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and passed most of his hours in the library among the books。 The
time wore on wearily。 The resident gentry acknowledged Allan's
visit by formally leaving their cards。 Nobody came near the house
afterward; the weather was monotonously fine。 Allan grew a little
restless and dissatisfied。 He began to resent Mrs。 Milroy's
illness; he began to think regretfully of his deserted yacht。

The next daythe twentiethbrought some news with it from the
outer world。 A message was delivered from Mr。 Pedgift; announcing
that his clerk; Mr。 Bashwood; would personally present himself at
Thorpe Ambrose on the following day; and a letter in answer to
Midwinter was received from Mr。 Brock。

The letter was dated the 18th; and the news which it contained
raised not Allan's spirits only; but Midwinter's as well。

On the day on which he wrote; Mr。 Brock announced that he was
about to journey to London; having been summoned thither on
business connected with the interests of a sick relative; to whom
he stood in the position of trustee。 The business completed; he
had good hope of finding one or other of his clerical friends in
the metropolis who would be able and willing to do duty for him
at the rectory; and; in that case; he trusted to travel on from
London to Thorpe Ambrose in a week's' time or less。 Under these
circumstances; he would leave the majority of the subjects on
which Midwinter had written to him to be discussed when they met。
But as time might be of importance; in relation to the
stewardship of the Thorpe Ambrose estate; he would say at once
that he saw no reason why Midwinter should not apply his mind to
learning the steward's duties; and should not succeed in
rendering himself invaluably serviceable in that way to the
interests of his friend。

Leaving Midwinter reading and re…reading the rector's cheering
letter; as if he was bent on getting every sentence in it by
heart; Allan went out rather earlier than usual; to make his
daily inquiry at the cottageor; in plainer words; to make a
fourth attempt at improving his acquaintance with Miss Milroy。
The day had begun encouragingly; and encouragingly it seemed
destined to go on。 When Allan turned the corner of the second
shrubbery; and entered the little paddock where he and the
major's daughter had first met; there was Miss Milroy herself
loitering to and fro on the grass; to all appearance on the watch
for somebody。

She gave a little start when Allan appeared; an d came forward
without hesitation to meet him。 She was not in her best looks。
Her rosy complexion had suffered under confinement to the house;
and a marked expression of embarrassment clouded her pretty face。

〃I hardly know how to confess it; Mr。 Armadale;〃 she said;
speaking eagerly; before Allan could utter a word; 〃but I
certainly ventured here this morning in the hope of meeting with
you。 I have been very much distressed; I have only just heard; by
accident; of the manner in which mamma received the present of
fruit you so kindly sent to her。 Will you try to excuse her? She
has been miserably ill for years; and she is not always quite
herself。 After your being so very; very kind to me (and to papa);
I really could not help stealing out here in the hope of seeing
you; and telling you how sorry I was。 Pray forgive and forget;
Mr。 Armadalepray do!〃 her voice faltered over the last words;
and; in her eagerness to make her mother's peace with him; she
laid her hand on his arm。

Allan was himself a little confused。 Her earnestness took him by
surprise; and her evident conviction that he had been offended
honestly distressed him。 Not knowing what else to do; he followed
his instincts; and possessed himself of her hand to begin with。

〃My dear Miss Milroy; if you say a word more you will distress
_me_ next;〃 he rejoined; unconsciously pressing her hand closer
and closer; in the embarrassment of the moment。 〃I never was in
the least offended; I made allowancesupon my honor I didfor
poor Mrs。 Milroy's illness。 Offended!〃 cried Allan; reverting
energetically to the old complimentary strain。 〃I should like to
have my basket of fruit sent back every dayif I could only be
sure of its bringing you out into the paddock the first thing in
the morning。〃

Some of Miss Milroy's missing color began to appear again in her
cheeks。 〃Oh; Mr。 Armadale; there is really no end to your
kindness;〃 she said; 〃you don't know how you relieve me! She
paused; her spirits rallied with as happy a readiness of recovery
as if they had been the spirits of a child; and her native
brightness of temper sparkled again in her eyes; as she looked
up; shyly smiling in Allan's face。 〃Don't you think;〃 she asked;
demurely; 〃that it is almost time now to let go of my hand?〃

Their eyes met。 Allan followed his instincts for the second time。
Instead of releasing her hand; he lifted it to his lips and
kissed it。 All the missing tints of the rosier sort returned to
Miss Milroy's complexion on the instant。 She snatched away her
hand as if Allan had burned it。

〃I'm sure _that's_ wrong; Mr。 Armadale;〃 she said; and turned her
head aside quickly; for she was smiling in spite of herself。

〃I meant it as an apology forfor holding your hand too long;〃
stammered Allan。 〃An apology can't be wrongcan it?〃

There are occasions; though not many; when the female mind
accurately appreciates an appeal to the force of pure reason。
This was one of the occasions。 An abstract proposition had been
presented to Miss Milroy; and Miss Milroy was convinced。 If it
was meant as an apology; that; she admitted; made all the
difference。 〃I only hope;〃 said the little coquet; looking at him
slyly; 〃you're not misleading me。 Not that it matters much now;〃
she added; with a serious shake of her head。 〃If we have
committed any improprieties; Mr。 Armadale; we are not likely to
have the opportunity of committing many more。〃

〃You're not going away?〃 exclaimed Allan; in great alarm。

〃Worse than that; Mr。 Armadale。 My new governess is coming。〃

〃Coming?〃 repeated Allan。 〃Coming already?〃

〃As good as coming; I ought to have saidonly I didn't know you
wished me to be so very particular。 We got the answers to the
advertisements this morning。 Papa and I opened them and read them
together half an hour ago; and we both picked out the same letter
from all the rest。 I picked it out; because it was so prettily
expressed; and papa picked it out because the terms were so
reasonable。 He is going to send the letter up to grandmamma in
London by today's post; and; if she finds everything satisfactory
on inquiry; the governess is to be engaged You don't know how
dreadfully nervous I am getting about it already; a strange
governess is such an awful prospect。 But it is not quite so bad
as going to school; and I have great hopes of this new lady;
because she writes such a nice letter! As I said to papa; it
almost reconciles me to her horrid; unromantic name。〃

〃What is her name?〃 asked Allan。 〃Brown? Grubb? Scraggs? Anything
of that sort?〃

〃Hush! hush! Nothing quite so horrible as that。 Her name is
Gwilt。 Dreadfully unpoetical; isn't it? Her reference must be a
respectable person; though; for she lives in the same part of
London as grandmamma。 Stop; Mr。 Armadale! we are going the wrong
way。 No; I can't wait to look at those lovely flowers of yours
this morning; and; many thanks; I can't accept your arm。 I have
stayed here too long already。 Papa is waiting for his breakfast;
and I must run back every step of the way。 Thank you for making
those kind allowances for mamma; thank you again and again; and
good…by! 〃

〃Won't you shake hands?〃 asked Allan。

She gave him her hand。 〃No more apologies; if you please; Mr。
Armadale;〃 she said; saucily。 Once more their eyes met; and once
more the plump; dimpled little hand found its way to Allan's
lips。 〃It isn't an apology this time!〃 cried Allan; precipitately
defending himself。 〃It'sit's a mark of respect。〃

She started back a few steps; and burst out laughing。 〃You won't
find me in our grounds again; Mr。 Armadale;〃 she said; merrily;
〃till I have got Miss Gwilt to take care of me!〃 With that
farewell; she gathered up her skirts; and ran back across the
paddock at the top of her speed。

Allan stood watching her in speechless admiration till she was
out of sight。 His second interview with Miss Milroy had produced
an extraordinary effect on him。 For the first time since he had
become the master of Thorpe Ambrose; he was absorbed in serious
consideration of what he owed to his new position in life。 〃The
question is;〃 pondered Allan; 〃whether I hadn't better set myself
right with my neighbors by becoming a married man? I'll take the
day to consider; and if I keep in the same mind about it; I'll
consult Midwinter to…morrow morning。〃

When the morning came; and when Allan descended to the
breakfast…room; resolute to consult his friend on the obligations
that he owed to his neighbors in general; and to Miss Milroy in
particular; no Midwinter was to he seen。 On making inquiry; it
appeared that he had been observed in the hall; that he had taken
from the table a letter which the morning's post had brought to
him; and that he had gone b
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