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ach you how to call Gregory's beast?〃
 〃I didn't learn a damn thing except that you're in a foul mood and taking it out on other people。〃
 〃You want to know what's wrong? You really want to know?〃
 〃Yeah; I do。〃
 〃Get out of the way; Stephen;〃 he said; and Stephen didn't even ask why; he just crawled out from between us。
 We were left staring at each other; not quite two feet apart。 What he'd done to Stephen seemed to have taken the edge off his power; but it was still there like some great slumbering thing pressing against the surface。
 〃Open the marks; Anita; feel what I'm feeling。〃
 〃I opened the marks already。 I figured I had to; to learn how to do this。〃
 〃So it's just my shielding?〃 He made it a question。
 I nodded。 〃I can feel your rage; Richard; I just don't know why。〃
 〃Just my shields between us and 。。。 〃 He shook his head; almost smiling; then he dropped his shields。 It hit me like a physical force; drove me back a step。 Anger so raw it filled my throat with bile; a self…loathing so deep that it drew tears down my cheeks in two hot lines。 I stood there for a minute feeling Richard's pain; and it was suffocating。
 I stared up at him; the tears still wet on my cheeks。 〃Richard; oh my God。〃
 〃Don't feel sorry for me; don't you dare feel pity for me!〃 He grabbed my arms when he said it; and the moment we touched; our beasts poured up from inside us and spread across our skins in a hot dance of power。 His beast crashed through me; invisible; metaphysical claws ripping through my body。 It was as if Richard's beast was trying to eat his way through my body。 I screamed; and thrust my beast into his; and I felt claws ripping into meat。 There was nothing to see with the eye; but I could feel it; feel fur and muscle and meat under claws and teeth。 I screamed not just from the pain; but from the sensations of cutting Richard up。 He hurt me; and I wanted to hurt him back。 There was no more reasoning; no more thinking; just reacting。
 Our beasts tore through each other; rolling; clawing; tearing。 We collapsed on the deck; screaming。 Dimly I could still feel Richard's hands locked on my arms as if he couldn't let go。
 There was movement all around us。 People hovering; but no one interfered; no one touched us。 When we fell; they scattered; as if afraid to touch us。 Voices shouting above our screams; 〃What's wrong? What's happening? Anita; Anita! Richard; control it!〃
 His beast was suddenly like a weight inside me; but it didn't hurt。 The two energies lay quiet; leaning against each other; not mingling; just leaning。 I could almost feel the solid push of his beast against something inside of me that had bones and fur; and wasn't me。 I couldn't hear anything but the thundering of the blood in my own head。 I felt Richard's weight on top of me; before I looked down to find him collapsed over me。 His head rested on my chest。 I could feel the pulse of the blood in his body; his heart racing against the skin of my stomach。 I was covered in the cool slime from Stephen's body。 One; I was lying in a pool of it; two; Richard had been covered in it; and he'd slid down my body。 I was going to have to shower before I could go to bed; even if it was dawn。 And I ached; ached as if I'd been beaten。 I knew I'd be stiff when I moved。
 Everyone was standing in a ring above us; staring down。 I found my voice; hoarse; almost raspy; but clear。 〃Get off of me。〃
 Richard raised his head; slowly; as if he hurt; too。 〃I'm sorry。〃
 〃You're always sorry; Richard; now get off of me。〃
 He didn't move; in fact he settled heavier; hands curving at the edges of my waist。 〃Do you still want to help Gregory?〃
 〃That's what this whole show is about; so yeah。〃
 〃Then let's try again。〃
 I tensed; and started trying to wriggle out from under him。 His hands tightened at my waist。 〃Easy; Anita; it won't hurt。 I don't think。〃
 〃Says you。 It hurt like a son of a bitch。 Let me go; Richard。〃 My voice held the beginnings of anger; and fear。 I liked the anger; could have done without the fear。
 〃You fought me to a standoff。 It's over;〃 he said。
 I stopped struggling and stared at him。 〃What are you talking about?〃
 〃We're not the same kind of animal; Anita。 They had to find out who's 。。。 tougher。〃
 I stared down the line of my body into those brown eyes。 〃Are you saying this was some kind of dominance display?〃
 〃Not exactly。〃
 Strangely; it was Merle who answered。 〃When two such different beasts meet; and they are both strong dominants  such as a true Nimir…Ra; and a true Ulfric  the two animals must fight and test each other。 I have seen it before。 It is a type of taming of one beast by the other。〃
 I looked way up at the tall man。 〃No one tamed anyone。〃
 Merle knelt beside us。 〃I think you are right。 It is as the Ulfric has said; a standoff。 He could have kept fighting until one of you won; or lost; but he chose to let it be。〃
 I remembered someone telling Richard to control it; it being his beast。 I looked at Richard。 〃You stopped; didn't you?〃
 〃I don't care which of us is more dominant; Anita。 Those kind of games have never meant anything to me; unless people forced me to play them。〃
 〃You said something about helping Gregory。 What did you mean?〃
 He started working his way a little higher up my body; sliding his body along mine。 I could feel the slime from his shirt recoating my bare stomach and nearly bare chest。 My disgust must have shown on my face; because he asked; 〃What's wrong?〃
 〃Your shirt is covered in slime; and I'm lying in a pool of it。 I didn't just want you to get off me to be off of me; I wanted to get up out of this mess。〃
 He came to his knees; his legs on either side of mine。 I could feel our beasts stretched between us like something that should have been visible; as if each of their heads was buried in the other's chest。 He offered me a hand。 I stared up at him。
 〃I know you don't need the help; Anita。 But our beasts are touching now。 It's a close connection and physical contact will help us keep it until we finish Gregory。〃
 I didn't need the earnest look on his face to know he was telling the truth; the marks were still open between us。 I knew he was telling the truth。
 I took his hand and he lifted me to my feet。 Standing up hurt; and either he felt it or saw it on my face。 〃I hurt you;〃 he said softly。
 〃We hurt each other。〃 I could feel that he was stiff; aching; but he moved like he wasn't; and I still moved human stiff。
 He raised the bottom of his shirt; still holding my hand。 〃Touch me。〃
 I looked up at him; and he laughed。 〃Just keep physical contact; Anita。 I don't mean anything by it。 But I need both my hands。〃
 I laid a hand on his side; very tentatively。
 He shook his head。 〃I'm going to take my shirt off。〃
 If you can't touch a person's hands; arms; or much of their upper body; you run out of polite places to touch。 I settled for sliding my hand under the wet shirt; touching the smooth firmness of his side。 Even his skin was damp from the shirt having molded to it。
 Richard drew the shirt over his head; and I was left standing inches from him as he revealed the flat plains of his stomach; the muscular swell of his chest; and arched his back to draw the shirt over his head。 The sight of him; the pull of the lust that always came when I saw him without clothes pushed my beast against his。 I felt furred sides roll against each other; a tentative roll of power that felt like someone had taken velvet and caressed the most intimate part of me。
 Richard gasped。
 I concentrated hard to stop the movement; but that I'd done it without thinking brought heat in a wash up my face。 I looked at the ground; my hand was still only touching his side; just above his jeans; but the touch felt suddenly intimate。 I wanted to take my hand away; and his hand covered mine before I could move。 He pressed my hand to him; firm; but not forceful。
 He touched my chin; raised my face until I had to look at him。 〃It's alright; Anita。 I love the fact that just seeing me moves you like that。〃
 The blush that had been fading; blazed harder。 He laughed; soft; low; with that edge that a man's laugh gets when he's thinking intimate things。 〃I have missed you; Anita。〃
 I looked up at him。 〃I missed you; too。〃
 His beast moved through me in a wash of power and sensation that left me gasping。 My beast responded to his。 I couldn't seem to stop it。 Maybe I didn't want to。 Those shadow forms rolled in and out of each other; through us; until I couldn't breathe; couldn't think。 It was Richard who drew back first; and said; 〃Dear God; I never thought 。。。 〃 I felt the effort it cost him to draw back from me; to stop。 His face showed a businesslike; no…nonsense look; but I could feel the trembling of other things inside him。 His voice came out brisk。 〃I'll call Jamil's beast; the way it's supposed to be done。 Feel what I do; how I use my beast to call his。〃
 My voice was a little breathy。 〃Then I'll do Gregory。〃
 He nodded。 〃Or I can call Shang…Da's beast; if you need to see it one more time。〃
 I nodded。 〃Okay。〃
 He slid a hand around my waist; drawing me against him。 It didn't seem as intimate as the roil of our beasts inside us。 Jamil stood facing us。 He'd stripped off his shirt a
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