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〃Bout time;〃 Smith said。 He was down to his last five cigarettes and stared at one now; deciding whether or not to reduce his supply to four。 As Edwards watched; he opened his lighter to poison himself again。
〃We go to Hvammsfjordur?〃 Vigdis asked。 〃Why?〃
〃Somebody wants to know what's there;〃 Edwards said。 He unfolded the tactical map。 It showed the entrance to the bay to be crammed with rocks。 It took him a moment to realize that while the land elevations were in meters; the depth curves on the map were in fathoms 。 。 。

〃How many?〃
The fighter regiment mander was lowered gently from the helicopter; his arm tied across his chest。 Ejecting from his disintegrating aircraft; the colonel had dislocated his shoulder; and then his parachute had landed him on a mountainside; giving him a sprained ankle plus several facial cuts。 It had taken eleven hours to find him。 On the whole; the colonel considered himself lucky for a fool who had allowed his mand to be ambushed by a superior force。
〃Five aircraft are mission capable;〃 he was told。 〃Of the damaged ones; we can repair two。〃
The colonel swore; angered in spite of the morphine that coursed through his veins。 〃My men?〃
〃We've found six; including you。 Two are uninjured and can still fly。 The rest are in the hospital。〃
Another helicopter landed close by。 The paratroop general got out and came over。
〃Good to see you alive。〃
〃Thank you; rade General。 You are continuing the search?〃
〃Yes。 I have detailed two helicopters to the task。 What happened?〃
〃The Americans staged a raid with heavy bombers。 We never saw them; but we could tell from the jamming。 They had fighters mixed in with them。 The bombers fled when we approached。〃 The Air Force colonel tried to put the best face on it; and the General did not press him。 This was an exposed post; and such things were expected。 The MiGs could hardly have ignored the American raid。 There was no point in punishing this man。
The General had already radioed for more fighters; though he didn't expect any。 The plan said they would not be necessary; but the plan had also said his division had to hold the island unsupported for only two weeks。 By that time Germany was supposed to be fully defeated; and the land war in Europe mainly over。 He received reports from the front that were mere embellishments of the news on Radio Moscow。 The Red Army was driving on the Rhein…and they'd been driving on the Rhein since the first day of the damned war! The names of the cities under daily attack were strangely left out。 His intelligence chief was risking his life by listening in on Western radio broadcasts…the KGB regarded it as a disloyal act…in order to get an idea of how the fighting was going。 If Western reports were true…he didn't really believe them either…the campaign in Germany was a bloody mess。 Until that was over; he was vulnerable。
Would NATO try to invade? His operations officer said it was impossible unless the Americans were able to destroy the long…range bombers flying out of Kirovsk first; and the whole point of seizing Iceland had been to prevent the American carriers from moving to a position from which they could do just that。 On paper; then; the General expected only increased air attacks; and he had surface…to…air missiles to defend against those。 But he hadn't bee a divisional mander by merely shuffling papers。

〃What the hell happened?〃 The captain looked up to see a tube stuck in his arm。 The last thing he remembered was being on the bridge halfway through the afternoon watch。 Now the porthole on the starboard side of his stateroom was covered。 Darkened ship: it was night outside。
〃You passed out; Captain;〃 the chief hospital corpsman said。 〃Don't…〃
The captain tried to rise。 His head made it about eighteen inches off the pillow when his strength gave way。
〃You have to rest。 You got internal bleeding; skipper。 You threw up blood last night。 I think it's a perforated ulcer。 You scared the hell outa me last night。 Why didn't you e see me?〃 The chief held up a bottle of Maalox tablets。 People gotta be so damned smart about everything。 〃Your blood pressure's down twenty points and you durned near went into shock on me。 This ain't no bellyache you got; Captain。 You might have to have surgery。 There's a helo on the way out now to medevac you to the beach。〃
〃I can't leave the ship;
〃Doc's orders; Captain。 If you die on me I lose my perfect record。 I'm sorry; sir; but unless you get real medical attention real quick; you could be in real trouble。 You're heading for the beach。〃

32 … New Names; New Faces

〃Good morning; Ed。〃 mander; Naval Surface Forces; U。S。 Atlantic Fleet was seated behind a desk covered with dispatches that seemed to be organized into piles。 Morning…half an hour after midnight。 Morris hadn't left Norfolk since arriving at dawn on the previous day。 If he went home; he'd have to sleep again 。。。
〃Morning; sir。 What can I do for you?〃 Morris didn't want to sit down。
〃You want to go back out?〃 NAVSURFLANT asked bluntly。
〃Who with?〃
〃Reuben James's skipper came down with a bleeding ulcer。 They flew him in this morning。 She arrives in another hour with the 'phibs from PACFLT。 I'm assigning her to convoy duty。 We have a big one assembling in New York harbor。 Eighty ships; all big; all fast; loaded with heavy equipment for Germany。 It sails in four days with a heavy U。S。/ U。K。 escort; plus carrier support。 Reuben James will be in port long enough to refuel and reprovision。 She sails for New York this evening in pany with HMS Battleaxe。 If you're up to it; I want you to take her。〃
The Vice Admiral eyed Morris closely。 〃She's yours if you want her。 You up to it?〃
〃My personal gear's still aboard Pharris。〃 Morris temporized。 Did he really want to go back out?
〃Packed up and on the way down; Ed。〃
There were plenty of men who could do it; Morris thought。 The operations staff he'd been working with since he arrived in Norfolk was full of people who'd leap at this。 Go back to sea and put it on the line again…or drive back every night to an empty home and nightmares?
〃If you want me; I'll take her。〃

The northern horizon flashed with artillery fire that backlit the trees。 The sky was never free of the thunder。 The drive to the divisional mand post was a mere fifteen kilometers from Alfeld。 Three vicious air attacks and twenty separate artillery barrages had converted the morning drive into a nightmare lasting into dusk and beyond。
The forward headquarters of 20th Tanks was now the mand post for the entire drive toward Hameln。 Lieutenant General Beregovoy; who had relieved Alekseyev; now wore the hats of mander 20th Tanks and operational maneuver group mander The OMG concept had been one of the most precious Soviet pre…war ideas。 The 〃daring thrust〃 would open a corridor into the enemy's rear; and the operational…maneuver group would exploit it; racing into the corridor to seize important economic or political targets。 Alekseyev stood with his back against an armored vehicle; looking north at the flashing outline of a forest。 Another thing that hasn't gone according to plan; he thought。 As if we expected NATO to cooperate with our plans!
There was a yellow flash overhead。 Alekseyev blinked his eyes clear and watched the fireball turn to a et that fell to the earth; landing several kilometers away。 Ours or theirs? he wondered。 Another promising young life snuffed out by a missile。 Now we kill our young men with robots。 Who said mankind was not using his technology to worthwhile ends?
He had prepared his whole life for this。 Four years in officer school。 The difficult initiation as a junior officer; promotion to mand a pany。 Three more years at Frunze Military Academy in Moscow after he'd been recognized as a rising star。 Then mand of a battalion。 Back to Moscow to the Voroshilov Academy of the General Staff。 Top man in his class。 mand of a regiment; then a division。 All for this?
A field hospital was in the trees five hundred meters away; and the wind carried the shrieks of the wounded to the mand post。 Not like that in the movies he'd watched as a child…and still watched。 The wounded were supposed to suffer in quiet; determined dignity; puffing on cigarettes proffered by the kindly; hardworking medics; waiting their turn for the courageous; hardworking surgeons and the pretty; dedicated nurses。 A fucking lie; all of it a monstrous fucking lie; he told himself The profession for which he had prepared his life was organized murder。 He sent boys with pimples on their faces into a landscape rained on with steel and watered with blood。 The burns were the worst。 The tank crews who escaped from their brewed…up vehicles with their clothes alight…they never stopped screaming。 Those killed by shock or the pistol of a merciful officer were only replaced by more。 The lucky ones who reached the casualty…clearing stations found medics too busy to offer cigarettes; and doctors who were dropping from fatigue。
His brilliant tactical success at Alfeld had led nowhere yet; and he wondered in his soul if it ever would; if he had cast young lives away for nothing more than words in books written by men who did their best to forget the horrors they ha
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