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east lynne-第17章

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〃I will not leave it; Lady Isabel。 I did not think of doing so。〃

In timeit seemed an agethe medical men arrived from Lynneborough three of themthe groom had thought he could not summon too many。 It was a strange scene they entered upon: the ghastly peer; growing restless again now; battling with his departing spirit; and the gala robes; the sparkling gems adorning the young girl watching at his side。 They comprehended the case without difficulty; that she had been suddenly called from some scene of gayety。

They stooped to look at the earl; and felt his pulse; and touched his heart; and exchanged a few murmured words with Mr。 Wainwright。 Isabel had stood back to give them place; but her anxious eyes followed their every movement。 They did not seem to notice her; and she stepped forward。

〃Can you do anything for him? Will he recover?

They all turned at the address; and looked at her。 One spoke; it was an evasive answer。

〃Tell me the truth!〃 she implored; with feverish impatience: 〃you must not trifle with me。 Do you not know me? I am his only child; and I am here alone。〃

The first thing was to get her away from the room; for the great change was approaching; and the parting struggle between the body and the spirit might be one of warfareno sight for her。 But in answer to their suggestion that she should go; she only leaned her head upon the pillow by her father and moaned in despair。

〃She must be got out of the room;〃 cried one of the physicians; almost angrily。 〃Ma'am;〃 turning suddenly upon Mrs。 Mason; 〃are there no reserves in the houseno one who can exert influence over the young lady?〃

〃She has scarcely any relatives in the world;〃 replied the housekeeper; 〃no near ones; and we happen to be; just now; quite alone。〃

But Mr。 Carlyle; seeing the urgency of the case; for the earl; with every minute; grew more excited; approached and whispered her: 〃You are as anxious as we can be for your father's recovery?〃

〃/As/ anxious!〃 she uttered reproachfully。

〃You know what I would imply。 Of course our anxiety can be as nothing to yours。〃

〃As nothing/as nothing/。 I think my heart will break。〃

〃Thenforgive meyou should not oppose the wishes of his medical attendants。 They wish to be alone with him; and time is being lost。〃

She rose up; she placed her hands on her brow; as if to collect the sense of the words; and then she addressed the doctors;

〃Is it really necessary that I should leave the roomnecessary /for him/?〃

〃It is necessary; my ladyabsolutely essential。〃

She broke into a passion of tears and sobs as Mr。 Carlyle lead her to another apartment。

〃He is my dear father; I have but him in the wide world!〃 she exclaimed。

〃I knowI know; I feel for you all that you are feeling。 Twenty times this night I have wishedforgive me the thoughtthat you were my sister; so that I might express my sympathy more freely and comfort you。〃

〃Tell me the truth; then; why I am kept away。 If you can show me sufficient cause; I will be reasonable and obey; but do not say again I should be disturbing him; for it is not true。〃

〃He is too ill for you to see himhis symptoms are too painful。 In fact; it would not be proper; and were you to go in in defiance of advice; you would regret it all your after life。〃

〃Is he dying?〃

Mr。 Carlyle hesitated。 Ought he to dissemble with her as the doctors had done? A strong feeling was upon him that he ought not。

〃I trust to you not to deceive me;〃 she simply said。

〃I fear he isI believe he is。〃

She rose upshe grasped his arm in the sudden fear that flashed over her。

〃You are deceiving me; and he is dead!〃

〃I am not deceiving you; Lady Isabel。 He is not dead; butit may be very near。〃

She laid her face down upon the soft pillow。

〃Going forever from megoing forever? Oh; Mr。 Carlyle; let me see him for a minutejust one farewell! Will you not try for me!〃

He knew how hopeless it was; but he turned to leave the room。

〃I will go and see。 But you will remain here quietlyyou will not come。〃

She bowed her head in acquiescence; and he closed the door。 Had she indeed been his sister; he would probably have turned the key upon her。 He entered the earl's chamber; but not many seconds did he remain in it。

〃It is over;〃 he whispered to Mrs。 Mason; whom he met in the corridor; 〃and Mr。 Wainwright is asking for you。〃

〃You are soon back;〃 cried Isabel; lifting her head。 〃May I go?〃

He sat down and took her hand; shrinking from his task。

〃I wish I could comfort you!〃 he exclaimed; in a tone of deep emotion。

Her face turned of a ghastly whitenessas white as another's not far away。

〃Tell me the worst;〃 she breathed。

〃I have nothing to tell you but the worst。 May God support you; dear Lady Isabel!〃

She turned to hide her face and its misery away from him; and a low wail of anguish broke from her; telling its own tale of despair。

The gray dawn of morning was breaking over the world; advent of another bustling day in life's history; but the spirit of William Vane; Earl of Mount Severn; had soared away from it forever。



Events; between the death of Lord Mount Severn and his interment; occurred quickly; and to one of them the reader may feel inclined to demur; as believing that it could have no foundation in fact; in the actions of real life; but must be a wild creation of the author's brain。 He would be wrong。 The author is no more fond of wild creations than the reader。 The circumstance did take place。

The earl died on Friday morning at daylight。 The news spread rapidly。 It generally does on the death of a peer; if he has been of note; whether good or bad; in the world; and was known in London before the day was overthe consequence of which was; that by Saturday morning; early; a shoal of what the late peer would have called harpies; had arrived; to surround East Lynne。 There were creditors of all sorts; for small sums and for great; for five or ten pounds up to five or ten thousand。 Some were civil; some impatient; some loud and rough and angry; some came to put in executions on the effects; and some/to arrest the body/!

This last act was accomplished cleverly。 Two men; each with a remarkably hooked nose; stole away from the hubbub of the clamorous; and peering cunningly about; made their way to the side or tradesman's entrance。 A kitchen…maid answered their gentle appeal at the bell。

〃Is the coffin come yet?〃 said they。

〃Coffinno!〃 was the girl's reply。 〃The shell ain't here yet。 Mr。 Jones didn't promise that till nine o'clock; and it haven't gone eight。〃

〃It won't be long;〃 quoth they; 〃its on it's road。 We'll go up to his lordship's room; please; and be getting ready for it。〃

The girl called the butler。 〃Two men from Jones'; the undertaker's; sir;〃 announced she。 〃The shell's coming on and they want to go up and make ready for it。〃

The butler marshaled them upstairs himself; and introduced them to the room。 〃That will do;〃 said they; as he was about to enter with them; 〃we won't trouble you to wait。〃 And closing the door upon the unsuspicious butler; they took up their station on either side of the dead; like a couple of ill…omened mutes。 They had placed an arrest upon the corpse; it was theirs until their claim was satisfied; and they sat down to thus watch and secure it。 Pleasant occupation!

It may have been an hour later that Lady Isabel; leaving her own chamber; opened noiselessly that of the dead。 She had been in it several times during the previous day; at first with the housekeeper; afterward; when the nameless dread was somewhat effaced; alone。 But she felt nervous again this morning; and had gained the bed before she ventured to lift her eyes from the carpet and encounter the sight。 Then she started; for there sat two strange…looking menand not attractive men either。

It darted through her mind that they must be people from the neighborhood; come to gratify an idle and unpardonable curiosity。 Her first impulse was to summon the butler; her second; to speak to them herself。

〃Do you want anything here?〃 she quietly said。

〃Much obleeged for the inquiry; miss。 We are all right。〃

The words and tone struck her as being singular in the extreme; and they kept their seats; too; as though they had a right to be there。

〃Why are you here?〃 she repeated。 〃What are you doing?〃

〃Well; miss; I don't mind telling you; for I suppose you are his daughter〃pointing his left thumb over his shoulder at the late peer 〃and we hear he have got no other relative anigh him。 We have been obleeged; miss; to perform an unpleasant dooty and secure him。〃

The words were like Greek to her; and the men saw that they were。

〃He unfortunately owed a slight amount of money; missas you; perhaps; be aware on; and our employers is in; deep。 So; as soon as they heard what had happened; they sent us down to arrest the dead corpse; and we have done it。〃

Amazement; horror; fear; struggled together in the shocked mind of Lady Isabel。 Arrest the dead。 She had never heard of a like calamity: nor could she have believed in such。 Arrest it for what purpose? What to do? To disfigure it?to sell it? With a panting heart and ashy lips; she turned from the room。 Mrs。 Mason happened 
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