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for the term of his natural life-第83章

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red with this enormous chasm。 Descending with difficulty the steep incline; he found himself on the brink of a gallery of rock; which; jutting out over the pool; bore on its moist and weed…bearded edges signs of frequent submersion。  It must be low tide without the rock。  Clinging to the rough and root…like algae that fringed the ever…moist walls; John Rex crept round the projection of the gallery; and passed at once from dimness to daylight。 There was a broad loop…hole in the side of the honey…combed and wave…perforated cliff。  The cloudless heaven expanded above him; a fresh breeze kissed his cheek and; sixty feet below him; the sea wrinkled all its lazy length; sparkling in myriad wavelets beneath the bright beams of morning。  Not a sign of the recent tempest marred the exquisite harmony of the picture。  Not a sign of human life gave evidence of the grim neighbourhood of the prison。  From the recess out of which he peered nothing was visible but a sky of turquoise smiling upon a sea of sapphire。

The placidity of Nature was; however; to the hunted convict a new source of alarm。  It was a reason why the Blow…hole and its neighbourhood should be thoroughly searched。  He guessed that the favourable weather would be an additional inducement to McNab and Burgess to satisfy themselves as to the fate of their late prisoner。  He turned from the opening; and prepared to descend still farther intO the rock pathway。 The sunshine had revived and cheered him; and a sort of instinct told him that the cliff; so honey…combed above; could not be without some gully or chink at its base; which at low tide would give upon the rocky shore。 It grew darker as he descended; and twice he almost turned back in dread of the gulfs on either side of him。  It seemed to him; also; that the gullet of weed…clad rock through which he was crawling doubled upon itself; and led only into the bowels of the mountain。 Gnawed by hunger; and conscious that in a few hours at most the rising tide would fill the subterranean passage and cut off his retreat; he pushed desperately onwards。  He had descended some ninety feet; and had lost; in the devious windings of his downward path; all but the reflection of the light from the gallery; when he was rewarded by a glimpse of sunshine striking upwards。  He parted two enormous masses of seaweed; whose bubble…headed fronds hung curtainwise across his path; and found himself in the very middle of the narrow cleft of rock through which the sea was driven to the Blow…hole。

At an immense distance above him was the arch of cliff。  Beyond that arch appeared a segment of the ragged edge of the circular opening; down which he had fallen。  He looked in vain for the funnel…mouth whose friendly shelter had received him。  It was now indistinguishable。 At his feet was a long rift in the solid rock; so narrow that he could almost have leapt across it。  This rift was the channel of a swift black current which ran from the sea for fifty yards under an arch eight feet high; until it broke upon the jagged rocks that lay blistering in the sunshine at the bottom of the circular opening in the upper cliff。 A shudder shook the limbs of the adventurous convict。 He comprehended that at high tide the place where he stood was under water; and that the narrow cavern became a subaqueous pipe of solid rock forty feet long; through which were spouted the league…long rollers of the Southern Sea。

The narrow strip of rock at the base of the cliff was as flat as a table。 Here and there were enormous hollows like pans; which the retreating tide had left full of clear; still water。  The crannies of the rock were inhabited by small white crabs; and John Rex found to his delight that there was on this little shelf abundance of mussels; which; though lean and acrid; were sufficiently grateful to his famished stomach。  Attached to the flat surfaces of the numerous stones; moreover; were coarse limpets。 These; however; John Rex found too salt to be palatable; and was compelled to reject them。  A larger variety; however; having a succulent body as thick as a man's thumb; contained in long razor…shaped shells; were in some degree free from this objection; and he soon collected the materials for a meal。  Having eaten and sunned himself; he began to examine the enormous rock; to the base of which he had so strangely penetrated。  Rugged and worn; it raised its huge breast against wind and wave; secure upon a broad pedestal; which probably extended as far beneath the sea as the massive column itself rose above it。 Rising thus; with its shaggy drapery of seaweed clinging about its knees; it seemed to be a motionless but sentient beingsome monster of the deep; a Titan of the ocean condemned ever to front in silence the fury of that illimitable and rarely…travelled sea。  Yetsilent and motionless as he wasthe hoary ancient gave hint of the mysteries of his revenge。 Standing upon the broad and sea…girt platform where surely no human foot but his had ever stood in life; the convict saw; many feet above him; pitched into a cavity of the huge sun…blistered boulders; an object which his sailor eye told him at once was part of the top hamper of some large ship。 Crusted with shells; and its ruin so overrun with the ivy of the ocean that its ropes could barely be distinguished from the weeds with which they were encumbered; this relic of human labour attested the triumph of nature over human ingenuity。  Perforated below by the relentless sea; exposed above to the full fury of the tempest; set in solitary defiance to the waves; that rolling from the ice…volcano of the Southern Pole; hurled their gathered might unchecked upon its iron front; the great rock drew from its lonely warfare the materials of its own silent vengeance。 Clasped in iron arms; it held its prey; snatched from the jaws of the all…devouring sea。  One might imagine that; when the doomed ship; with her crew of shrieking souls; had splintered and gone down; the deaf; blind giant had clutched this fragment; upheaved from the seething waters; with a thrill of savage and terrible joy。

John Rex; gazing up at this memento of a forgotten agony; felt a sensation of the most vulgar pleasure。  〃There's wood for my fire!〃 thought he; and mounting to the spot; he essayed to fling down the splinters of timber upon the platform。  Long exposed to the sun; and flung high above the water…mark of recent storms; the timber had dried to the condition of touchwood; and would burn fiercely。  It was precisely what he required。 Strange accident that had for years stored; upon a desolate rock; this fragment of a vanished and long…forgotten vessel; that it might aid at last to warm the limbs of a villain escaping from justice!

Striking the disintegrated mass with his iron…shod heel; John Rex broke off convenient portions; and making a bag of his shirt by tying the sleeves and neck; he was speedily staggering into the cavern with a supply of fuel。 He made two trips; flinging down the wood on the floor of the gallery that overlooked the sea; and was returning for a third; when his quick ear caught the dip of oars。  He had barely time to lift the seaweed curtain that veiled the entrance to the chasm; when the Eaglehawk boat rounded the promontory。  Burgess was in the stern…sheets; and seemed to be making signals to someone on the top of the cliff。  Rex; grinning behind his veil; divined the manoeuvre。  McNab and his party were to search above; while the Commandant examined the gulf below。  The boat headed direct for the passage; and for an instant John Rex's undaunted soul shivered at the thought that; perhaps; after all; his pursuers might be aware of the existence of the cavern。  Yet that was unlikely。  He kept his ground; and the boat passed within a foot of him; gliding silently into the gulf。 He observed that Burgess's usually florid face was pale; and that his left sleeve was cut open; showing a bandage on the arm。 There had been some fighting; then; and it was not unlikely that all his fellow…desperadoes had been captured!  He chuckled at his own ingenuity and good sense。  The boat; emerging from the archway; entered the pool of the Blow…hole; and; held with the full strength of the party; remained stationary。  John Rex watched Burgess scan the rocks and eddies; saw him signal to McNab; and then; with much relief; beheld the boat's head brought round to the sea…board。

He was so intent upon watching this dangerous and difficult operation that he was oblivious of an extraordinary change which had taken place in the interior of the cavern。  The water which; an hour ago; had left exposed a long reef of black hummock…rocks; was now spread in one foam…flecked sheet over the ragged bottom of the rude staircase by which he had descended。  The tide had turned; and the sea; apparently sucked in through some deeper tunnel in the portion of the cliff which was below water; was being forced into the vault with a rapidity which bid fair to shortly submerge the mouth of the cave。  The convict's feet were already wetted by the incoming waves; and as he turned for one last look at the boat he saw a green billow heave up against the entrance to the chasm; and; almost blotting out the daylight; roll majestically through the arch。 It was high time for Bu
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