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the portygee-第65章

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recently I gather that he is planning to earn his living with his

〃Well; how else did you expect him to earn it; as bookkeeper for
the South Harniss lumber concern?〃

〃Don't be absurd。  What I mean is that he is thinking of devoting
himself to literature exclusively。  Don't interrupt me; please。
That is very beautiful and very idealistic; and I honor him for it;
but I cannot see Madeline as an attic poet's wife; can you?〃

〃I can't; and I told you so in the beginning。〃

〃No。  Therefore I should take him to one side and tell him of the
opening in your firm。  With that as a means of keeping his feet on
the ground his brain may soar as it likes; the higher the better。〃

Mr。 Fosdick; as usual; obeyed orders and that afternoon Albert and
he had the 〃business talk。〃  Conversation at dinner was somewhat
strained。  Mr。 Fosdick was quietly observant and seemed rather
amused about something。  His wife was dignified and her manner
toward her guest was inclined to be abrupt。  Albert's appetite was
poor。  As for Madeline; she did not come down to dinner; having a

She came down later; however。  Albert; alone in the library; was
sitting; a book upon his knees and his eyes fixed upon nothing in
particular; when she came in。

〃You are thinking again; I see;〃 she said。

He had not heard her enter。  Now he rose; the book falling to the

〃Whywhy; yes;〃 he stammered。  〃How are you feeling?  How is your

〃It is no worse。  And no better。  I have been thinking; too; which
perhaps explains it。  Sit down; Albert; please。  I want to talk
with you。  That is what I have been thinking about; that you and I
must talk。〃

She seated herself upon the davenport and he pulled forward a chair
and sat facing her。  For a moment she was silent。  When she did
speak; however; her question was very much to the point。

〃Why did you say 'No' to Father's offer?〃 she asked。  He had been
expecting this very question; or one leading up to it。  Nevertheless;
he found answering difficult。  He hesitated; and she watched him;
her impatience growing。

〃Well?〃 she asked。

He sighed。  〃Madeline;〃 he said; 〃I am afraid you think me very
unreasonable; certainly very ungrateful。〃

〃I don't know what to think about you。  That is why I feel we must
have this talk。  Tell me; please; just what Father said to you this

〃He saidwell; the substance of what he said was to offer me a
position in his office; in his firm。〃

〃What sort of a position?〃

〃Well; II scarcely know。  I was to have a desk there andand be
generallyornamental; I suppose。  It was not very definite; the
details of the position; but〃

〃The salary was good; wasn't it?〃

〃Yes; more than good。  Much too good for the return I could make
for it; so it seemed to me。〃

〃And your prospects for the future?  Wasn't the offer what people
call a good opportunity?〃

〃Why; yes; I suppose it was。  For the right sort of man it would
have been a wonderful opportunity。  Your father was most kind; most
generous; Madeline。  Please don't think I am not appreciative。  I
am; but〃

〃Don't。  I want to understand it all。  He offered you this
opportunity; this partnership in his firm; and you would not
accept it?  Why?  Don't you like my father?〃

〃Yes; I like him very much。〃

〃Didn't you;〃 with the slightest possible curl of the lip; 〃think
the offer worthy of you? 。 。 。  Oh; I don't mean that!  Please
forgive me。  I am trying not to be disagreeable。  II just want to
understand; Albert; that's all。〃

He nodded。  〃I know; Madeline;〃 he said。  〃You have the right to
ask。  It wasn't so much a question of the offer being worthy of me
as of my being worthy the offer。  Oh; Madeline; why should you and
I pretend?  You know why Mr。 Fosdick made me that offer。  It wasn't
because I was likely to be worth ten dollars a year to his firm。
In Heaven's name; what use would I be in a stockbroker's office;
with my make…up; with my lack of business ability?  He would be
making a place for me there and paying me a high salary for one
reason only; and you know what that is。  Now don't you?〃

She hesitated now; but only for an instant。  She colored a little;
but she answered bravely。

〃I suppose I do;〃 she said; 〃but what of it?  It is not unheard of;
is it; the taking one's prospective son…in…law into partnership?〃

〃No; but  We're dodging the issue again; Madeline。  If I were
likely to be of any help to your father's business; instead of a
hindrance; I might perhaps see it differently。  As it is; I
couldn't accept unless I were willing to be an object of charity。〃

〃Did you tell Father that?〃


〃What did he say?〃

〃He said a good deal。  He was frank enough to say that he did not
expect me to be of great assistance to the firm。  But I might be of
SOME usehe didn't put it as baldly as that; of courseand at all
times I could keep on with my writing; with my poetry; you know。
The brokerage business should not interfere with my poetry; he
said; your mother would scalp him if it did that。〃

She smiled faintly。  〃That sounds like dad;〃 she commented。

〃Yes。  Well; we talked and argued for some time on the subject。
He asked me what; supposing I did not accept this offer of his;
my plans for the future might be。  I told him they were pretty
unsettled as yet。  I meant to write; of course。  Not poetry
altogether。  I realized; I told him; that I was not a great poet; a
poet of genius。〃

Madeline interrupted。  Her eyes flashed。

〃Why do you say that?〃 she demanded。  〃I have heard you say it
before。  That is; recently。  In the old days you were as sure as
I that you were a real poet; or should be some day。  You never
doubted it。  You used to tell me so and I loved to hear you。〃

Albert shook his head。  〃I was sure of so many things then;〃 he
said。  〃I must have been an insufferable kid。〃

She stamped her foot。  〃It was less than three years ago that you
said it;〃 she declared。  〃You are not so frightfully ancient
now。 。 。 。  Well; go on; go on。  How did it end; the talk with
Father; I mean?〃

〃I told him;〃 he continued; 〃that I meant to write and to earn my
living by writing。  I meant to try magazine workstories; you
knowand; soon; a novel。  He asked if earning enough to support a
wife on would not be a long job at that time。  I said I was afraid
it might; but that that seemed to me my particular game;

She interrupted again。  〃Did it occur to you to question whether or
not that determination of yours was quite fair to me?〃 she asked。

〃Whywhy; yes; it did。  And I don't know that it IS exactly fair
to you。  I〃

〃Never mind。  Go on。  Tell me the rest。  How did it end?〃

〃Well; it ended in a sort of flare…up。  Mr。 Fosdick was just a
little bit sarcastic; and I expressed my feelings rather freely
too freely; I'm afraid。〃

〃Never mind。  I want to know what you said。〃

〃To be absolutely truthful; then; this is what I said:  I said that
I appreciated his kindness and was grateful for the offer。  But my
mind was made up。  I would not live upon his charity and draw a
large salary for doing nothing except be a little; damned tame
house…poet led around in leash and exhibited at his wife's club
meetings。 。 。 。  That was about all; I think。  We shook hands at
the end。  He didn't seem to like me any the less for 。 。 。  Why;
Madeline; have I offended you?  My language was pretty strong; I
know; but〃

She had bowed her head upon her arms amid the sofa cushions and was
crying。  He sprang to his feet and bent over her。

〃Why; Madeline;〃 he said again; 〃I beg your pardon。  I'm sorry〃

〃Oh; it isn't that;〃 she sobbed。  〃It isn't that。  I don't care
what you said。〃

〃What is it; then?〃

She raised her head and looked at him。

〃It is you;〃 she cried。  〃It is myself。  It is everything。  It is
all wrong。  II was so happy andand now I am miserable。  Ohoh;
I wish I were dead!〃

She threw herself upon the cushions again and wept hysterically。
He stood above her; stroking her hair; trying to soothe her; to
comfort her; and all the time he felt like a brute; a heartless
beast。  At last she ceased crying; sat up and wiped her eyes with
her handkerchief。

〃There!〃 she exclaimed。  〃I will not be silly any longer。  I won't
be!  I WON'T! 。 。 。  Now tell me:  Why have you changed so?〃

He looked down at her and shook his head。  He was conscience…
stricken and fully as miserable as she professed to be。

〃I don't know;〃 he said。  〃I am older andandand I DON'T see
things as I used to。  If that book of mine had appeared three years
ago I have no doubt I should have believed it to be the greatest
thing ever printed。  Now; when people tell me it is and I read what
the reviewers said and all that; II DON'T believe; I KNOW it
isn't greatthat is; the most of it isn't。  There is some pretty
good stuff; of course; but  You see; I think it wasn't the poems
themselves that made it sell; I think it was all the fool tommyrot
the papers printed about me; about my being a hero and all that
rubbish; when they thought I was dead; you know。  That〃

She interrupted。  〃Oh; don't!〃 she cried。  〃Don't!  I don't care
about the old book。  I'm not thinking about that。  I'
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