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the portygee-第17章

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it every little while。  I kind of fit the folks in that book to
folks in real life; sort of compare 'em; you know。  Do you ever do

Albert; repressing a chuckle; said; 〃Sure!〃 again。  She nodded。

〃Now there's General Rolleson in that book;〃 she said。  〃Do you
know who he makes me think of?  Cap'n Lote; your grandpa; that's

General Rolleson; as Albert remembered him; was an extremely
dignified; cultured and precise old gentleman。  Just what
resemblance there might be between him and Captain Zelotes Snow;
ex…skipper of the Olive S。; he could not imagine。  He could not
repress a grin; and the housekeeper noticed it。

〃Seems funny to you; I presume likely;〃 she said。  〃Well; now you
think about it。  This General Rolleson man was kind of proud and
sot in his ways just as your grandpa is; Albert。  He had a daughter
he thought all the world of; so did Cap'n Lote。  Along come a
person that wanted to marry the daughter。  In the book 'twas Robert
Penfold; who had been a convict。  In your grandpa's case; 'twas
your pa; who had been a play…actor。  So you see〃

Albert sat up on the sofa。  〃Hold on!〃 he interrupted indignantly。
〃Do you mean to compare my father with awith a CONVICT?  I want
you to understand〃

Mrs。 Ellis held up the dust…cloth。  〃Now; now; now;〃 she protested。
〃Don't go puttin' words in my mouth that I didn't say。  I don't
doubt your pa was a nice man; in his way; though I never met him。
But 'twan't Cap'n Lote's way any more than Robert Penfold's was
General Rolleson's。〃

〃My father was famous;〃 declared the youth hotly。  〃He was one of
the most famous singers in this country。  Everybody knows that
that is; everybody but Grandfather and the gang down here;〃 he
added; in disgust。

〃I don't say you're wrong。  Laban tells me that some of those
singin' folks get awful high wages; more than the cap'n of a
steamboat; he says; though that seems like stretchin' it to me。
But; as I say; Cap'n Lote was proud; and nobody but the best would
satisfy him for Janie; your mother。  Well; in that way; you see; he
reminds me of General Rolleson in the book。〃

〃Look here; Mrs。 Ellis。  Tell me about this business of Dad's
marrying my mother。  I never knew much of anything about it。〃

〃You didn't?  Did your pa never tell you?〃


〃Humph!  That's funny。  Still; I don't know's as 'twas; after all;
considerin' you was only a boy。  Probably he'd have told you some
day。  Well; I don't suppose there's any secret about it。  'Twas
town talk down here when it happened。〃

She told him the story of the runaway marriage。  Albert listened
with interest and the almost incredulous amazement with which the
young always receive tales of their parents' love affairs。  Love;
for people of his age or a trifle older; was a natural and
understandable thing; but for his father; as he remembered him; to
have behaved in this way was incomprehensible。

〃So;〃 said Rachel; in conclusion; 〃that's how it happened。  That's
why Cap'n Lote couldn't ever forgive your father。〃

He tossed his head。  〃Well; he ought to have forgiven him;〃 he
declared。  〃He was dead lucky to get such a man for a son…in…law;
if you ask me。〃

〃He didn't think so。  And he wouldn't ever mention your pa's name。〃

〃Oh; I don't doubt that。  Anybody can see how he hated Father。  And
he hates me the same way;〃 he added moodily。

Mrs。 Ellis was much disturbed。  〃Oh; no; he don't;〃 she cried。
〃You mustn't think that; Albert。  He don't hate you; I'm sure of
it。  He's just kind of doubtful about you; that's all。  He
remembers how your pa actedor how he thinks he actedand so he
can't help bein' the least mite afraid the same thing may crop out
in you。  If you just stick to your job over there at the lumber
yards and keep on tryin' to please him; he'll get all over that
suspicion; see if he don't。  Cap'n Lote Snow is stubborn sometimes
and hard to turn; but he's square as a brick。  There's some that
don't like him; and a good many that don't agree with himbut
everybody respects him。〃

Albert did not answer。  The housekeeper rose from her chair。

〃There!〃 she exclaimed。  〃I don't know when I've set down for so
long。  Goodness knows I've got work enough to do without settin'
around talkin'。  I can't think what possessed me to do it this
time; unless 'twas seein' you readin' that book。〃  She paused a
moment and then said:  〃Albert; II don't want you and your
grandpa to have any quarrels。  You seewell; you see; I used to
know your mother real well; andand I thought an awful sight of
her。  I wishI do wish when you and the cap'n have any trouble or
anything; or when you think you're liable to have any; you'd come
and talk it over with me。  I'm like the feller that Laban tells
about in his dog…fight yarn。  This feller was watchin' the fight
and when they asked him to stop it afore one or t'other of the dogs
was killed; he just shook his head。  'No…o;' he says; kind of slow
and moderate; 'I guess I shan't interfere。  One of 'em's been
stealin' my chickens and the other one bit me。  I'm a friend to
both parties;' he says。  Course I don't mean it exactly that way;〃
she added; with a smile; 〃but you know what I do mean; I guess。
WILL you talk things over with me sometimes; Albert?〃

His answer was not very enthusiastic; but he said he guessed so;
and Rachel seemed satisfied with that。  She went on with her
dusting; and he with his reading; but the conversation was the
first of many between the pair。  The housekeeper appeared to
consider his having read her beloved Foul Play a sort of password
admitting him to her lodge and that thereafter they were; in
consequence; to be confidants and comrades。  She never hesitated to
ask him the most personal questions concerning his work; his plans;
the friends or acquaintances he was making in the village。  Some of
those questions he answered honestly and fully; some he dodged;
some he did not answer at all。  Mrs。 Ellis never resented his not
answering。  〃I presume likely that ain't any of my business; is
it?〃 she would say; and ask about something else。

On the other hand; she was perfectly outspoken concerning her own
affairs。  He was nearly overcome with hilarious joy when; one day;
she admitted that; in her mind; Robert Penfold; the hero of Foul
Play; lived again in the person of Laban Keeler。

〃Why; Mrs。 Ellis;〃 he cried; as soon as he could trust himself to
speak at all; 〃I don't see THAT。  Penfold was a six…footer; wasn't
he?  Andand athletic; you know; andand a minister; and young
younger; I meanand〃

Rachel interrupted。  〃Yes; yes; I know;〃 she said。  〃And Laban is
little; and not very young; and; whatever else he is; he ain't a
minister。  I know all that。  I know the outside of him don't look
like Robert Penfold at all。  But;〃 somewhat apologetically; 〃you
see I've been acquainted with him so many years I've got into the
habit of seein' his INSIDE。  Now that sounds kind of ridiculous; I
know;〃 she added。  〃Sounds as if IIwell; as if I was in the
habit of takin' him apart; like a watch or somethin'。  What I mean
is that I know him all through。  I've known him for a long; long
while。  He ain't much to look at; bein' so little and sort of dried
up; but he's got a big; fine heart and big brains。  He can do 'most
anything he sets his hand to。  When I used to know him; when I was
a girl; folks was always prophesyin' that Laban Keeler would turn
out to be a whole lot more'n the average。  He would; too; only for
one thing; and you know what that is。  It's what has kept me from
marryin' him all this time。  I swore I'd never marry a man that
drinks; and I never will。  Why; if it wasn't for liquor Labe would
have been runnin' his own business and gettin' rich long ago。  He
all but runs Cap'n Lote's place as 'tis。  The cap'n and a good many
other folks don't realize that; but it's so。〃

It was plain that she worshiped the little bookkeeper and; except
during the periods of 〃vacation〃 and 〃sympathetics;〃 was
tremendously proud of him。  Albert soon discovered that Mr。
Keeler's feeling for her was equally strong。  In his case; though;
there was also a strong strain of gratitude。

〃She's a fine woman; Al;〃 he confided to his assistant on one
occasion。  〃A fine woman。 。 。 。  Yes; yes; yes。  They don't
make 'em any finer。  Ah hum!  And not so long ago I read about
a passel of darn fools arguin' that the angels in heaven was all
he…ones。 。 。 。  Umph! 。 。 。  Sho; sho!  If men was as good as women;
AnselAlfredAlbert; I meanwe could start an opposition heaven
down here most any time。  'Most any timeyes; yes。〃

It was considerable for him to say。  Except when on a vacation;
Laban was not loquacious。

Each Sunday afternoon; when the weather was pleasant; he came;
dressed in his best black cutaway; shiny at elbows and the under
part of the sleeves; striped trousers and a pearl gray soft hat
with a black band; a hat which looked as much out of place above
his round; withered little face as a red roof might have looked on
a family vault; and he and the housekeeper went for a walk。

Rachel; in her Sunday black; bulked large beside him。  As Captain
Zelotes said; the pair looked like 〃a tug takin' a liner out to

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