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yer of thanksgiving to the god and the moons that he had been vouchsafed this gift of love; so unexpectedly; so profoundly undeserved。
  He cleared his throat。 She turned to look at him。
  〃You're late;〃 she said lightly。 〃Dina; your darling little girl; has been threatening to…〃 She stopped。 〃What has happened?〃
  How did one say this?
  〃Al…Rassan has fallen。〃 He heard himself speaking the words as in a place that echoed; like the valley of the Emin ha'Nazar。 〃This summer。 All of the peninsula is Jaddite now。〃
  His wife leaned back; her hands behind her; against the table by the hearth。 Then; pushing herself forward; she took three steps across the stone floor and wrapped her arms around him; her head against his chest。
  〃Oh; my love;〃 she said。 〃Oh; Alvar; this must be so hard for you。 What can I say?〃
  〃Is everyone here?〃
  〃Almost。 Oh; my dear;〃 said Marisa bet Rezzoni; his wife; his colleague and Jehane's; daughter of his teacher; mother of his children; light of his days and nights。 〃Oh; Alvar; how are you going to tell them?〃
  〃Tell them what?〃 Jehane asked; ing into the kitchen。 〃What is it? One of the children?〃
  〃No。 No; not that;〃 Alvar said; and fell silent。
  He looked at the first woman he had ever loved。 He knew he would love her and in more than a way of speaking until he died。 She was still; with silver in her hair and a softening to her features now; the same astonishing; courageous woman with whom he had ridden across the Serrana Range to King Badir's Ragosa all those years ago。
  Another known footfall in the hallway outside。 〃We're in here;〃 Alvar said; lifting his voice。 〃In the kitchen。〃 In a way it was better like this。
  Ammar; hardly using his stick today; paused in the doorway and then came to stand beside his wife。 He looked at Jehane; at Marisa; at Alvar。 He laid a hand on Jehane's shoulder and said; in his beautiful voice; 〃Alvar has had the same tidings I have。 He is trying to think of how to shelter us。 Me; mostly; I suppose。〃
  〃You; mostly;〃 Alvar agreed quietly。 〃Ammar; I'm so sorry。〃
  〃Please!〃 Jehane said。 〃What is it?〃
  Her husband released her and she turned to look at him。 〃I was going to wait until Alvar's celebration was done; but there is no point now。 A ship from Esperana is in; my love。 Fernan Belmonte took Cartada; and my own Aljais of the nightingales this summer。 Tudesca opened her gates immediately after。 They were the last; those three。〃
  Alvar saw that his wife; who alone of the four of them had never even been in that beloved; tormented peninsula; was weeping。 Marisa could feel for the pain she saw; could almost take it into herself。 It was a part of her physician's gift; and it frightened him sometimes。
  Jehane had gone white; much as he himself had appeared in the looking glass。 She did not cry。 She said; after a moment; 〃It was going to happen。 There was no one to turn the tide back; and Fernan 。。。 〃
  〃Appears to have bee something close to what his father was;〃 Ammar finished for her。 〃It was going to happen; yes。〃 He smiled; the smile they had all e to know and need over the years here in Sorenica。 〃Have I not been trying to write a history and an elegy for Al…Rassan all this time? Would it not have been a cruel jest upon me; if…〃
  〃Don't!〃 Jehane said; and stepping forward; put her arms around her husband。 Ammar stopped。 He closed his eyes。
  Alvar swallowed; near to weeping; for reasons too plex for words。 The Star…born were not his people。 He was Jaddite born; Kindath by choice…even before he'd met and wooed Ser Rezzoni's youngest daughter。 He had made that decision; along with a resolve to pursue a doctor's life; by the time he left Esteren; escorting Ishak ben Yonannon and his wife to their daughter on behalf of the king and queen of Valledo。
  Jehane had already been in Sorenica; having e with ibn Khairan when the Muwardi tribesmen in Al…Rassan threatened revolt if Ammar continued to lead their armies。 Yazir ibn Q'arif had been urged to execute him…a man; the wadjis cried; who had slain a khalif。 A man more offensive in Ashar's sight than even the Jaddites were。
  Yazir had yielded to the first pressure but resisted the second; surprisingly。 He had exiled ibn Khairan but allowed him his life。 Partly for what he had achieved as ka'id; but mostly for one evening's single bat as the named; holy; sword arm of Ashar。
  Had he not defeated the man no one could defeat? Had he not granted them victory by Silvenes when he killed Rodrigo Belmonte; the Scourge of Al…Rassan?
  And more: had he not…above all else…thereby taken blood revenge for Ghalib? Yazir ibn Q'arif; who had travelled the sands for the past twenty years with his brother at his side; would not destroy the man who had done that for him。 Ibn Khairan had been permitted to leave; with his Kindath concubine。
  〃We've a letter from Miranda;〃 Alvar said; clearing his throat。
  Jehane looked at ibn Khairan and; reassured by what she saw; let him go。 〃You've read it?〃 she asked Alvar。
  〃I started。 Go ahead。〃 He handed her the envelope。
  Jehane took it; unfolded the paper and began reading。 Alvar walked to a sideboard and poured himself a glass of wine。 He glanced at Marisa who shook her head; and at Ammar who nodded。 He poured for the other man; his dearest friend in the world; and carried it over; unmixed。
  Jehane was reading aloud。 〃 。。。 turbulent this summer。 Fernan and the king have taken the last three cities of Al…Rassan。 I don't know the details; I never ask; but in two of them the slaughter was bad; it seems。 I know this can bring you no joy; not even Alvar; and I know it will be a great grief for Ammar。 Does he believe I bear him no ill…will; even now? Will he accept that I have an understanding of his sorrow; and that Rodrigo would have understood it as well?
  I do not think Fernan does; though Diego might。 I'm not sure。 I don't see them very much any more; of course。 Diego and his wife have had a boy by Jad's grace; my first grandson; and the mother is well。 He is named Rodrigo; but you would know that。 Diego has been honored by the king with a new title; created for him: he is the first chancellor of united Esperana。 The people are saying that Fernan will win our wars and Diego will guide us in peace。 I am proud of them both; of course; though could wish; as a mother; for more kindness in Fernan。 I suppose we all know where he lost his gentleness; but I may be the only one who remembers when he had it。
  I sound old; don't I? I have a grandchild。 I am old。 Most of the time I don't think I've changed so much; but I probably have。 You wouldn't recognize the king; by the way…he's grown enormously fat; like his father。
  They moved Rodrigo's bones this spring; before the summer campaign began。 I didn't want him to leave the ranch; but both boys and the king thought he ought to be honored in Esteren and I didn't have the heart to fight them all。 I used to be better at fighting。 I did insist on one thing; and Diego and King Ramiro; to my surprise; agreed。 The words above him are from the ones Ammar sent me so long ago。
  I thought I would be the only one who felt that was proper but I wasn't。 I went there for the ceremony。 Esteren is greatly changed; of course…Alvar; you wouldn't know it at all。 Rodrigo lies now in a bay to one side of the god disk in the royal chapel。 There's a statue; in marble; done by one of Ramiro's new sculptors。 It isn't really Rodrigo; of course…the man never knew him。 They gave him his father's eagle helm and the whip and a sword。 He looks terribly stern。 They carved Ammar's words at the base of the statue。 In Esperanan; I'm afraid; but the king did the translation himself; so I suppose that counts for something; doesn't it?
  He did it like this:
Know; all who see these lines;
That this man; by his appetite for honor;
By his steadfastness;
By his love for his country;
By his courage;
Was one of the miracles of the god。
  Jehane stopped reading; struggling visibly。 At times Alvar thought she would do better if she let herself cry。 Marisa had said the same thing; more than once。 Jehane had wept when her father died; and when her third child…her daughter…was stillborn; but Alvar couldn't remember any other times; not since a twilit hill by Silvenes。
  Even now she controlled herself; laid the letter aside and said; in a thin voice; 〃Perhaps I ought to finish this after the celebration?〃
  As if to reinforce that; a girl's impatient voice was heard calling from the courtyard: 〃Will you e on! We're all waiting!〃
  〃Let's go;〃 Alvar said; allowing himself to take charge。 〃Dina's likely to assault me if I make her wait any longer。〃
  They went out to the courtyard。 His friends were there…quite a few of them。 Eliane bet Danel; Jehane's mother; had e to honor him and he saluted her first of all。 His daughters skittered about like a pair of long…legged colts putting everyone in their proper places before they bolted for the kitchen; giggling。
  〃You are all;〃 said Marisa; as soon as they were out of earshot; 〃on your oaths not to mention that the cakes are burnt。〃
  There was laughter。 Alvar looked for ibn Khairan。 He had taken a chair in one corner of the garde
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