 〃Miranda; will you…
  〃Tell truth。 What else?〃
  He drew a breath。 〃I recognized the whicker of Fernan's horse when they brought him up outside。 They knew too well where my boot knife was。 They were too gentle when they tied me。 And this whole affair was too precisely located along the stream to be an improvised ambush。 It had to be Diego seeing me and knowing which way I was ing。 Is that enough; Miranda? May I get up now? May I kiss you?〃
  〃Yes; no; and possibly later;〃 said his wife。 〃Have you any idea how angry I am; Rodrigo?〃
  Bound and bleeding on the earth; Rodrigo Belmonte was able to say; quite truthfully; 〃Some idea; yes。〃
  His expression must have been diverting; because his wife; for the first time; showed an indication of being amused。
  She suppressed it quickly。 〃Armed men came for us; you uncaring bastard。 You left me with children and range hands thirty years past their usefulness。〃
  〃That isn't just;〃 he said。 〃I'm truly sorry you were frightened。 You know I am。 I didn't think even Garcia de Rada would do anything so stupid as an attack here; and I did think you and the boys were equal to whatever might e。 I told you that。〃
  〃I told you that;〃 she mimicked。 〃How thoughtful of you。〃
  〃If the boys are going to follow me;〃 he said levelly; 〃they will have to learn to handle matters of this sort; Miranda。 You know it。 They'll be marked as my sons the minute they join a pany…mine or anyone else's。 They'll be pushed; and challenged。 I can't do anything about that except help make them equal to those challenges when they e。 Unless you want them both to take vows and join the clerics?〃
  〃Twenty…four horsemen attacked us; Rodrigo。 What if Diego hadn't seen them?〃
  He said nothing。 The truth was; he'd been having nightmares about that since word of the raid had e to them in Esteren。 He didn't want to say it; but there must have been more in his expression than he thought; because Miranda abruptly tossed her arrow aside and knelt on the earth beside him。
  〃I see;〃 she said quietly。 〃You were frightened; too。 All right。 Half a mistake; half testing the boys。 I can live with that。〃
  〃I'm not sure if I can;〃 he said; after a moment。 〃If anything had happened 。。。 〃
  〃That's why I shot him。 I know you wouldn't have done it。 I know it wasn't very honorable; but a man who would do what he did 。。。 He wouldn't have stopped; Rodrigo。 He would have e back。 Better I killed him than that you had to; after he'd done something to us。〃
  He nodded his head。 It wasn't easy; bound as he was。 She made no movement to release him。
  〃I'm sorry you had to kill someone。〃
  She shrugged。 〃Given who it was; it was easier than I would have thought。 The boys had to kill men; too。〃
  〃In the world they are growing into; that was bound to happen。〃
  〃I would have preferred it not be so soon; Rodrigo。〃
  He said nothing。 She settled back a little; looking at him; still making no move to untie his bonds。
  〃The king called you a frail woman。〃
  She smiled at that。 〃You didn't disagree?〃
  〃I did; actually。 I asked them to pray for me because I had to go home and tell you what has happened。〃
  〃We heard。 You sent the messenger so I'd have time to calm down; I suppose。〃
  His mouth crooked。 〃It does
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