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 between them。 I knew that that kiss could have drained her life away again; but it didn't。 When he raised back from her; her face was full and rounded; human looking。 It was like Prince Charming waking Sleeping Beauty; except that this beauty's eyes found me; and the hatred in them was a burning thing。
 I sighed。 Some people never learn。 I met that hateful gaze and said; 〃Gretchen; I promise you two things; you'll never have to go back in that box; and if you try to hurt me or mine again; I'll kill you。 And that would be a damn shame since I'm the one who persuaded Jean…Claude to let you out in the first place。〃
 She just looked at me the way that tigers behind bars watch the visitors; biding their time。 Jean…Claude hugged her to him。 〃If you try and harm my human servant again; I will see you destroyed; Gretal。〃 Gretal had been her original name; so I'd been told。
 〃I hear you; Jean…Claude。〃 Her voice sounded rough; as if the time in the coffin had damaged it。
 〃e; Jason; we need to warm this one。〃 Jason got to his feet like an obedient puppy; still bleeding; still happy。
 Jean…Claude paused in the doorway looking; not at me; but at Asher。 〃I must take this one to the bath; or all the work will be undone。 But Damian is a revenant now。〃
 Asher raised a hand; which had been hidden along his body。 He had a gun; a 10…millimeter Browning; the big brother of my own gun。 〃I will do what needs doing。〃
 〃We are not going to kill Damian;〃 I said。
 Jean…Claude looked at me; then at Micah; and Nathaniel; and Gil; and the other wereleopards; and even the bodyguards。 His gaze seemed to take everyone in; then he looked at me again。 〃I ask again; ma petite; who will you sacrifice for your high ideals?〃
 〃You think he can't be saved; don't you?〃
 〃I know that once the madness takes a vampire; even the master who bore him cannot always bring him back to his senses。〃
 〃Is there anything I can do that might bring him back to himself?〃
 〃Let him feed; try to see he does not kill that which he eats; and hope when he tastes your blood; he regains his senses。 If your blood does not sate him; then Asher will try to feed him。 If that fails 。。。 〃 He gave that shrug that meant everything and nothing; even holding Gretchen it looked graceful。
 〃I don't want him to die because of me。〃
 〃If he dies; ma petite; it will be because he tried to kill someone in this room。〃 With that he walked out; Jason trailing behind。
 I think; perhaps; I'd used up Jean…Claude's patience with me; or maybe seeing what he'd done to Gretchen had bothered him that much。 Whatever the cause; he left me in the room with everyone looking to me as to how to proceed。 And I didn't have a clue。 Who was I willing to put next to the coffin? Who was I willing to risk?
 THE ANSWER; OF course; was no one; but we finally decided who got to be the first victim。 I was pretty useless for the discussion; because I would have put myself first in line。 Never ask of anyone what you're not willing to do yourself。 But Asher pointed out that I couldn't be the first feed if I had any chance of being Damian's master。 So they decided among themselves; and it was Zane left standing next to the coffin。
 Everybody but me that had a gun had it out with a round chambered。 I needed my hands free to offer up a body part to get gnawed on。 e to think of it; I didn't much like that job description either。 But it wasn't watching Zane's pale back as he unfastened the chain that bothered me; it was watching Cherry's face as she watched him do it。 That much fear for someone's safety; that much importance attached to one other being meant that it was love for her; too。 They loved each other; and he was about to cry; cry for help; and loose the carrion birds to feed; and feed; and feed。
 The lid of the coffin was only half raised when Zane jerked forward and pale hands showed around him; holding him。 Blood sprayed the white satin of the coffin; spattered over Zane's shoulders; and the only thing we could see of Damian was pale hands and arms latched around Zane's back。 There was no shot to take。
 Someone was screaming。 I think it was Cherry。 I had my gun out; but there was no way to fire without killing Zane first。 Micah and Merle were at the coffin; trying to pry Zane free。 Zane fell back; his throat a gaping wound; and something that was all bloody fangs and wild red hair grabbed Merle and folded around him; tearing at the big man's throat。 The wererats and Asher were standing back; waiting for a clear shot; but there wasn't going to be one; not before someone else died。
 I pushed forward; trying to shove Micah out of the way while I pressed the gun to Damian's face; but Micah was trying to pry the vampire off of Merle; and in the struggle I couldn't get my gun steady。 The barrel slipped in the blood against Damian's skin; and suddenly green eyes turned to me; and there was nothing in them but hunger。 Damian was already dead。 I just hadn't pulled the trigger yet。
 Then he was on me; faster than anything I'd ever seen。 I was pressed back against the satin of the coffin; my hips and legs sticking out。 He didn't go for my neck; he buried his fangs in my upper chest。 I screamed past the pain and pressed the barrel of the Browning against his temple。 Asher was yelling; 〃Don t fire; you'll hit Anita!〃
 I screamed again and had to adjust the angle of the gun; because if I'd pulled the trigger; the bullet would have gone through his head into my chest。 I moved the gun a fraction while he savaged me。 My finger curled on the trigger when he raised his green eyes to me。 I watched his eyes fill up with knowledge; intelligence  with him。 He raised his mouth back from my chest。 He looked scared。 〃Anita; what's happening?〃 He seemed to see my bloody chest for the first time; and his eyes went wide。 〃What's happening to me?〃
 The moment he spoke; the moment there was something in him besides monster; I felt the connection between us click into place; like a perfectly tuned string on a harp。 The power flowed between us like warm water; filling him up; filling me up; and I drew him down to me; my blood still on his lips。
 I heard Asher saying; 〃Stay back; it's alright; let her finish。〃
 I whispered as I drew Damian down to me; 〃Blood of my blood; flesh of my flesh; breath to breath; my heart to yours。〃
 And just before our lips met and his fate was sealed; he whispered; 〃Yes; oh; yes。〃
 I WAS SHOULDER…DEEP in water so hot it made my skin pink。 I was so hot I was almost ill; because I was still fully dressed; including all my guns。 Damian leaned up against the front of my body; my arms wrapped around him; holding him close。 His body folded in against mine; his arms holding mine across his bare chest。
 How did I end up being guardian of the bathtub for Damian once we reached my house? He'd gone into convulsions; and only my touch had calmed him。 We'd gotten him to my house with Nathaniel riding in the back; cradling Damian。 They'd filled the bathtub with hot; hot water; and I'd left Asher in charge of Damian's care。 I'd done my part; I'd brought him back to himself。 I had a bandage over my left breast to prove that I'd donated my piece of flesh and blood for the night。 Zane and Merle were on their way to the lycanthrope hospital; with Micah and Cherry to oversee them。 Everyone else had trooped back to my house; and everything had seemed fine; until screams from the bathroom brought me running。
 Damian had been beating himself against the floor; convulsing like he'd tear himself apart; vomiting blood on the tile。 Asher and Nathaniel had been fighting to hold him down; to keep him from hurting himself; but they couldn't hold him。 I knelt to help; and the moment I touched him; he quieted。 I'd withdrawn my hand; and his body had bucked again; hands scrambling at the slick tile。 I'd touched his shoulder; and he calmed。 We'd tried letting him take blood from Caleb; but the moment I stopped touching him; his body rejected the blood; and everything else。 The last time I'd stopped touching him; Damian had simply gone quiet; and I had felt him beginning to fade; to die。
 We'd dragged Damian into the steaming bath water; and I'd held him。 He had recovered; but only with me holding him while my clothes stuck to my body。
 〃What's wrong with him?〃 I asked。
 Asher had answered; 〃I've only seen this reaction between master and servant。〃
 〃I'm Damian's master; so what? It shouldn't cause this; should it?〃
 〃No; ma cherie; not merely master; but master vampire and human servant。〃
 〃Damian is not my master;〃 I said。
 〃Damian is no one's master;〃 Asher said quietly; gazing down at us from the edge of the tub。 He was sitting in a pool of the blood that had poured out of Damian。
 〃What are you saying; Asher?〃
 〃You have made him your servant。〃
 〃He can't be a human servant; he's a vampire;〃 I said。
 〃I did not say human servant; ma cherie。〃
 〃Then what are you talking about?〃
 〃A 。。。 vampire servant for a master necromancer; I think。〃
 〃You think?〃 I made it a question。
 〃We are dealing with things of legend; ma cherie; things that should not be possible。 I am having to 。。。 guess at this。〃
 〃Guess?〃 I said。
 He sighed。 〃If I said that I knew for certain 
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