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history of florence-第62章

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or another they had always been wholly set aside。 He now; to give the

count greater confidence; added deeds to his words; and sent him

thirty thousand florins; which; by the terms of the marriage contract;

he had engaged to pay。

Still the war in Lombardy proceeded with greater vehemence than ever;

the Venetians constantly suffered fresh losses of territory; and the

fleets they equipped upon the rivers were taken by the duke's forces;

the country around Verona and Brescia was entirely occupied; and the

two cities themselves so pressed; that their speedy fall was generally

anticipated。 The marquis of Mantua; who for many years had led the

forces of their republic; quite unexpectedly resigned his command; and

went over to the duke's service。 Thus the course which pride prevented

them from adopting at the commencement of the war; fear compelled them

to take during its progress; for knowing there was no help for them

but in the friendship of the Florentines and the count; they began to

make overtures to obtain it; though with shame and apprehension; for

they were afraid of receiving a reply similar to that which they had

given the Florentines; when the latter applied for assistance in the

enterprise against Lucca and the count's affairs。 However; they found

the Florentines more easily induced to render aid than they expected;

or their conduct deserved; so much more were the former swayed by

hatred of their ancient enemy; than by resentment of the ingratitude

of their old and habitual friends。 Having foreseen the necessity into

which the Venetians must come; they had informed the count that their

ruin must involve his own; that he was deceived if he thought the

duke; while fortune; would esteem him more than if he were in

adversity; that the duke was induced to promise him his daughter by

the fear he entertained of him; that what necessity occasions to be

promised; it also causes to be performed; and it was therefore

desirable to keep the duke in that necessity; which could be done

without supporting the power of the Venetians。 Therefore he might

perceive; that if the Venetians were compelled to abandon their inland

territories; he would not only lose the advantages derivable from

them; but also those to be obtained from such as feared them; and that

if he considered well the powers of Italy; he would see that some were

poor; and others hostile; that the Florentines alone were not; as he

had often said; sufficient for his support; so that on every account

it was best to keep the Venetians powerful by land。 These arguments;

conjoined with the hatred which the count had conceived against

Filippo; by supposing himself duped with regard to the promised

alliance; induced him to consent to a new treaty; but still he would

not consent to cross the Po。 The agreement was concluded in February;

1438; the Venetians agreeing to pay two…thirds of the expense of the

war; the Florentines one…third; and each engaging to defend the states

which the count possessed in La Marca。 Nor were these the only forces

of the league; for the lord of Faenza; the sons of Pandolfo Malatesti

da Rimino and Pietro Giampagolo Orsini also joined them。 They

endeavored; by very liberal offers; to gain over the marquis of

Mantua; but could not prevail against the friendship and stipend of

the duke; and the lord of Faenza; after having entered into compact

with the league; being tempted by more advantageous terms; went over

to him。 This made them despair of being able to effect an early

settlement of the troubles of Romagna。

The affairs of Lombardy were in this condition: Brescia was so closely

besieged by the duke's forces; that constant apprehensions were

entertained of her being compelled by famine to a surrender; while

Verona was so pressed; that a similar fate was expected to await her;

and if one of these cities were lost; all the other preparations for

the war might be considered useless; and the expenses already incurred

as completely wasted。 For this there was no remedy; but to send the

count into Lombardy; and to this measure three obstacles presented

themselves。 The first was; to induce him to cross the Po; and

prosecute the war in whatever locality might be found most advisable;

the second; that the count being at a distance; the Florentines would

be left almost at the mercy of the duke; who; issuing from any of his

fortresses; might with part of his troops keep the count at bay; and

with the rest introduce into Tuscany the Florentine exiles; whom the

existing government already dreaded; the third was; to determine what

route the count should take to arrive safely in the Paduan territory;

and join the Venetian forces。 Of these three difficulties; the second;

which particularly regarded the Florentines; was the most serious;

but; knowing the necessity of the case; and wearied out by the

Venetians; who with unceasing importunity demanded the count;

intimating that without him they should abandon all hope; they

resolved to relieve their allies rather than listen to the suggestions

of their own fears。 There still remained the question about the route

to be taken; for the safety of which they determined the Venetians

should provide; and as they had sent Neri Capponi to treat with the

count and induce him to cross the Po; they determined that the same

person should also proceed to Venice; in order to make the benefit the

more acceptable to the Signory; and see that all possible security

were given to the passage of the forces。

Neri embarked at Cesena and went to Venice; nor was any prince ever

received with so much honor as he was; for upon his arrival; and the

matters which his intervention was to decide and determine; the safety

of the republic seemed to depend。 Being introduced to the senate; and

in presence of the Doge; he said; 〃The Signory of Florence; most

serene prince; has always perceived in the duke's greatness the source

of ruin both to this republic and our own; and that the safety of both

states depends upon their separate strength and mutual confidence。 If

such had been the opinion of this illustrious Signory; we should

ourselves have been in better condition; and your republic would have

been free from the dangers that now threaten it。 But as at the proper

crisis you withheld from us confidence and aid; we could not come to

the relief of your distress; nor could you; being conscious of this;

freely ask us; for neither in your prosperity nor adversity have you

clearly perceived our motives。 You have not observed; that those whose

deeds have once incurred our hatred; can never become entitled to our

regard; nor can those who have once merited our affection ever after

absolutely cancel their claim。 Our attachment to your most serene

Signory is well known to you all; for you have often seen Lombardy

filled with our forces and our money for your assistance。 Our

hereditary enmity to Filippo and his house is universally known; and

it is impossible that love or hatred; strengthened by the growth of

years; can be eradicated from our minds by any recent act either of

kindness or neglect。 We have always thought; and are still of the same

opinion; that we might now remain neutral; greatly to the duke's

satisfaction; and with little hazard to ourselves; for if by your ruin

he were to become lord of Lombardy; we should still have sufficient

influence in Italy in free us from any apprehension on our own

account; for every increase of power and territory augments that

animosity and envy; from which arise wars and the dismemberment of

states。 We are also aware what heavy expenses and imminent perils we

should avoid; by declining to involve ourselves in these disputes; and

how easily the field of battle may be transferred from Lombardy to

Tuscany; by our interference in your behalf。 Yet all these

apprehensions are at once overborne by our ancient affection for the

senate and people of Venice; and we have resolved to come to your

relief with the same zeal with which we should have armed in our own

defense; had we been attacked。 Therefore; the senate of Florence;

judging it primarily necessary to relieve Verona and Brescia; and

thinking this impossible without the count; have sent me; in the first

instance; to persuade him to pass into Lombardy; and carry on the war

wherever it may be most needful; for you are aware he is under no

obligation to cross the Po。 To induce him to do so; I have advanced

such arguments as are suggested by the circumstances themselves; and

which would prevail with us。 He; being invincible in arms; cannot be

surpassed in courtesy; and the liberality he sees the Florentines

exercise toward you; he has resolved to outdo; for he is well aware to

what dangers Tuscany will be exposed after his departure; and since we

have made your affairs our primary consideration; he has also resolved

to make his own subservient to yours。 I come; therefore; to tender his

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