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history of florence-第6章

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to the pope; and attending the elections of the pontiff; began to

dignify their own power with a title; by calling themselves cardinals;

and arrogated so great authority; that having excluded the people of

Rome from the election of pontiff; the appointment of a new pope was

scarcely ever made except from one of their own number: thus on the

death of Pascal; the cardinal of St。 Sabina was created pope by the

title of Eugenius II。 Italy having come into the hands of the French;

a change of form and order took place; the popes acquiring greater

temporal power; and the new authorities adopting the titles of count

and marquis; as that of duke had been introduced by Longinus; exarch

of Ravenna。 After the deaths of some pontiffs; Osporco; a Roman;

succeeded to the papacy; but on account of his unseemly appellation;

he took the name of Sergius; and this was the origin of that change of

names which the popes adopt upon their election to the pontificate。

In the meantime; the Emperor Charles died and was succeeded by Lewis

(the Pious; after whose death so many disputes arose among his sons;

that at the time of his grandchildren; the house of France lost the

empire; which then came to the Germans; the first German emperor being

called Arnolfus。 Nor did the Carlovingian family lose the empire only;

their discords also occasioned them the loss of Italy; for the

Lombards; gathering strength; offended the pope and the Romans; and

Arnolfo; not knowing where to seek relief; was compelled to create

Berengarius; duke of Fruili; king of Italy。 These events induced the

Huns; who occupied Pannonia; to assail Italy; but; in an engagement

with Berengarius; they were compelled to return to Pannonia; which had

from them been named Hungary。

Romano was at this time emperor of Greece; having; while prefect of

the army; dethroned Constantine; and as Puglia and Calabria; which; as

before observed; were parts of the Greek empire; had revolted; he gave

permission to the Saracans to occupy them; and they having taken

possession of these provinces; besieged Rome。 The Romans; Berengarius

being then engaged in defending himself against the Huns; appointed

Alberic; duke of Tuscany; their leader。 By his valor Rome was saved

from the Saracens; who; withdrawing from the siege; erected a fortress

upon Mount Gargano; by means of which they governed Puglia and

Calabria; and harassed the whole country。 Thus Italy was in those

times very grievously afflicted; being in constant warfare with the

Huns in the direction of the Alps; and; on the Neapolitan side;

suffering from the inroads of the Saracens。 This state of things

continued many years; occupying the reigns of three Berengarii; who

succeeded each other; and during this time the pope and the church

were greatly disturbed; the impotence of the eastern; and the disunion

which prevailed among the western princes; leaving them without

defense。 The city of Genoa; with all her territory upon the rivers;

having been overrun by the Saracens; an impulse was thus given to the

rising greatness of Pisa; in which city multitudes took refuge who had

been driven out of their own country。 These events occurred in the

year 931; when Otho; duke of Saxony; the son of Henry and Matilda; a

man of great prudence and reputation; being made emperor; the pope

Agapito; begged that he would come into Italy and relieve him from the

tyranny of the Berengarii。

The States of Italy were governed in this manner: Lombardy was under

Berengarius III。 and Alfred his son; Tuscany and Romagna were governed

by a deputy of the western emperor; Puglia and Calabria were partly

under the Greek emperor; and partly under the Saracens; in Rome two

consuls were annually chosen from the nobility; who governed her

according to ancient custom; to these was added a prefect; who

dispensed justice among the people; and there was a council of twelve;

who each year appointed rectors for the places subject to them。 The

popes had more or less authority in Rome and the rest of Italy; in

proportion as they were favorites of the emperor or of the most

powerful states。 The Emperor Otho came into Italy; took the kingdom

from the Berengarii; in which they had reigned fifty…five years; and

reinstated the pontiff in his dignity。 He had a son and a nephew; each

named Otho; who; one after the other; succeeded to the empire。 In the

reign of Otho III。; Pope Gregory V。 was expelled by the Romans;

whereupon the emperor came into Italy and replaced him; and the pope;

to revenge himself on the Romans; took from them the right to create

an emperor; and gave it to three princes and three bishops of Germany;

the princes of Brandenburg; Palatine; and Saxony; and the bishops of

Magonza; Treveri; and Colonia。 This occurred in the year 1002。 After

the death of Otho III。 the electors created Henry; duke of Bavaria;

emperor; who at the end of twelve years was crowned by Pope Stephen

VIII。 Henry and his wife Simeonda were persons of very holy life; as

is seen by the many temples built and endowed by them; of which the

church of St。 Miniato; near Florence; is one。 Henry died in 1024; and

was succeeded by Conrad of Suabia; and the latter by Henry II。; who

came to Rome; and as there was a schism in the church of three popes;

he set them all aside; and caused the election of Clement II。; by whom

he was crowned emperor。


  Nicholas II。 commits the election of the pope to the cardinals

  First example of a prince deprived of his dominions by the pope

  Guelphs and GhibellinesEstablishment of the kingdom of Naples

  Pope Urban II。 goes to FranceThe first crusadeNew orders of

  knighthoodSaladin takes from the Christians their possessions in

  the eastDeath of the Countess MatildaCharacter of Frederick

  BarbarossaSchismFrederick creates an anti…popeBuilding of

  Alexandria in PugliaDisgraceful conditions imposed by the pope

  upon Henry; king of EnglandReconciliation of Frederick with the

  popeThe kingdom of Naples passes to the GermansOrders of St。

  Dominic and St。 Francis。

Italy was at this time governed partly by the people; some districts

by their own princes; and others by the deputies of the emperor。 The

highest in authority; and to whom the others referred; was called the

chancellor。 Of the princes; the most powerful were Godfred and the

Countess Matilda his wife; who was daughter of Beatrice; the sister of

Henry II。 She and her husband possessed Lucca; Parma; Reggio; Mantua;

and the whole of what is now called THE PATRIMONY OF THE CHURCH。 The

ambition of the Roman people caused many wars between them and the

pontiffs; whose authority had previously been used to free them from

the emperors; but when they had taken the government of the city to

themselves; and regulated it according to their own pleasure; they at

once became at enmity with the popes; who received far more injuries

from them than from any Christian potentate。 And while the popes

caused all the west to tremble with their censures; the people of Rome

were in open rebellion against them; nor had they or the popes any

other purpose; but to deprive each other of reputation and authority。

Nicholas II。 now attained the papacy; and as Gregory V。 had taken from

the Romans the right to create an emperor; he in the same manner

determined to deprive them of their share in the election of the pope;

and confined the creation to the cardinals alone。 Nor did this satisfy

him; for; having agreed with the princes who governed Calabria and

Puglia; with methods which we shall presently relate; he compelled the

officers whom the Romans appointed to their different jurisdictions;

to render obedience to him; and some of them he even deprived of their

offices。 After the death of Nicholas; there was a schism in the

church; the clergy of Lombardy refused obedience to Alexander II。;

created at Rome; and elected Cadolo of Parma anti…pope; and Henry; who

hated the power of the pontiffs; gave Alexander to understand that he

must renounce the pontificate; and ordered the cardinals to go into

Germany to appoint a new pope。 He was the first who felt the

importance of spiritual weapons; for the pope called a council at

Rome; and deprived Henry of both the empire and the kingdom。 Some of

the people of Italy took the part of the pope; others of Henry; and

hence arose the factions of the Guelphs and the Ghibellines; that

Italy; relieved from the inundations of barbarians; might be

distracted with intestine strife。 Henry; being excommunicated; was

compelled by his people to come into Italy; and fall barefooted upon

his knees before the pope; and ask his pardon。 This occurred in the

year 1082。 Nevertheless; there shortly afterward arose new discords

between the pope and Henry; upon which the pope again excommunicated

him; and the emperor sent his son; also named Henry; with an army to

Rome; and he; with the assistance of the Romans; who hated the
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