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the poverty line and the parents are willing to send him or her to a boarding school。 
Shortly before I arrived; the students had taken the California Achievement Tests。 
〃We are giving them English education so they can go anywhere in India and anywhere 
in the world for higher education;〃 said Law。 〃Our goal is to give them a world…class 
education so they can aspire to careers and professions that would have been totally 
beyond their reach and have been so for generations。 。 。 Around here; their names 
will always give them away as untouchables。 But if they go somewhere else; and if 
they are really polished; with proper education and social graces; they can break 
this barrier。〃 
Then they can become my kind of untouchables…young people who one day can be special 
or specialized or adaptable。 
Looking at these kids; George said; 〃When we talk about the poor; so often it is talk 

about getting them off the streets or getting them a job; so they don't starve。 But 
we never talk about getting excellence for the poor。 My thought was that we can deal 
with the issue of inequality; if they could break out of all the barriers imposed 
upon them。 If one is successful; they will carry one thousand with them。〃 
After listening to George; my mind drifted back to only four months earlier; in the 
fall of 2003; when I had been in the West Bank filming another documentary about the 
Arab…Israeli conflict。 As a part of that project; I went to Ramallah and interviewed 
three young Palestinian 
militants who were members of Yasser Arafat's paramilitary Tanzim organization。 What 
was so striking about the interview were the mood swings of these young men from 
suicidal despair to dreamy aspirations。 When I asked one of the three; Mohammed Motev; 
what was the worst thing about living in the context of Israeli occupation; he said 
the checkpoints。 〃When a soldier asks me to take off my clothes in front of the girls。 
It's a great humiliation to me 。。。 to take off my shirt and my pants and turn around 
and all the girls are standing there。〃 It is one reason; he said; that all Palestinian 
young people today are just suicide bombers in waiting。 He called them 〃martyrs in 
waiting;〃 while his two friends nodded in assent。 They warned me that if Israel tried 
to kill Yasser Arafat; who was then still alive (and was a leader who knew how to 
stimulate only memories; not dreams); they would turn the whole area into a living 
〃hell。〃 To underscore this point; Motev took out his wallet and showed me a picture 
of Arafat。 But what caught my eye was the picture of a young girl next to it。 
〃Who's that?〃 I asked。 That was his girlfriend; he explained; slightly red…faced。 
So there was his wallet…Yasser Arafat on one page; whom he was ready to die for; and 
his girlfriend on the other; whom he wanted to live for。 A few minutes later; one 
of his colleagues; Anas Assaf; became emotional。 He was the only one in college; an 
engineering student at Bir Zeit University near Ramallah。 After breathing fire about 
also being willing to die for Arafat; he began waxing eloquent about how much he wanted 
to go to the University of Memphis; where his uncle lived; 〃to study engineering。〃 
Unfortunately; he said; he could not get a visa into the United States now。 Like his 
colleague; Assaf was ready to die for Yasser Arafat; but he wanted to live for the 
University of Memphis。 
These were good young men; not terrorists。 But their role models were all angry men; 
and these young men spent a lot of their time imagining how to unleash their anger; 
not realizing their potential。 Abraham George; by contrast; produced a different 
context and a different set of teacher role models for those untouchable children 
in his school; and together they planted in his students the seeds of a very different 
imagination。 We must have more Abraham Georges…everywhere…by the thousands: people 
who gaze upon a classroom of untouchable kids and 
not only see the greatness in each of them but; more important; get them to see the 
greatness in themselves while endowing them with the tools to bring that out。 
After our little typing race at the Shanti Bhavan school; I went around the classroom 
and asked all the children…most of whom had been in school; and out of a life of open 

sewers; for only three years…what they wanted to be when they grew up。 These were 
eight…year…old Indian kids whose parents were untouchables。 It was one of the most 
moving experiences of my life。 Their answers were as follows: 〃an astronaut;〃 〃a 
doctor;〃 〃a pediatrician;〃 〃a poetess;〃 〃physics and chemistry;〃 〃a scientist and 
an astronaut;〃 〃a surgeon;〃 〃a detective;〃 〃an author。〃 
All dreamers in action…not martyrs in waiting。 
Let me close with one last point。 My own daughter went off to college in the fall 
of 2004; and my wife and I dropped her off on a warm September day。 The sun was shining。 
Our daughter was full of excitement。 But I can honestly say it was one of the saddest 
days of my life。 And it wasn't just the 
dad…and…mom…dropping…their…eldest…child…off…at…school thing。 No; something else 
bothered me。 It was the sense that I was dropping my daughter off into a world that 
was so much more dangerous than the one she had been born into。 I felt like I could 
still promise my daughter her bedroom back; but I couldn't promise her the world…not 
in the carefree way that I had explored it when I was her age。 That really bothered 
me。 Still does。 
The flattening of the world; as I have tried to demonstrate in this book; has presented 
us with new opportunities; new challenges; new partners but also; alas; new dangers; 
particularly as Americans。 It is imperative that we find the right balance among all 
of these。 It is imperative that we be the best global citizens that we can be…because 
in a flat world; if you don't visit a bad neighborhood; it might visit you。 And it 
is imperative that while we remain vigilant to the new threats; we do not let them 
paralyze us。 Most of all; though; it is imperative that we nurture more people with 
the imaginations of Abraham George and Fadi Ghandour。 The more people with the 
imagination of 11/9; the better 

chance we have of staving off another 9/11。1 refuse to settle for a world that gets 
smaller in the wrong sense; in the sense that there are fewer and fewer places an 
American can go without a second thought and fewer and fewer foreigners feeling 
comfortable about coming to America。 
To put it another way; the two greatest dangers we Americans face are an excess of 
protectionism…excessive fears of another 9/11 that prompt us to wall ourselves in; 
in search of personal security…and excessive fears of competing in a world of 11/9 
that prompt us to wall ourselves off; in search of economic security。 Both would be 
a disaster for us and for the world。 Yes; economic competition in the flat world will 
be more equal and more intense。 We Americans will have to work harder; run faster; 
and become smarter to make sure we get our share。 But let us not underestimate our 
strengths or the innovation that could explode from the flat world when we really 
do connect all of the knowledge centers together。 On such a flat earth; the most 
important attribute you can have is creative imagination…the ability to be the first 
on your block to figure out how all these enabling tools can be put together in new 
and exciting ways to create products; communities; opportunities; and profits。 That 
has always been America's strength; because America was; and for now still is; the 
world's greatest dream machine。 

I cannot tell any other society or culture what to say to its own children; but I 
can tell you what I say to my own: The world is being flattened。 I didn't start it 
and you can't stop it; except at a great cost to human development and your own future。 
But we can manage it; for better or for worse。 If it is to be for better; not for 
worse; then you and your generation must not live in fear of either the terrorists 
or of tomorrow; of either al…Qaeda or of Infosys。 You can flourish in this flat world; 
but it does take the right imagination and the right motivation。 While your lives 
have been powerfully shaped by 9/11; the world needs you to be forever the generation 
of 11/9…the generation of strategic optimists; the generation with more dreams than 
memories; the generation that wakes up each morning and not only imagines that things 
can be better but also acts on that imagination every day。 


In 1999 I published a book on globalization called The Lexus and the Olive Tree。 The 
phenomenon we call globalization was just taking off then; and The Lexus and the Olive 
Tree was one of the early attempts to put a frame around it。 This book is not meant 
to replace The Lexus and the Olive Tree; but rather to build on it and push the 
arguments forward as the world has evolved。 
I am deeply grateful to the publisher of The New York Times and chairman of the New 
York Times Company; Arthur Sulzberger Jr。; for granting me a leave of absence to be 
able to undertake this book; and to Gail Collins; editorial page editor of
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