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history of florence-第38章

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respect he had shown toward them。 Coming to threats toward the end of

their discourse; Michael could not endure their arrogance; and

sensible rather of the dignity of the office he held than of the

meanness of his origin; determined by extraordinary means to punish

such extraordinary insolence; and drawing the sword with which he was

girt; seriously wounded; and cause them to be seized and imprisoned。

When the fact became known; the multitude were filled with rage; and

thinking that by their arms they might ensure what without them they

had failed to effect; they seized their weapons and with the utmost

fury resolved to force the Signory to consent to their wishes。

Michael; suspecting what would happen; determined to be prepared; for

he knew his credit rather required him to be first to the attack than

to wait the approach of the enemy; or; like his predecessors; dishonor

both the palace and himself by flight。 He therefore drew together a

good number of citizens (for many began to see their error); mounted

on horseback; and followed by crowds of armed men; proceeded to Santa

Maria Novella; to encounter his adversaries。 The plebeians; who as

before observed were influenced by a similar desire; had set out about

the same time as Michael; and it happened that as each took a

different route; they did not meet in their way; and Michael; upon his

return; found the piazza in their possession。 The contest was now for

the palace; and joining in the fight; he soon vanquished them; drove

part of them out of the city; and compelled the rest to throw down

their arms and escape or conceal themselves; as well as they could。

Having thus gained the victory; the tumults were composed; solely by

the talents of the Gonfalonier; who in courage; prudence; and

generosity surpassed every other citizen of his time; and deserves to

be enumerated among the glorious few who have greatly benefited their

country; for had he possessed either malice or ambition; the republic

would have been completely ruined; and the city must have fallen under

greater tyranny than that of the duke of Athens。 But his goodness

never allowed a thought to enter his mind opposed to the universal

welfare: his prudence enabled him to conduct affairs in such a manner;

that a great majority of his own faction reposed the most entire

confidence in him; and he kept the rest in awe by the influence of his

authority。 These qualities subdued the plebeians; and opened the eyes

of the superior artificers; who considered how great must be the folly

of those; who having overcome the pride of the nobility; could endure

to submit to the nauseous rule of the rabble。


  New regulations for the elections of the SignoryConfusion in the

  CityPiero degli Albizzi and other citizens condemned to death

  The Florentines alarmed by the approach of Charles of DurazzoThe

  measures adopted in consequence thereofInsolent Conduct of

  Giorgio ScaliBenedetto AlbertiGiorgio Scali beheaded。

By the time Michael di Lando had subdued the plebeians; the new

Signory was drawn; and among those who composed it; were two persons

of such base and mean condition; that the desire increased in the

minds of the people to be freed from the ignominy into which they had

fallen; and when; upon the first of September; the new Signory entered

office and the retiring members were still in the palace; the piazza

being full of armed men; a tumultuous cry arose from the midst of

them; that none of the lowest of the people should hold office among

the Signory。 The obnoxious two were withdrawn accordingly。 The name of

one was Il Tira; of the other Baroccio; and in their stead were

elected Giorgio Scali and Francesco di Michele。 The company of the

lowest trade was also dissolved; and its members deprived of office;

except Michael di Lando; Lorenzo di Puccio and a few others of better

quality。 The honors of government were divided into two parts; one of

which was assigned to the superior trades; the other to the inferior;

except that the latter were to furnish five Signors; and the former

only four。 The Gonfalonier was to be chosen alternately from each。

The government thus composed; restored peace to the city for the time;

but though the republic was rescued from the power of the lowest

plebeians; the inferior trades were still more influential than the

nobles of the people; who; however; were obliged to submit for the

gratification of the trades; of whose favor they wished to deprive the

plebeians。 The new establishment was supported by all who wished the

continued subjugation of those who; under the name of the Guelphic

party; had practiced such excessive violence against the citizens。 And

as among others; thus disposed; were Giorgio Scali; Benedetto Alberti;

Salvestro di Medici; and Tommaso Strozzi; these four almost became

princes of the city。 This state of the public mind strengthened the

divisions already commenced between the nobles of the people; and the

minor artificers; by the ambition of the Ricci and the Albizzi; from

which; as at different times very serious effects arose; and as they

will hereafter be frequently mentioned; we shall call the former the

popular party; the latter the plebeian。 This condition of things

continued three years; during which many were exiled and put to death;

for the government lived in constant apprehension; knowing that both

within and without the city many were dissatisfied with them。 Those

within; either attempted or were suspected of attempting every day

some new project against them; and those without; being under no

restraint; were continually; by means of some prince or republic;

spreading reports tending to increase the disaffection。

Gianozzo da Salerno was at this time in Bologna。 He held a command

under Charles of Durazzo; a descendant of the kings of Naples; who;

designing to undertake the conquest of the dominions of Queen

Giovanna; retained his captain in that city; with the concurrence of

Pope Urban; who was at enmity with the queen。 Many Florentine

emigrants were also at Bologna; in close correspondence with him and

Charles。 This caused the rulers in Florence to live in continual

alarm; and induced them to lend a willing ear to any calumnies against

the suspected。 While in this disturbed state of feeling; it was

disclosed to the government that Gianozzo da Salerno was about to

march to Florence with the emigrants; and that great numbers of those

within were to rise in arms; and deliver the city to him。 Upon this

information many were accused; the principal of whom were Piero degli

Albizzi and Carlo Strozzi: and after these Cipriano Mangione; Jacopo

Sacchetti; Donato Barbadori; Filippo Strozzi; and Giovanni Anselmi;

the whole of whom; except Carlo Strozzi who fled; were made prisoners;

and the Signory; to prevent any one from taking arms in their favor;

appointed Tommaso Strozzi and Benedetto Alberti with a strong armed

force; to guard the city。 The arrested citizens were examined; and

although nothing was elicited against them sufficient to induce the

Capitano to find them guilty; their enemies excited the minds of the

populace to such a degree of outrageous and overwhelming fury against

them; that they were condemned to death; as it were; by force。 Nor was

the greatness of his family; or his former reputation of any service

to Piero degli Albizzi; who had once been; of all the citizens; the

man most feared and honored。 Some one; either as a friend to render

him wise in his prosperity; or an enemy to threaten him with the

fickleness of fortune; had upon the occasion of his making a feast for

many citizens; sent him a silver bowl full of sweetmeats; among which

a large nail was found; and being seen by many present; was taken for

a hint to him to fix the wheel of fortune; which; having conveyed him

to the top; must if the rotation continued; also bring him to the

bottom。 This interpretation was verified; first by his ruin; and

afterward by his death。

After this execution the city was full of consternation; for both

victors and vanquished were alike in fear; but the worst effects arose

from the apprehensions of those possessing the management of affairs;

for every accident; however trivial; caused them to commit fresh

outrages; either by condemnations; admonitions; or banishment of

citizens; to which must be added; as scarcely less pernicious; the

frequent new laws and regulations which were made for defense of the

government; all of which were put in execution to the injury of those

opposed to their faction。 They appointed forty…six persons; who; with

the Signory; were to purge the republic of all suspected by the

government。 They admonished thirty…nine citizens; ennobled many of the

people; and degraded many nobles to the popular rank。 To strengthen

themselves against external foes; they took into their pay John

Hawkwood; an Englishman of great military rep
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