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tance;〃 he said coolly。 He decided against turning his lights on for the moment。 Holy shit 。 。 。 

    〃You get her?〃 Alex called back。
    Miller was breathing heavily。 He wasn't sure  he wasn't sure about his shots。 The Porsche had slowed suddenly just as he squeezed the trigger; but he saw the car hit the bridge and spring up into the air like a toy。 No way they could walk away from that sort of accident; he was sure of that。 
    〃Okay; let's boogie。〃 Alex didn't let his emotions interfere with his work。 This job meant weapons and money for his movement。 It was too bad about the woman and the kid; but it wasn't his fault that they made the wrong kind of enemies。

    The Annapolis dispatcher was already on his UHF radio to the State Police helicopter。 Trooper…1; a Bell JetRanger…II was just lifting off from a refueling stop at Baltimore…Washington International Airport。
    〃Roger that;〃 the helicopter pilot replied; turning south and twisting the throttle control to full power。 The paramedic in the left seat leaned forward to change the transponder 〃squawk〃 setting from 1200 to 5101。 This would inform air traffic controllers that the helicopter was on an emergency medivac mission。
    〃Trooper…1; J…30; we are en route to your position; ETA four minutes。〃
    Waverly didn't acknowledge。 He and two civilians were prying the driver's side window off the car with a tire iron。 The driver and passenger were both unconscious; and there was blood all over the interior of the car。 She was probably pretty; Waverly thought; looking at the driver; but her head was covered with glistening blood。 The child lay like a broken doll; half on the seat; half on the floor。 His stomach was a tight cold ball just below his pounding heart。 Another dead kid; he thought。 Please; God; not another one。

    〃Trooper…2; Annapolis;〃 came the next call to the dispatcher。 
    〃Annapolis; Trooper…2; where are you?〃
    〃We are over Mayo Beach; northbound。 I copied your medivac call。 I have the Governor and Attorney General aboard。 Can we help; over。〃
    The dispatcher made a quick decision。 Trooper…1 would be at the accident scene in three more minutes。 J…19 needed backup in a hurry。 This was real luck。 Already he had six state vehicles converging on the area; plus three more from the Anne Arundel County Police station at Edgewater。 〃Trooper…2; contact J…19。〃

    〃Trooper…2; J…19; please advise your location;〃 the radio squawked in Fontana's car。
    〃Westbound Route 50; just passing Rowe Boulevard。 I am in pursuit of a dark van with a handicap tag。 J…30 and I observed automatic weapons fire from this vehicle; repeat automatic weapons fire。 I need some help; people。〃

    It was easy to spot。 The Sergeant flying Trooper…2 saw the other helicopter circling over the accident to the east; and Route 50 was nearly bare of cars from west of the accident to Rowe Boulevard。 The police car and the van were on the back edge of the moving traffic。
    〃What gives?〃 the Governor asked from the back。 The paramedic in the left…front seat filled them in as the pilot continued his visual search for 。 。 。 there! Okay; sucker 。 。 。
    〃J…19; this is Trooper…2; I got you and the subject car visual。〃 The pilot dropped altitude to five hundred feet。 〃Trooper…2; Annapolis; I got 'em。 Black; or maybe blue van westbound on 50; with an unmarked car in pursuit。〃

    Alex was wondering who the car was。 It was unmarked; but a cheap…body car; with dull; monocolor paintwork。 Uh…oh。
    〃That's a cop behind us!〃 he shouted。 One of Miller's men looked out the window。 Unmarked cars were nothing new where they came from。
    〃Get rid of him!〃 Alex snarled。

    Fontana held at fifty yards from the van。 This was far enough; he thought; to keep himself out of danger。 The trooper was listening to continuous chatter on his radio as additional cars announced that they were inbound on the call。 The distraction of the radio made him a second late on seeing the van's door fly open。 Fontana blanched and hit the brakes。

    Miller handled this one too。 The moment the door was open; he leveled his machine gun and loosed ten rounds at the police car。 He saw it dip when the driver tried to panic…stop; swerve sideways in the road; and flip over。 He was too excited even to smile; though inwardly he was awash with glee。 The door came back shut as Alex changed lanes。

    Fontana felt the bullet hit his chest before he realized that the car's windshield was shattering around him。 His right arm jerked down; turning the car too rapidly to the right。 The locked…up rear wheels gave the car a broadside skid; a tire blew out; and the car flipped over。 Fontana watched in fascination the world rotate around him as the car's top crumpled。 Like most policemen he never bothered with his seat belt; and he fell on his neck。 The collapsing car top broke it。 It didn't matter。 A car that had been following his crashed into the police cruiser; finishing the work begun by Miller's submachine gun。

    〃Shit!〃 the pilot of Trooper…2 cursed。 〃Trooper…2; Annapolis; J…19 is wrecked with serious PI on 50 west of the Route 2 exit。 Where the hell are the other cars!〃 
    〃Trooper…2; advise condition of J…19。〃
    〃He's dead; man  I'm on that fucking van! Where's the goddamned backup!〃
    〃Trooper…2; be advised we have eleven cars converging。 We have a roadblock setting up now on 50 at South Haven Road。 There are three cars westbound on 50 about half a mile back of you and two more eastbound approaching the exit to General's Highway。〃 
    〃Roger that; I am on the van;〃 the pilot responded。

    〃e on; Alex!〃 Miller shouted。
    〃Almost there; man;〃 the black man said; changing to the right lane exit。 About a mile ahead he saw the blue and red flashing lights of two police cars ing east toward him; but there was no eastbound exit here。 Tough luck; pigs。 He didn't feel very happy about doing the Porsche; but a dead cop was always something to feel good about。 〃Here we go!〃

    〃Annapolis; Trooper…2;〃 the pilot called; 〃the subject van is turning north off of Route 50。〃 It took a moment to register。 〃Oh; no!〃 He gave a quick order。 The eastbound police cars slowed; then darted across the grass median strip into the westbound lanes。 These were clear; blocked by a second major accident; but the median was uneven。 One car bogged down in the grass and mud while the other bounded up onto the pavement and ran the wrong way on the highway toward the exit。

    Alex hit the traffic light exactly right; crossing West Street and heading north。 His peripheral vision caught a county police car stuck in the rush…hour traffic on West Street two hundred yards to his right; despite his lights and siren。 Too late; pig。 He proceeded two hundred yards and turned left。

    The Sergeant flying Trooper…2 started cursing; oblivious to the Governor and Attorney General in the back。 As he watched; the van pulled into the hundred…acre parking lot that surrounded Annapolis Mall。 The vehicle proceeded toward the inner ring of parking spaces as three cars turned off West Street in pursuit。
    〃Son of a bitch!〃 He pushed down on his collective control and dove at the parking lot。

    Alex pulled into a handicap parking slot and stopped the van。 His passengers were ready; and opened the doors as soon as the vehicle stopped。 They walked slowly and normally to the entrance to the mall。 The driver looked up in surprise when he heard the whine and flutter of the helicopter。 It hovered at about a hundred feet。 Alex made sure his hat was in place and waved as he went through the door。

    The helicopter pilot looked at the paramedic in the left seat; whose hand was clenched in rage at his shoulder…holstered 。357 revolver while the pilot needed both of his on the controls。 
    〃They're gone;〃 the paramedic said quietly over the inter。
    〃What do you mean they're gone!〃 the Attorney General demanded。
    Below them; a county and a State Police car screeched to a halt outside the entrance。 But inside those doors were about three thousand shoppers; and the police didn't know what the suspects looked like。 The officers stood there; guns drawn; not knowing what to do next。

    Alex and his men were inside a public rest room。 Two members of Alex's organization were waiting there with shopping bags。 Each man from the van got a new coat。 They broke up into pairs and walked out into the shopping concourse; heading for an exit at the west end of the mall。 They took their time。 There was no reason to hurry。

    〃He waved at us;〃 the Governor said。 〃Do something!〃 
    〃What?〃 the pilot asked。 〃What do you want us to do? Who do we stop? They're gone; they might as well be in California now。〃
    The Governor was slow to catch on; though faster than the Attorney General; who was still blubbering。 What had begun as a routine political meeting in Salisbury; on Maryland's eastern shore; had turned into an exciting pursuit; but one with a most unsatisfactory ending。 He'd watched one of his state troopers killed right before his eyes; and neither he nor his people could do a single thing about it。 The Governor swore; finally。 The voters would have been shocked at his language。

    Trooper…1 was sitting on t
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