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the decameron(十日谈)-第186章

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my selfe against all her malevolence。 And because I know right; that
you are not minded to become a Spaniard; I will give you neither
Castle nor dwelling place: but will bestow the Chest on you (in meer
despight of your malicious fortune) which she so unjustly tooke away
from you。 Carry it home with you into your Countrey; that there it may
make an apparant testimoney; in the sight of all your well…willers;
both of your owne vertuous deservings; and my bounty。 Signior
Rogiero humbly receiving the Chest; and thanking his Majestie for so
liberall a gift; returned home joyfully therewith; into his native
Countrey of Tuscane。



  Ghinotto di Tacco; tooke the Lord Abbot of Clugni as his prisoner;
and cured him of a grievous disease; which he had in his stomacke; and
afterwards set him at libert。 The same Lord Abbot when hee returned
from the Court Rome; reconciled Ghinotto to Pope Boniface; who made
him a Knight; and Lord Prior of a goodly Hospitall。

  The magnificence and Royall bounty; which King Alphonso bestowed
on the Florentine knight; passed through the whole assembly with
mean applause; and the King (who gave the greatest praise of al)
commanded Madame Eliza; to take the second turne in order;
whereupon; thus she began。 Faire Ladies; if a king shewed himselfe
magnificently minded; and expressed his liberall bounty to such a man;
as had done him good and honourable services: it can be termed no more
then a vertuous deed well done; and becomming a King。 But what will we
say; when we heare that a Prelate of the Church; shewed himselfe
wondrously magnificent; and to such a one as was his enemy: can any
malicious tongue speake ill of him? Undoubtedly; no other answere is
to be made; but the action of the King was meerely vertue; and that of
the Prelate; no lesse then a miracle: for how can it be otherwise;
when they are more greedily covetous then women; and deadly enemies to
all liberality? And although every man (naturally) desireth revenge
for injuries and abuses done unto him: yet men of the Church; in
regard that dayly they preached patience; and commaund (above all
things else) remission of sinnes: it would appeare a mighty blemish in
them; to be more froward and furious then other men。 But I am to
speake of a reverend Prelate of the Church; as also concerning his
munificent bounty; to one that was his enemy; and yet became his
reconciled friend; as you shall perceive by my Novell。
  Ghinotto di Tacco; for his insolent and stout robberies; became a
man very farre famed; who being banished from Sienna; and an enemy
to the Countes Disanta Flore: prevailed so by his bold and
headstrong perswasions; that the Towne of Raticonfani rebelled against
the Church of Rome; wherein he remaining; all passengers whatsoever;
travelling any way thereabout; were robde and rifled by his theeving
Companions。 At the time whereof now I speake; Boniface the eight;
governed as Pope at Rome; and the Lord Abbot of Clugni (accounted to
be one of the richest Prelates in the world) came to Rome; and there
either by some surfeit; excesse of feeding; or otherwise; his stomacke
being grievously offended and pained; the Phisitians advised him; to
travell to the Bathes at Sienna; where he should receive immediate
cure。 In which respect; his departure being licenced by the Pope; to
set onward thither; with great and pompous Cariages; of Horses; Mules;
and a goodly traine; without hearing any rumour of the theevish
  Ghinotto di Tacco; being advertised of his comming; spred about
his scouts and nettes; and without missing so much as one Page; shut
up the Abbot; with all his traine and baggage; in a place of narrow
restraint; out of which he could by no meanes escape。 When this was
done; he sent one of his most sufficient attendants (well accompanyed)
to the Lord Abbot; who said to him in his Masters name; that if his
Lordship were so pleased; hee might come and visite Ghinotto at his
Castle。 Which the Abbot hearing; answered chollerickly; that he
would not come thither; because hee had nothing to say to Ghinotto:
but meant to proceed on in his journy; and would faine see; who
durst presume to hinder his passe。 To which rough words; the messenger
thus mildely answered。 My Lord (quoth he) you are arrived in such a
place; where we feare no other force; but the all…controlling power of
heaven; clearely exempted from the Popes thunder…cracks; of
maledictions; interdictions; excommunications; or whatsoever else: and
therefore it would bee much better for you; if you pleased to do as
Ghinotto adviseth you。
  During the time of this their interparlance; the place was
suddenly round ingirt with strongly armed theeves; and the Lord
Abbot perceiving; that both he and all his followers were surprized:
tooke his way (though very impatiently) towards the Castle; and
likewise all his company and carriages with him。 Being dismounted; hee
was conducted (as Ghinotto had appointed) all alone; into a small
Chamber of the Castle; it being very darke and uneasie: but the rest
of his traine; every one according to his ranck and quality; were
all well lodged in the Castle; their horses; goods and all things
else; delivered into secure keeping; without the least touch of injury
or prejudice。 All which being orderly done; Ghinotto himselfe went
to the Lord Abbot; and said。 My Lord; Ghinotto; to whom you are a
welcome guest; requesteth; that it might be your pleasure to tell him;
whither you are travelling; and upon what occasion?
  The Lord Abbot being a very wise man; and his angry distemper more
moderately qualified; revealed whither he went; and the cause of his
going thither。 Which when Ghinotto had heard; hee departed courteously
from him; and began to consider with himselfe; how he might cure the
Abbot; yet without any Bathe。 So; commanding a good fire to be kept
continually in his small Chamber; and very good attendance on him: the
next morning; he came to visite him againe; bringing a faire white
Napkin on his arme; and in it two slices or toasts of fine Manchet;
a goodly cleare Glasse; full of the purest white…Bastard of
Corniglia (but indeed; of the Abbots owne provision brought thither
with him) and then hee spoke to him in this manner。
  My Lord; when Ghinotto was yonger then now he is; he studyed
Physicke; and he commanded me to tell you; that the very best
medicine; he could ever learne; against any disease in the stomacke;
was this which he had provided for your Lordship; as an especial
preparative; and which he should finde to be very comfortable。 The
Abbot; who had a better stomacke to eate; then any will or desire to
talke: although hee did it somewhat disdainfully; yet hee eate up both
the toastes; and roundly dranke the Glasse of Bastard。 Afterward;
divers other speeches passed betweene them; the one still advising
in Phisicall manner; and the other seeming to care little for it:
but moved many questions concerning Ghinotto; and earnestly requesting
to see him。 Such speeches as savoured of the Abbots discontentment;
and came from him in passion; were clouded with courteous
acceptance; and not the least signe of any mislike: but assuring his
Lordship; that Ghinotto intended very shortly to see him; and so
they parted for that time。
 Nor returned he any more; till the next morning with the like two
toastes of bread; and such another Glasse of white Bastard; as he
had brought him at the first; continuing the same course for divers
dayes after: till the Abbot had eaten (and very hungerly too) a pretty
store of dryed Beanes; which Ghinotto purposely; (yet secretly) had
hidden in the Chamber。 Whereupon he demaunded of him (as seeming to be
so enjoyned by his pretended master) in what temper he found his
stomacke now? I should finde my stomacke well enough (answered the
Lord Abbot) if I could get forth of thy masters fingers; and then have
some good food to feed on: for his medicines have made me so soundly
stomackt; that I am ready to starve with hunger。
  When Ghinotto was gone from him; hee then prepared a very faire
Chamber for him; adorning it with the Abbots owne rich hangings; as
also his Plate and other moveables; such as were alwayes used for
his service。 A costly dinner he provided likewise; whereto he
invited divers of the Towne; and many of the Abbots chiefest
followers: then going to him againe the next morning; he said。 My
Lord; seeing you doe feele your stomacke so well; it is time you
should come forth of the Infirmary。 And taking him by the hand; he
brought him into the prepared Chamber; where he left him with his owne
people; and went to give order for the dinners serving in; that it
might be performed in magnificent manner。
  The Lord Abbot recreated himselfe a while with his owne people; to
whom he recounted; the course of his life since hee saw them; and they
likewise told him; how kindly they had bin initeated by Ghi
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