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history of florence-第14章

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  Florentines take FiesoleThe first division in Florence; and the

  cause of itBuondelmontiBuondelmonti slainGuelphs and

  Ghibellines in FlorenceGuelphic familiesGhibelline families

  The two factions come to terms。

Among the great and wonderful institutions of the republics and

principalities of antiquity that have now gone into disuse; was that

by means of which towns and cities were from time to time established;

and there is nothing more worthy the attention of a great prince; or

of a well…regulated republic; or that confers so many advantages upon

a province; as the settlement of new places; where men are drawn

together for mutual accommodation and defense。 This may easily be

done; by sending people to reside in recently acquired or uninhabited

countries。 Besides causing the establishment of new cities; these

removals render a conquered country more secure; and keep the

inhabitants of a province properly distributed。 Thus; deriving the

greatest attainable comfort; the inhabitants increase rapidly; are

more prompt to attack others; and defend themselves with greater

assurance。 This custom; by the unwise practice of princes and

republics; having gone into desuetude; the ruin and weakness of

territories has followed; for this ordination is that by which alone

empires are made secure; and countries become populated。 Safety is the

result of it; because the colony which a prince establishes in a newly

acquired country; is like a fortress and a guard; to keep the

inhabitants in fidelity and obedience。 Neither can a province be

wholly occupied and preserve a proper distribution of its inhabitants

without this regulation; for all districts are not equally healthy;

and hence some will abound to overflowing; while others are void; and

if there be no method of withdrawing them from places in which they

increase too rapidly; and planting them where they are too few the

country would soon be wasted; for one part would become a desert; and

the other a dense and wretched population。 And; as nature cannot

repair this disorder; it is necessary that industry should effect it;

for unhealthy localities become wholesome when a numerous population

is brought into them。 With cultivation the earth becomes fruitful; and

the air is purified with firesremedies which nature cannot provide。

The city of Venice proves the correctness of these remarks。 Being

placed in a marshy and unwholesome situation; it became healthy only

by the number of industrious individuals who were drawn together。

Pisa; too; on account of its unwholesome air; was never filled with

inhabitants; till the Saracens; having destroyed Genoa and rendered

her rivers unnavigable; caused the Genoese to migrate thither in vast

numbers; and thus render her populous and powerful。 Where the use of

colonies is not adopted; conquered countries are held with great

difficulty; districts once uninhabited still remain so; and those

which populate quickly are not relieved。 Hence it is that many places

of the world; and particularly in Italy; in comparison of ancient

times; have become deserts。 This has wholly arisen and proceeded from

the negligence of princes; who have lost all appetite for true glory;

and of republics which no longer possess institutions that deserve

praise。 In ancient times; by means of colonies; new cities frequently

arose; and those already begun were enlarged; as was the case with

Florence; which had its beginning from Fiesole; and its increase from


It is exceedingly probable; as Dante and Giovanni Villani show; that

the city of Fiesole; being situate upon the summit of the mountain; in

order that her markets might be more frequented; and afford greater

accommodation for those who brought merchandise; would appoint the

place in which to told them; not upon the hill; but in the plain;

between the foot of the mountain and the river Arno。 I imagine these

markets to have occasioned the first erections that were made in those

places; and to have induced merchants to wish for commodious

warehouses for the reception of their goods; and which; in time;

became substantial buildings。 And afterward; when the Romans; having

conquered the Carthaginians; rendered Italy secure from foreign

invasion; these buildings would greatly increase; for men never endure

inconveniences unless some powerful necessity compels them。 Thus;

although the fear of war induces a willingness to occupy places strong

and difficult of access; as soon as the cause of alarm is removed; men

gladly resort to more convenient and easily attainable localities。

Hence; the security to which the reputation of the Roman republic gave

birth; caused the inhabitants; having begun in the manner described;

to increase so much as to form a town; this was at first called the

Villa Arnina。 After this occurred the civil wars between Marius and

Sylla; then those of C鎠ar; and Pompey; and next those of the

murderers of C鎠ar; and the parties who undertook to avenge his death。

Therefore; first by Sylla; and afterward by the three Roman citizens;

who; having avenged the death of C鎠ar; divided the empire among

themselves; colonies were sent to Fiesole; which; either in part or in

whole; fixed their habitations in the plain; near to the then rising

town。 By this increase; the place became so filled with dwellings;

that it might with propriety be enumerated among the cities of Italy。

There are various opinions concerning the derivation of the word

Florentia。 Some suppose it to come from Florinus; one of the principal

persons of the colony; others think it was originally not Florentia;

but Fluentia; and suppose the word derived from /fluente/; or flowing

of the Arno; and in support of their opinion; adduce a passage from

Pliny; who says; 〃the Fluentini are near the flowing of the Arno。〃

This; however; may be incorrect; for Pliny speaks of the locality of

the Florentini; not of the name by which they were known。 And it seems

as if the word Fluentini were a corruption; because Frontinus and

Cornelius Tacitus; who wrote at nearly the same period as Pliny; call

them Florentia and Florentini; for; in the time of Tiberius; they were

governed like the other cities of Italy。 Besides; Cornelius refers to

the coming of ambassadors from the Florentines; to beg of the emperor

that the waters of the Chiane might not be allowed to overflow their

country; and it is not at all reasonable that the city should have two

names at the same time。 Therefore I think that; however derived; the

name was always Florentia; and that whatever the origin might be; it

occurred under the Roman empire; and began to be noticed by writers in

the times of the first emperors。

When the Roman empire was afflicted by the barbarians; Florence was

destroyed by Totila; king of the Ostrogoths; and after a period of two

hundred and fifty years; rebuilt by Charlemagne; from whose time; till

the year 1215; she participated in the fortune of the rest of Italy;

and; during this period; first the descendants of Charles; then the

Berengarii; and lastly the German emperors; governed her; as in our

general treatise we have shown。 Nor could the Florentines; during

those ages; increase in numbers; or effect anything worthy of memory;

on account of the influence of those to whom they were subject。

Nevertheless; in the year 1010; upon the feast of St。 Romolo; a solemn

day with the Fiesolani; they took and destroyed Fiesole; which must

have been performed either with the consent of the emperors; or during

the interim from the death of one to the creation of his successor;

when all assumed a larger share of liberty。 But then the pontiffs

acquired greater influence; and the authority of the German emperors

was in its wane; all the places of Italy governed themselves with less

respect for the prince; so that; in the time of Henry III。 the mind of

the country was divided between the emperor and the church。 However;

the Florentines kept themselves united until the year 1215; rendering

obedience to the ruling power; and anxious only to preserve their own

safety。 But; as the diseases which attack our bodies are more

dangerous and mortal in proportion as they are delayed; so Florence;

though late to take part in the sects of Italy; was afterward the more

afflicted by them。 The cause of her first division is well known;

having been recorded by Dante and many other writers; I shall;

however; briefly notice it。

Among the most powerful families of Florence were the Buondelmonti and

the Uberti; next to these were the Amidei and the Donati。 Of the

Donati family there was a rich widow who had a daughter of exquisite

beauty; for whom; in her own mind; she had fixed upon Buondelmonti; a

young gentleman; the head of the Buondelmonti family; as her husband;

but either from negligence; or; because she thought it might be

accomplished at any time; she had not made known her intention; when

it happened that t
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