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  〃Very good。 Danny plains that I keep jerking him but I didn't stall the truck once and 。 。 。 oh; Jack; you finished it!〃 She was looking at the roof; and Danny followed her gaze。 A faint frown touched his face as he looked at the wide swatch of fresh shingles atop the Overlook's west wing; a lighter green than the rest of the roof。 Then he looked down at the box in his hand and his face cleared again。 At night the pictures Tony had showed him came back to haunt in all their original clarity; but in sunny daylight they were easier to disregard。
  〃Look; Daddy; look!〃 Jack took the box from his son。 It was a model car; one of the Big Daddy Roth caricatures that Danny bad expressed an admiration for in the past。 This one was the Violent Violet Volkswagen; and the picture on the box showed a huge purple VW‘ with long '59 Cadillac Coupe de Ville taillights burning up a dirt track。
  The VW had a sunroof; and poking up through it; clawed hands on the wheel down below; was a gigantic warty monster with popping bloodshot eyes; a maniacal grin; and a gigantic English racing cap turned around backward。
  Wendy was smiling at him; and Jack winked at her。
  〃That's what I like about you; doc;〃 Jack said; handing the box back。 〃Your taste runs to the quiet; the sober; the introspective。 You are definitely the child of my loins。〃
  〃Mommy said you'd help me put it together as soon as I could read all of the first Dick and Jane。〃
  〃That ought to be by the end of the week;〃 Jack said。 〃What else have you got in that fine…looking truck; ma'am?〃
  〃Uh…uh。〃 She grabbed his arm and pulled him back。 〃No peeking。 Some of that stuff is for you。 Danny and I will take it in。 You can get the milk。 It's on the floor of the cab。〃
  〃That's all I am to you;〃 Jack cried; clapping a hand to his forehead。 〃Just a dray horse; a mon beast of the field。 Dray here; dray there; dray everywhere。〃
  〃Just dray that milk right into the kitchen; mister。〃
  〃It's too much!〃 he cried; and threw himself on the ground while Danny stood over him and giggled。
  〃Get up; you ox;〃 Wendy said; and prodded him with the toe of her sneaker。
  〃See?〃 he said to Danny。 〃She called me an ox。 You're a witness。〃
  〃Witness; witness!〃 Danny concurred gleefully; and broadjumped his prone father。
  Jack sat up。 〃That reminds me; chumly。 I've got something for you。 too。 On the porch by my ashtray。〃
  〃What is it?〃
  〃Forgot。 Go and see。〃 Jack got up and the two of them stood together; watching Danny charge up the lawn and then take the steps to the porch two by two。 He put an arm around Wendy's waist。
  〃You happy; babe?〃 She looked up at him solemnly。 〃This is the happiest I've been since we were married。〃
  〃Is that the truth?〃
  〃God's honest。〃 He squeezed her tightly。 〃I love you。〃 She squeezed him back; touched。 Those had never been cheap words with John Torrance; she could count the number of times he had said them to her; both before and after marriage; on both her hands。
  〃I love you too。〃
  〃Mommy! Mommyl〃 Danny was on the porch now; shrill and excited。 〃e and see!
  Wow! It's neat!〃
  〃What is it?〃 Wendy asked him as they walked up from the parking lot; hand in hand。
  〃Forgot;〃 Jack said。
  〃Oh; you'll get yours;〃 she said; and elbowed him。 〃See if you don't。〃
  〃I was hoping I'd get it tonight;〃 he remarked; and she laughed。 A moment later he asked; 〃Is Danny happy; do you think?〃
  〃You ought to know。 You're the one who has a long talk with him every night before bed。〃
  〃That's usually about what he wants to be when he grows up or if Santa Claus is really real。 That's getting to be a big thing with him。 I think his old buddy Scott let some pennies drop on that one。 No; he hasn't said much of anything about the Overlook to me。〃
  〃Me either;〃 she said。 They were climbing the porch steps now。 〃But he's very quiet a lot of the time。 And I think he's lost weight; Jack; I really do。〃
  〃He's just getting tall。〃 Danny's back was to them。 He was examining something on the table by Jack's chair; but Wendy couldn't see what it was。
  〃He's not eating as well; either。 He used to be the original steam shovel。
  Remember last year?〃
  〃They taper off;〃 he said vaguely。 〃I think I read that in Spock。 He'll be using two forks again by the time he's seven。〃 They had stopped on the top step。
  〃He's pushing awfully hard on those readers; too;〃 she said。 〃I know he wants to learn how; to please us 。 。 。 to please you;〃 she added reluctantly。
  〃To please himself most of all;〃 Jack said。 〃I haven't been pushing him on that at all。 In fact; I do wish he wouldn't go quite so hard。〃
  〃Would you think I was foolish if I made an appointment for him to have a physical? There's a G。P。 in Sidewinder; a young man from what the checker in the market said…〃
  〃You're a little nervous about the snow ing; aren't you?〃 She shrugged。 〃I suppose。 If you think it's foolish…〃
  〃I don't。 In fact; you can make appointments for all three of us。 We'll get our clean bills of health and then we can sleep easy at night。〃
  〃I'll make the appointments this afternoon;〃 she said。
  〃Mom! Look; Mommy!〃 He came running to her with a large gray thing in his hands; and for one ic…horrible moment Wendy thought it was a brain。 She saw what it really was and recoiled instinctively。
  Jack put an arm around her。 〃It's all right。 The tenants who didn't fly away have been shaken out。 I used the bug bomb。〃 She looked at the large wasps' nest her son was holding but would not touch it。 〃Are you sure it's safe?〃
  〃Positive。 I had one in my room when I was a kid。 My dad gave it to me。 Want to put it in your room; Danny?〃
  〃Yeah! Right now!〃 He turned around and raced through the double doors。 They could hear his muffled; running feet on the main stairs。
  〃There were wasps up there;〃 she said。 〃Did you get stung?〃
  〃Where's my purple heart?〃 he asked; and displayed his finger。 The swelling had already begun to go down; but she ooohed over it satisfyingly and gave it a small; gentle kiss。
  〃Did you pull the stinger out?〃
  〃Wasps don't leave them in。 That's bees。 They have barbed stingers。 Wasp stingers are smooth。 That's what makes them so dangerous。 They can sting again and again。〃
  〃Jack; are you sure that's safe for him to have?〃
  〃I followed the directions on the bomb。 The stuff is guaranteed to kill every single bug in two hours' time and then dissipate with no residue。〃
  〃I hate them;〃 she said。
  〃What。 。 。 wasps?〃
  〃Anything that stings;〃 she said。 Her hands went to her elbows and cupped them; her arms crossed over her breasts。
  〃I do too;〃 he said; and hugged her。
  Down the hall; in the bedroom; Wendy could hear the typewriter Jack had carried up from downstairs burst into life for thirty seconds; fall silent for a minute or two; and then rattle briefly again。 It was like listening to machine… gun fire from an isolated pillbox。 The sound was music to her ears; Jack had not been writing so steadily since the second year of their marriage; when he wrote the story that Esquire had purchased。 He said he thought the play would be done by the end of the year; for better or worse; and he would be moving on to something new。 He said he didn't care if The Little School stirred any excitement when Phyllis showed it around; didn't care if it sank without a trace; and Wendy believed that; too。 The actual act of his writing made her immensely hopeful; not because she expected great things from the play but because her husband seemed to be slowly closing a huge door on a roomful of monsters。 He had had his shoulder to that door for a long time now; but at last it was swinging shut。
  Every key typed closed it a little more。
  〃Look; Dick; look。〃 Danny was hunched over the first of the five battered primers Jack had dug up by culling mercilessly through Boulder's myriad secondhand bookshops。 They would take Danny right up to the second…grade reading level; a program she had told Jack she thought was much too ambitious。 Their son was intelligent; they knew that; but it would be a mistake to push him too far too fast。 Jack had agreed。
  There would be no pushing involved。 But if the kid caught on fast; they would be prepared。 And now she wondered if Jack hadn't been right about that; too。
  Danny; prepared by four years of 〃Sesame Street〃 and three years of 〃Electric pany;〃 seemed to be catching on with almost scary speed。 It bothered her。 He hunched over the innocuous little books; his crystal radio and balsa glider on the shelf above him; as though his life depended on learning to read。 His small face was more tense and paler than she liked in the close and cozy glow of the goosenecked lamp they had put in his room。 He was taking it very seriously; both the reading and the workbook pages his father made up for him every afternoon。
  Picture of an apple and a peach。 The word apple written beneath in Jack's large; neatly made printing。 Circle the right picture; the one that went with the word。
  And their son would stare from the word to the pictures; his lips moving; sounding out; actually sweating it out; And with his dou
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