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 Janet Talbot spoke for all of us。 〃Someplace quieter。〃
 I couldn't see the women's faces; but I could almost smell the embarrassment on the air。 Not wereanimal ability; just a good guess。
 〃Please;〃 Olivia said; 〃please; I do apologize。 Please e back。〃
 Everyone started trickling back into the room。 Nilisha actually took a chair with the blond bodyguard behind her。 〃We are all very worried about my husband。〃
 〃Worried about him; Mama?〃 Olivia said。
 The woman nodded; smiled。 〃Yes; worried。〃
 〃He's not dead;〃 the girl said。
 〃If you can have hope; so can I。〃
 They smiled at each other like bright mirrors; so alike in that one moment。 Ethan looked relieved; but he didn't smile。
 〃Alright; besides Henry MacNair; who else is missing?〃
 〃My son; Andy;〃 Janet Talbot said。 She handed me a snapshot of a young man with her brown hair; cut short; but his features were softer than hers。 He was handsome; bordering on pretty。 〃He looks like his father。〃 She said it; as if strangers had remarked on the lack of resemblance before。 I wouldn't have said a damn thing。
 〃Our Ursa;〃 Boone said; 〃I didn't think to bring a picture。〃
 〃Ursa; bear; your queen?〃 I made it a question。
 He nodded that massive; bearded head; and I wondered how I'd missed it。 〃She went out to pick up a few things at the store and never came back。 No signs of a struggle; just gone。〃
 I looked at Gil of the green eyes。 〃Who'd you misplace?〃
 He shook his head。 〃No one; I'm just scared。〃
 I looked at Christine。 〃How 'bout you?〃
 〃I'm here as a representative for the weres that only have one or two members。 Those of us who have chosen St。 Louis because there were no others like us。 I'm the only weretiger in town; so I haven't lost anybody; but we've lost one werelion。〃
 〃I don't suppose the missing lion is named Marco?〃
 Christine shook her head。 〃No; Joseph; why?〃
 Donovan answered; 〃The lion man was named Marco。〃
 〃Oh〃 she said。
 〃And;〃 Donovan added; 〃Joseph isn't able to change that close to human。 No one I know of can change that close to human and hold it without changing。〃
 Christine continued as if I hadn't spoken。 Focused; Christine was always focused。 〃Joseph's mate is pregnant。 Amber would be here but she's under plete bed rest until the baby is born。〃
 〃Until she loses it; you mean;〃 Cherry said。
 I glanced at her。 〃You say that like she's lost some before。〃
 〃This is her third try;〃 Cherry said。
 〃I'm sorry to hear that。 Losing her 。。。 mate must not be helping her stress levels。〃
 〃That is an understatement;〃 Christine said。
 〃She's a fool to keep trying;〃 Cherry said。 〃We can't carry a baby to term; and that's that。〃
 I looked at her again。 〃Pass that by me again; slowly。〃
 〃The change is too violent; it causes miscarriage。〃 Cherry said it matter of factly; then I watched her understand what she'd just said; and she whispered; 〃Anita; I didn't 。。。 you shouldn't have had to find out this way。 I'm sorry。〃
 I shrugged; then shook my head。 〃But the MacNairs have two children。 I'm looking at them。 Janet has a son。〃
 〃My type of shapeshifting is inherited;〃 Janet said。 〃It's not tied to the moon。 I avoided shapeshifting until after Andy was born。〃
 I looked at Nilisha。 〃I am a werecobra。 I can choose to try and carry a baby like a mammal or like a snake。〃
 〃You laid eggs?〃 I made that one a big question。
 She nodded。 〃I couldn't have carried them in my body。 The change is too hard。 But I had other options。〃
 The unspoken; but you don't; hung on the air。 It was too hard to think about。 It wasn't like I'd ever considered having children。 I mean; get real; with my life? Out loud; I said; 〃One problem at a time。 So who disappeared first?〃
 Henry MacNair was the first victim; and had had the most struggle。 Then; the werelion; Joseph; Andy Talbot; weredog; as it turned out; and last the Ursa of the bears; Rebecca Morton。
 The last time we'd had this many wereanimals missing; it had been the old swan king who was delivering them over to be hunted by illegal thrill seekers。
 I looked at Donovan Reece。 He either read my mind or anticipated it。 〃Interesting coincidence that I e into town about the same time everyone goes missing; isn't it。〃
 〃Gee; Donovan; you read my mind。〃
 〃I swear to you that I know nothing of this。〃
 Nilisha said; 〃I know all about the betrayal of the last swan king。 But I am betting my husband's life that Donovan is innocent of all this。〃
 I shrugged。 〃We'll see。〃
 〃You do not trust my judgment;〃 she said。
 〃I don't trust much of anyone's judgment but mine。 Nothing personal。〃
 Olivia touched her arm。 〃Mother。〃
 Nilisha took a deep breath and calmed down。 The day was looking up。
 〃The first thing I'm going to suggest is that we call in the police。〃
 Nobody liked that idea。 〃Look; they have resources that I don't; puter searches; forensics。〃
 〃No;〃 Nilisha said; 〃no; we must handle this among ourselves。〃
 〃I know the rule is that we don't bring in the human authorities; but guys; we have four missing; and they made a run at the swans and the leopards already。〃
 〃You think the snake people and their pet lion are behind this?〃 Donovan asked。
 〃It would be too big a coincidence if they weren't;〃 I said。
 〃I agree;〃 Micah said。 He'd been very quiet through everything; carefully not standing or sitting too close; as if he didn't want to confuse things。 He was letting me be in charge without hovering。
 〃Okay; then who are these guys; and what the hell would they want with a variety of shapeshifters?〃
 We talked for a couple of hours but didn't e up with anything brilliant。 The snakemen were behind it。 But why? Why would any wereanimals give a shit about other wereanimals that weren't their kind? If it had just been the werecobras targeted; then maybe it could be a reptile turf war; though frankly; it was unusual to have a fight even between two different kinds of snakes。 The town was big enough for everybody as long as they weren't the same species。
 I thought Nilisha MacNair was right and her husband was dead。 If people kidnap someone and don't want money; they want worse things; usually things that include blood; pain; and; eventually; death。 They were probably all dead; and if they weren't; we needed the police in on it to keep them alive。
 It turned out that everyone had reported their people missing; neglecting to mention the part about being wereanimals。 〃But don't you see; the police have a twenty…one…year…old college senior missing; a forty…five…year…old husband; a thirty…something single woman; and a thirty…something married man。 Other than the fact that they're all Caucasian; there is no mon denominator to link up these cases。 But if I can tell the police they are all wereanimals; then that's the link。 You guys live all over the city。 You have different police units working on each case。 They'll never make the connection; unless we tell them what the connection is。〃
 Janet Talbot nodded first。 〃Andy's almost got his pre…med degree。 If they find out what he is; he'll never be a doctor; but I want him safe more than I want anything right now。 So I agree; go to the police。〃
 〃I can't speak for Amber;〃 Christine said; 〃but I'm pretty sure she'd agree。〃
 〃I should ask the others first; but the hell with it; find Rebecca for us; even if that means bringing in the cops;〃 Boone said。
 We all turned to Nilisha MacNair。 〃No; if they find out; we are all ruined。〃
 Olivia took her hand。 Ethan knelt in front of her。 〃Mother; without father what does it matter?〃
 I wasn't sure she'd agree since he'd been cheating on her; but she nodded and she agreed。 Love is a funny thing sometimes。 But whatever the motive; it meant I could talk to Dolph; and I wouldn't even have to lie。
 DOLPH ANSWERED ON the second ring。 〃Dolph。〃 He never said; Regional Preternatural Investigation Team; or even police; just his name; not even his last name; not even his full first name; just 〃Dolph;〃 or 〃Dolph; here。〃 Did anyone ever plain? Somehow I doubted it。
 He sounded as close to surprised as he ever gets。 〃Anita; I didn't expect to hear from you until we'd at least finished the paperwork on the last batch of bodies。〃 I heard a man's voice; but couldn't tell what was said。 Dolph came back on。 〃Zerbrowski says that if you killed someone else just hide the body; he's not starting over on the paperwork。〃
 〃I know enough about procedure to know that he'd have to start a new report anyway。 Separate crime; separate report; right?〃
 〃Do you really have a fresh body out there?〃 He sounded tired; but not surprised。
 〃No;〃 I said。
 〃Then how do we rate a call?〃
 〃I have information pertaining to several crimes and the permission of those involved to tell you the truth; the whole truth。 Now; isn't that refreshing?〃
 I could almost feel him sitting up over the phone。 〃I'm a cop; truth is always refreshing; so dazzle me。〃
 I told him。 As I'd suspected; the MacNair case was already on the roster for Dolph and the gang; but it was the first he'd heard of the others。
 〃I interviewed the wife personally。 She kept saying she had no idea why some monster would attack her husband。 It might have helped us find him if we'd known。〃
 〃Dolph; they run a restauran
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