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control insects that transmit agents of disease; how to develop a genetic or chemical 
strategy to incapacitate a disease…transmitting insect population; how to create a 
full range of optimal bioavailable nutrients in a single staple plant species; and 
how to create immunological methods that can cure chronic infections。 Within a year; 
the foundation received sixteen hundred proposals for ways to meet these challenges 
from scientists in seventy…five countries; and the foundation is now in the process 
of funding the best proposals with 250 million in cash。 
〃We're trying to accomplish two things with this program;〃 explained Rick Klausner; 
a former head of the National Cancer Institute who now runs the global health programs 
for the Gates Foundation。 〃The first is 'to make' a moral appeal to the scientific 
imagination; 'pointing out' that there are great problems to be solved that we; the 
scientific community; have ignored; even though we pride ourselves in how 
international weare。 We have not taken our responsibilities as globalproblem solvers 
as seriously as our self…identity as an international community。 We wanted the Grand 
Challenges to say these are the most exciting; sexy; scientific things that anyone 
in the world could work on right now 。 。 。 The idea was to fire the imagination。 The 
second thing is to actually direct some of the foundation's resources to see if we 
could do it。〃 
Given the phenomenal advances in technology in the last twenty years; it is easy to 
assume that we already have all the tools to address some of these challenges and 

that the only thing lacking is money。 I wish that were the case。 But it is not。 In 
the instance of malaria; for example; it isn't just the drugs that are missing。 As 
anyone who has visited Africa or rural India knows; the health…care systems in these 
areas are often broken or functioning at a very low level。 So the Gates Foundation 
is trying to stimulate the development of drugs and delivery systems that presume 
a broken health…care system and therefore can be safely self…administered by ordinary 
people in the field。 That may be the grandest challenge of all: to use the tools of 
the flat world to design tools that work in an unflat world。 〃The most important 
health…care system in the world is a mother;〃 
said Klausner。 〃How do you get things in her hands that she understands and can afford 
and can use?〃 
The tragedy of all these people is really a dual tragedy; added Klausner。 There is 
the individual tragedy of facing a death sentence from disease or a life sentence 
of broken families and limited expectations。 And there is the tragedy for the world 
because of the incredible lost contribution that all these people still outside the 
flat world could be making。 In a flat world; where we are connecting all the knowledge 
pools together; imagine what knowledge those people could bring to science or 
education。 In a flat world; where innovation can come from anywhere; we are letting 
a huge pool of potential contributors and collaborators slip under the waves。 There 
is no question that poverty causes ill health; but ill health also traps people in 
poverty; which in turn weakens them and keeps them from grasping the first rung of 
the ladder to middle…class hope。 Until and unless we can meet some of these grand 
challenges; much of that 50 percent of the world that is still not flat will stay 
that way…no matter how flat the other 50 percent gets。 
There's not just the flat world and the unflat world。 Many people live in the twilight 
zone between the two。 Among these are the people I call the too disempowered。 They 
are a large group of people who have not been fully encompassed by the flattening 
of the world。 Unlike the too sick; who have yet even to get a chance to step onto 
the flat world; the too disempowered are people who you might say are half flat。 They 
are healthy people who live in countries with significant areas that have been 
flattened but who don't have the tools or the skills or the infrastructure to 
participate in any meaningful or sustained way。 They have just enough information 
to know that the world is flattening around them and that they aren't really getting 
any of the benefits。 Being flat is good but full of pressure; being unflat is awful 
and full of pain; but being half flat has its own special anxiety。 As exciting and 
as visible as the flat 
Indian high…tech sector is; have no illusions: It accounts for 0。2 percent of 
employment in India。 Add those Indians involved in manufacturing for export; and you 
get a total of 2 percent of employment in India。 
The half flat are all those other hundreds of millions of people; particularly in 
rural India; rural China; and rural Eastern Europe; who are close enough to see; touch; 

and occasionally benefit from the flat world but who are not really living inside 
it themselves。 We saw how big and how angry this group can be in the spring of 2004 
Indian national elections; in which the ruling BJP was surprisingly tossed out of 
office…despite having overseen a surge in India's growth rate…largely because of the 
discontent of rural Indian voters with the slow pace of globalization outside the 
giant cities。 These voters were not saying; 〃Stop the globalization train; we want 
to get off。〃 They were saying; 〃Stop the globalization train; we want to get on; but 
someone needs to help us by building a better stepstool。〃 
These rural voters…peasants and farmers; who form the bulk of India's population 
just had to spend a day in any nearby big city to see the benefits of the flat world: 
the cars; the houses; the educational opportunities。 〃Every time a villager watches 
the community TV and sees an ad for soap or shampoo; what they notice are not the 
soap and shampoo but the lifestyle of the people using them…the kind of motorbikes 
they ride; their dress; and their homes;〃 explained Indian…born Nayan Chanda; editor 
of YaleGlobal Online。 〃They see a world they want access to。 This election was about 
envy and anger。 It was a classic case of revolutions happening when things are getting 
better but not fast enough for many people。〃 
At the same time; these rural Indians understood; at gut level; exactly why it was 
not happening for them: because local governments in India have become so eaten away 
by corruption and mismanagement that they cannot deliver to the poor the schools and 
infrastructure they need to get a fair share of the pie。 As some of these millions 
of Indians on the outside of the gated communities looking in lose hope; 〃they become 
more religious; more tied to their caste/subcaste; more radical in their thinking; 
more willing to snatch than create; 'and' view dirty politics as being the only way 
to get mobility; since economic mobility is stalled;〃 said Vivek 

Paul of Wipro。 India can have the smartest high…tech vanguard in the world; but if 
it does not find a way to bring along more of those who are unable; disabled; 
undereducated; and underserved; it will be like a rocket that takes off but quickly 
falls back to earth for lack of sustained thrust。 
The Congress Party got the message; which was why as soon as it took office it chose 
as its prime minister not some antiglobalizer but Manmohan Singh; the former Indian 
finance minister; who in 1991 first opened the Indian economy to globalization; 
placing an emphasis on exports and trade and reform wholesale。 And Singh; in turn; 
pledged himself to vastly increase government investments in rural infrastructure 
and to bring more reform retail to rural government。 
How can outsiders collaborate in this process? I think; first and foremost; they can 
redefine the meaning of global populism。 If populists really want to help the rural 
poor; the way to do it is not by burning down McDonald's and shutting down the IMF 
and trying to put up protectionist barriers that will unflatten the world。 That will 
help the rural poor not one iota。 It has to be by refocusing the energies of the global 
populist movement on how to improve local government; infrastructure; and education 
in places like rural India and China; so the populations there can acquire the tools 
to collaborate and participate in the flat world。 Theglobal populist movement; better 

known as the antiglobalization movement; has a great deal of energy; but up to now 
it has been too divided and confused to effectively help the poor in any meaningful 
or sustained manner。 It needs a policy lobotomy。 The world's poor do not resent the 
rich anywhere nearly as much as the left…wing parties in the developed world imagine。 
What they resent is not having any pathway to get rich and to join the flat world 
and cross that line into the middle class that Jerry Yang spoke about。 
Let's pause for a minute here and trace how the antiglobalization movement lost touch 
with the true aspirations of the world's poor。 The antiglobalization movement emerged 
at the World Trade Organization conference in Seattle in 1999 and then spread around 
the world in subsequent years; usually gathering to attack meetings of the World Ban
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