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for the term of his natural life-第90章

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She tapped her strong white fingers sharply on the table。  〃Go to England? No; no。  That is what you would like to do。  You would be master there。 You would take my money; and leave me to starve。  I know you; Jack。 We stop here; dear。  Here; where I can hand you over to the first trooper as an escaped convict if you are not kind to me。〃


〃Oh; I don't mind your abuse。  Abuse me if you like; Jack。  Beat me if you will; but don't leave me; or it will be worse for you。〃

〃You are a strange woman!〃 he cried; in sudden petulant admiration。

〃To love such a villain? I don't know that。  I love you because you are a villain。  A better man would be wearisome to such as I am。〃

〃I wish to Heaven I'd never left Port Arthur。  Better there than this dog's life。〃

〃Go back; then。  You have only to say the word!〃 And so they would wrangle; she glorying in her power over the man who had so long triumphed over her; and he consoling himself with the hope that the day was not far distant which should bring him at once freedom and fortune。  One day the chance came to him。  His wife was ill; and the ungrateful scoundrel stole five hundred pounds; and taking two horses reached Sydney; and obtained passage in a vessel bound for Rio。

Having escaped thraldom; John Rex proceeded to play for the great stake of his life with the utmost caution。  He went to the Continent; and lived for weeks together in the towns where Richard Devine might possibly have resided; familiarizing himself with streets; making the acquaintance of old inhabitants; drawing into his own hands all loose ends of information which could help to knit the meshes of his net the closer。  Such loose ends were not numerous; the prodigal had been too poor; too insignificant; to leave strong memories behind him。  Yet Rex knew well by what strange accidents the deceit of an assumed identity is often penetrated。  Some old comrade or companion of the lost heir might suddenly appear with keen questions as to trifles which could cut his flimsy web to shreds; as easily as the sword of Saladin divided the floating silk。  He could not afford to ignore the most insignificant circumstances。  With consummate skill; piece by piece he built up the story which was to deceive the poor mother; and to make him possessor of one of the largest private fortunes in England。

This was the tale he hit upon。  He had been saved from the burning Hydaspes by a vessel bound for Rio。  Ignorant of the death of Sir Richard; and prompted by the pride which was known to be a leading feature of his character; he had determined not to return until fortune should have bestowed upon him wealth at least equal to the inheritance from which he had been ousted。  In Spanish America he had striven to accumulate that wealth in vain。  As vequero; traveller; speculator; sailor; he had toiled for fourteen years; and had failed。  Worn out and penitent; he had returned home to find a corner of English earth in which to lay his weary bones。  The tale was plausible enough; and in the telling of it he was armed at all points。  There was little fear that the navigator of the captured Osprey; the man who had lived in Chile and 〃cut out〃 cattle on the Carrum Plains; would prove lacking in knowledge of riding; seamanship; or Spanish customs。  Moreover; he had determined upon a course of action which showed his knowledge of human nature。

The will under which Richard Devine inherited was dated in 1807; and had been made when the testator was in the first hopeful glow of paternity。  By its terms Lady Devine was to receive a life interest of three thousand a year in her husband's propertywhich was placed in the hands of two trusteesuntil her eldest son died or attained the age of twenty…five years。  When either of these events should occur; the property was to be realized; Lady Devine receiving a sum of a hundred thousand pounds; which; invested in Consols for her benefit; would; according to Sir Richard's prudent calculation exactly compensate for her loss of interest; the remainder going absolutely to the son; if living; to his children or next of kin if dead。  The trustees appointed were Lady Devine's father; Colonel Wotton Wade; and Mr。 Silas Quaid; of the firm of Purkiss and Quaid Thavies Inn; Sir Richard's solicitors。 Colonel Wade; before his death had appointed his son; Mr。 Francis Wade; to act in his stead。  When Mr。 Quaid died; the firm of Purkiss and Quaid (represented in the Quaid branch of it by a smart London…bred nephew) declined further responsibility; and; with the consent of Lady Devine; Francis Wade continued alone in his trust。  Sir Richard's sister and her husband; Anthony Frere; of Bristol; were long ago dead; and; as we know; their representative; Maurice Frere; content at last in the lot that fortune had sent him; had given up all thought of meddling with his uncle's business。  John Rex; therefore; in the person of the returned Richard; had but two persons to satisfy; his putative uncle; Mr。 Francis Wade; and his putative mother; Lady Devine。

This he found to be the easiest task possible。  Francis Wade was an invalid virtuoso; who detested business; and whose ambition was to be known as man of taste。  The possessor of a small independent income; he had resided at North End ever since his father's death; and had made the place a miniature Strawberry Hill。  When; at his sister's urgent wish; he assumed the sole responsibility of the estate; he put all the floating capital into 3 per cents。; and was content to see the interest accumulate。  Lady Devine had never recovered the shock of the circumstances attending Sir Richard's death and; clinging to the belief in her son's existence; regarded herself as the mere guardian of his interests; to be displaced at any moment by his sudden return。  The retired pair lived thus together; and spent in charity and bric…a…brac about a fourth of their mutual income。  By both of them the return of the wanderer was hailed with delight。  To Lady Devine it meant the realization of a lifelong hope; become part of her nature。  To Francis Wade it meant relief from a responsibility which his simplicity always secretly loathed; the responsibility of looking after another person's money。

〃I shall not think of interfering with the arrangements which you have made; my dear uncle;〃 said Mr。 John Rex; on the first night of his reception。 〃It would be most ungrateful of me to do so。  My wants are very few; and can easily be supplied。  I will see your lawyers some day; and settle it。〃

〃See them at once; Richard; see them at once。  I am no man of business; you know; but I think you will find all right。〃

Richard; however; put off the visit from day to day。  He desired to have as little to do with lawyers as possible。  He had resolved upon his course of action。  He would get money from his mother for immediate needs; and when that mother died he would assert his rights。  〃My rough life has unfitted me for drawing…rooms; dear mother;〃 he said。  〃Do not let there be a display about my return。  Give me a corner to smoke my pipe; and I am happy。〃  Lady Devine; with a loving tender pity; for which John Rex could not altogether account; consented; and 〃Mr。 Richard〃 soon came to be regarded as a martyr to circumstances; a man conscious of his own imperfections; and one whose imperfections were therefore lightly dwelt upon。  So the returned prodigal had his own suite of rooms; his own servants; his own bank account; drank; smoked; and was merry。 For five or six months he thought himself in Paradise。  Then he began to find his life insufferably weary。  The burden of hypocrisy is very heavy to bear; and Rex was compelled perpetually to bear it。  His mother demanded all his time。  She hung upon his lips; she made him repeat fifty times the story of his wanderings。  She was never tired of kissing him; of weeping over him; and of thanking him for the 〃sacrifice〃 he had made for her。

〃We promised never to speak of it more; Richard;〃 the poor lady said one day; 〃but if my lifelong love can make atonement for the wrong I have done you〃

〃Hush; dearest mother;〃 said John Rex; who did not in the least comprehend what it was all about。  〃Let us say no more。〃

Lady Devine wept quietly for a while; and then went away; leaving the man who pretended to be her son much bewildered and a little frightened。 There was a secret which he had not fathomed between Lady Devine and her son。 The mother did not again refer to it; and; gaining courage as the days went on; Rex grew bold enough to forget his fears。  In the first stages of his deception he had been timid and cautious。  Then the soothing influence of comfort; respect; and security came upon him; and almost refined him。 He began to feel as he had felt when Mr。 Lionel Crofton was alive。 The sensation of being ministered to by a loving woman; who kissed him night and morning; calling him 〃son〃of being regarded with admiration by rustics; with envy by respectable folkof being deferred to in all thingswas novel and pleasing。  They were so good to him that he felt at times inclined to confess all; and leave his case in the hands of the folk he had injured。  Yethe thoughtsuch a course would be absurd。  It would result in no benefit to anyone; simply in m
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